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# Error structure for Fluid contracts
## Overview
In this project, errors are organized systematically to enhance clarity and ease of reference. Each protocol or module within a protocol has its dedicated set of error definitions and types.
## Structuring Errors
### 1. `error.sol` File
For each protocol in the project, there should be an `error.sol` file. This file contains an abstract error contract, which can be inherited by the entire protocol.
//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.21;
abstract contract Error {
error Fluid<protocol-name>Error(uint256 errorId_);
**Example for the Lending protocol:**
//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.21;
abstract contract Error {
error FluidLendingError(uint256 errorId_);
### 2. `errorTypes.sol` File
This file defines a library with constant variables corresponding to error IDs for each protocol or module.
//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.21;
library ErrorTypes {
| <module-name> |
/// @notice <error-description>
uint256 internal constant <Module__ErrorName> = {X}000{Y};
// ... Additional errors ...
**Example using the Liquidity Factory module:**
//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.21;
library ErrorTypes {
| Lending Factory |
/// @notice thrown when a method is called with invalid params
uint256 internal constant LendingFactory__InvalidParams = 22001;
/// @notice thrown when the provided input param address is zero
uint256 internal constant LendingFactory__ZeroAddress = 22002;
/// @notice thrown when the token already exists
uint256 internal constant LendingFactory__TokenExists = 22003;
// ... Additional errors ...
## Error IDs Specification
To maintain consistency and avoid clashes, we follow a unique numbering system for error IDs. Each protocol or even each contract within a protocol gets a distinct range.
For instance:
- **Liquidity Protocol**:
- **Liquidity UserModule module:** 10001, 10002, 10003, etc.
- **Liquidity AdminModule module:** 11001, 11002, 11003, etc.
- **Lending Protocol**:
- **Lending fToken module:** 20001, 20002, 20003, etc.
- **Lending LendingFactory module:** 21001, 21002, etc.
By adhering to this structure, developers can easily trace errors back to their source module and protocol, simplifying debugging and maintenance.
## Error ID Ranges
### 1. Liquidity Protocol -
- **Admin Module** - Prefix: AdminModule\_\_:
- **Range:** 10001-10999
- **User Module** - Prefix: UserModule\_\_:
- **Range:** 11001-11999
- **Helpers** - Prefix: LiquidityHelpers\_\_:
- **Range:** 12001-12999
### 2. Lending Protocol
- **fToken Module** - Prefix: fToken\_\_:
- **Range:** 20001-20999
- **fToken Native Underlying Module** - Prefix: fTokenNativeUnderlying\_\_:
- **Range:** 21001-21999
- **Lending Factory Module** - Prefix: LendingFactory\_\_:
- **Range:** 22001-22999
- **Lending Rewards Rate Model Module** - Prefix: LendingRewardsRateModel\_\_:
- **Range:** 23001-23999
### 3. Vault Protocol
- **Vault Factory Module** - Prefix: VaultFactory\_\_:
- **Range:** 30001-30999
- **VaultT1 Module** - Prefix: VaultT1\_\_:
- **Range:** 31001-31999
- **ERC721 Module** - Prefix: ERC721\_\_:
- **Range:** 32001-32999
- **VaultT1 Admin** - Prefix: VaultT1Admin\_\_:
- **Range:** 33001-33999
- **Vault Rewards** - Prefix: VaultRewards\_\_:
- **Range:** 34001-34999
### 4. StETH Protocol - Prefix: StETH\_\_
- **Range:** 40001-40999
### 5. InfiniteProxy Protocol - Prefix: InfiniteProxy\_\_
- **Range:** 50001-50999
### 6. Oracles
- **FluidOracleL2** - Prefix: FluidOracleL2\_\_:
- **Range:** 60000
- **UniV3CheckCLRSOracle oracle** - Prefix: UniV3CheckCLRSOracle\_\_:
- **Range:** 60001-60009
- **FluidOracle** - Prefix: FluidOracle\_\_:
- **Range:** 60010
- **sUSDe oracle** - Prefix: SUSDeOracle\_\_:
- **Range:** 60101-60199
- **Pendle oracle** - Prefix: PendleOracle\_\_:
- **Range:** 60201-60299
- **CLRS2UniV3CheckCLRSOracleL2** - Prefix: CLRS2UniV3CheckCLRSOracleL2\_\_:
- **Range:** 60301-60310
- **Ratio2xFallbackCLRSOracleL2** - Prefix: Ratio2xFallbackCLRSOracleL2\_\_:
- **Range:** 60311-60320
- **Chainlink oracle** - Prefix: ChainlinkOracle\_\_:
- **Range:** 61001-61999
- **UniV3Oracle oracle** - Prefix: UniV3Oracle\_\_:
- **Range:** 62001-62999
- **WstETh oracle** - Prefix: WstETHOracle\_\_:
- **Range:** 63001-63999
- **Redstone oracle** - Prefix: RedstoneOracle\_\_:
- **Range:** 64001-64999
- **Fallback oracle** - Prefix: FallbackOracle\_\_:
- **Range:** 65001-65999
- **FallbackCLRS oracle** - Prefix: FallbackCLRSOracle\_\_:
- **Range:** 66001-66999
- **WstETHCLRS oracle** - Prefix: WstETHCLRSOracle\_\_:
- **Range:** 67001-67999
- **CLFallbackUniV3 oracle** - Prefix: CLFallbackUniV3Oracle\_\_:
- **Range:** 68001-68999
- **WstETHCLRS2UniV3CheckCLRS oracle** - Prefix: WstETHCLRS2UniV3CheckCLRSOracle\_\_:
- **Range:** 69001-69999
- **WeETH oracle** - Prefix: WeETHOracle\_\_:
- **Range:** 70001-79999
### 7. Libraries
- **LiquidityCalcs** - Prefix: LiquidityCalcs\_\_:
- **Range:** 70001-70999
- **SafeTransfer** - Prefix: SafeTransfer\_\_:
- **Range:** 71001-71999
### 8. Flashloan Protocol - Prefix: FlashLender\_\_
- **Range:** 80001-80999
### 9. Reserve Contract - Prefix: ReserveContract\_\_
- **Range:** 90001-90999
### 10. Configs
- **ExpandPercentConfigHandler** - Prefix: ExpandPercentConfigHandler\_\_:
- **Range:** 100001-100009
- **EthenaRateConfigHandler** - Prefix: EthenaRateConfigHandler\_\_:
- **Range:** 100011-100019
- **MaxBorrowConfigHandler** - Prefix: MaxBorrowConfigHandler\_\_:
- **Range:** 100021-100029
- **BufferRateConfigHandler** - Prefix: BufferRateConfigHandler\_\_:
- **Range:** 100031-100039