2024-07-11 13:05:09 +00:00

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Error structure for Fluid contracts


In this project, errors are organized systematically to enhance clarity and ease of reference. Each protocol or module within a protocol has its dedicated set of error definitions and types.

Structuring Errors

1. error.sol File

For each protocol in the project, there should be an error.sol file. This file contains an abstract error contract, which can be inherited by the entire protocol.


//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.21;

abstract contract Error {
    error Fluid<protocol-name>Error(uint256 errorId_);

Example for the Lending protocol:

//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.21;

abstract contract Error {
  error FluidLendingError(uint256 errorId_);

2. errorTypes.sol File

This file defines a library with constant variables corresponding to error IDs for each protocol or module.


//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.21;

library ErrorTypes {

    |         <module-name>             |

    /// @notice <error-description>
    uint256 internal constant <Module__ErrorName> = {X}000{Y};

    // ... Additional errors ...


Example using the Liquidity Factory module:

//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.21;

library ErrorTypes {
    |         Lending Factory         | 

  /// @notice thrown when a method is called with invalid params
  uint256 internal constant LendingFactory__InvalidParams = 22001;

  /// @notice thrown when the provided input param address is zero
  uint256 internal constant LendingFactory__ZeroAddress = 22002;

  /// @notice thrown when the token already exists
  uint256 internal constant LendingFactory__TokenExists = 22003;

  // ... Additional errors ...

Error IDs Specification

To maintain consistency and avoid clashes, we follow a unique numbering system for error IDs. Each protocol or even each contract within a protocol gets a distinct range.

For instance:

  • Liquidity Protocol:
    • Liquidity UserModule module: 10001, 10002, 10003, etc.
    • Liquidity AdminModule module: 11001, 11002, 11003, etc.
  • Lending Protocol:
    • Lending fToken module: 20001, 20002, 20003, etc.
    • Lending LendingFactory module: 21001, 21002, etc.

By adhering to this structure, developers can easily trace errors back to their source module and protocol, simplifying debugging and maintenance.

Error ID Ranges

1. Liquidity Protocol -

  • Admin Module - Prefix: AdminModule__:
    • Range: 10001-10999
  • User Module - Prefix: UserModule__:
    • Range: 11001-11999
  • Helpers - Prefix: LiquidityHelpers__:
    • Range: 12001-12999

2. Lending Protocol

  • fToken Module - Prefix: fToken__:
    • Range: 20001-20999
  • fToken Native Underlying Module - Prefix: fTokenNativeUnderlying__:
    • Range: 21001-21999
  • Lending Factory Module - Prefix: LendingFactory__:
    • Range: 22001-22999
  • Lending Rewards Rate Model Module - Prefix: LendingRewardsRateModel__:
    • Range: 23001-23999

3. Vault Protocol

  • Vault Factory Module - Prefix: VaultFactory__:
    • Range: 30001-30999
  • VaultT1 Module - Prefix: VaultT1__:
    • Range: 31001-31999
  • ERC721 Module - Prefix: ERC721__:
    • Range: 32001-32999
  • VaultT1 Admin - Prefix: VaultT1Admin__:
    • Range: 33001-33999
  • Vault Rewards - Prefix: VaultRewards__:
    • Range: 34001-34999

4. StETH Protocol - Prefix: StETH__

  • Range: 40001-40999

5. InfiniteProxy Protocol - Prefix: InfiniteProxy__

  • Range: 50001-50999

6. Oracles

  • FluidOracleL2 - Prefix: FluidOracleL2__:
    • Range: 60000
  • UniV3CheckCLRSOracle oracle - Prefix: UniV3CheckCLRSOracle__:
    • Range: 60001-60009
  • FluidOracle - Prefix: FluidOracle__:
    • Range: 60010
  • sUSDe oracle - Prefix: SUSDeOracle__:
    • Range: 60101-60199
  • Pendle oracle - Prefix: PendleOracle__:
    • Range: 60201-60299
  • CLRS2UniV3CheckCLRSOracleL2 - Prefix: CLRS2UniV3CheckCLRSOracleL2__:
    • Range: 60301-60310
  • Ratio2xFallbackCLRSOracleL2 - Prefix: Ratio2xFallbackCLRSOracleL2__:
    • Range: 60311-60320
  • Chainlink oracle - Prefix: ChainlinkOracle__:
    • Range: 61001-61999
  • UniV3Oracle oracle - Prefix: UniV3Oracle__:
    • Range: 62001-62999
  • WstETh oracle - Prefix: WstETHOracle__:
    • Range: 63001-63999
  • Redstone oracle - Prefix: RedstoneOracle__:
    • Range: 64001-64999
  • Fallback oracle - Prefix: FallbackOracle__:
    • Range: 65001-65999
  • FallbackCLRS oracle - Prefix: FallbackCLRSOracle__:
    • Range: 66001-66999
  • WstETHCLRS oracle - Prefix: WstETHCLRSOracle__:
    • Range: 67001-67999
  • CLFallbackUniV3 oracle - Prefix: CLFallbackUniV3Oracle__:
    • Range: 68001-68999
  • WstETHCLRS2UniV3CheckCLRS oracle - Prefix: WstETHCLRS2UniV3CheckCLRSOracle__:
    • Range: 69001-69999
  • WeETH oracle - Prefix: WeETHOracle__:
    • Range: 70001-79999

7. Libraries

  • LiquidityCalcs - Prefix: LiquidityCalcs__:
    • Range: 70001-70999
  • SafeTransfer - Prefix: SafeTransfer__:
    • Range: 71001-71999

8. Flashloan Protocol - Prefix: FlashLender__

  • Range: 80001-80999

9. Reserve Contract - Prefix: ReserveContract__

  • Range: 90001-90999

10. Configs

  • ExpandPercentConfigHandler - Prefix: ExpandPercentConfigHandler__:
    • Range: 100001-100009
  • EthenaRateConfigHandler - Prefix: EthenaRateConfigHandler__:
    • Range: 100011-100019
  • MaxBorrowConfigHandler - Prefix: MaxBorrowConfigHandler__:
    • Range: 100021-100029
  • BufferRateConfigHandler - Prefix: BufferRateConfigHandler__:
    • Range: 100031-100039