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synced 2024-07-29 22:37:31 +00:00

* Add Zerion Thank you for providing all these nice icons! * Uppercase Co-authored-by: mykola.eth <3277207+kolya182@users.noreply.github.com>
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# Trust Wallet Assets Info
## Overview
Hello and welcome to Trust Wallet assets info contribution guide. We appreciate your effort to open-source.
Token repository [https://github.com/trustwallet/assets](https://github.com/trustwallet/assets) (repo) is a source of images used by [Trust Wallet](https://trustwallet.com/) including:
1. [ERC20](https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/EIPS/eip-20.md), ERC223 tokens on Ethereum compatible networks supported by Trust Wallet such as:
- [Ethereum (ETH)](https://ethereum.org/)
- [Ethereum Classic (ETC)](https://ethereumclassic.org/)
- [POA Network (POA)](https://poa.network/)
- [TomoChain (TOMO)](https://tomochain.com/)
- [GoChain (GO)](https://gochain.io/)
- [Wanchain (WAN)](https://wanchain.org/)
- [Callisto Network (CLO)](https://callisto.network/)
- [Thunder Token (TT)](https://thundercore.com/)
2. [BEP2](https://github.com/binance-chain/BEPs/blob/master/BEP2.md) Binance DEX token (native marketplace on Binance Chain)
3. [TRC10, TRC20](https://developers.tron.network/docs/trc10-token) tokens on TRON blockchain
4. [coins](https://github.com/satoshilabs/slips/blob/master/slip-0044.md) integrated in [Wallet Core](https://developer.trustwallet.com/wallet-core)
5. dApp images available in `Browser` section in Trust Wallet and at https://dapps.trustwallet.com and bookmarks icons. [read requirements](#dApp-image-naming-requirements). Also you can submit dApp to our list [read more](#dApp-subbmition-and-listing-requirements)
6. Staking validators info, such as name, image, validator id, website url. [Supported staking coins](https://trustwallet.com/staking/). [Read requirements](#Staking-validators-requirements)
7. Crypto price providers map: [CoinMarketCap](https://github.com/trustwallet/assets/blob/master/pricing/coinmarketcap/mapping.json)
8. Token and coin info
9. Smart contract deprecation/upgrade [read more](#Update-or-remove-existing-asset)
10. Coming soon: Coin pop up notification https://github.com/trustwallet/assets/issues/1274
<center><img src='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/trustwallet/assets/master/media/trust-wallet.png'></center>
## Contribution steps
### Add new asset
1. Prepare asset, look at [image requirements](#image-requirements), [dapp requirements](#dApp-image-naming-requirments)
2. Get familiar with our [folder strcture](#repository-structure), it will give you an understanding where assets should be placed
3. [Add asset guide](#how-to-add-asset)
### Update and remove an existing asset
Whenever you updating or deleting an asset on behalf of the asset owner or just found outdated information, please provide a link to the source saying about changes. That will help to speed up the review process.
This instruction wil be helpfull if you want to:
1. Update information about the smart contract
2. (Depreate)[#What-is-smart-contract-deprication] or update contract address
Smart contract address update procedure:
1. Rename old contract address in coresponding coin folder to new contract e.g.:
1. Remove smart contract e.g.:
`rm -r ./blockchains/<COIN>/assets/<OLD_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>/`
`rm -r ./blockchains/ethereum/assets/0x19fFfd124CD9089E21026d10dA97f8cD6B442Bff/`
2. Commit changes and make a PR (pull request)
## Image Requirements
- file extension: `png`. Uppercase `PNG` is considered as invalid
- name:file name requirements for: `logo.png` name, but [folder naming](#repository-structure) where they placed is most important part of contribution
- size: `256px by 256px` or `512px by 512px`
- background: preferably transparent
- use simple drag and drop online service [tinypng](https://tinypng.com/) to optimize image size
## dApp image naming requirements
- [Folder for upload](https://github.com/trustwallet/assets/tree/master/dapps)
- `<subdomain>.<domain_name>.png` e.g:
https://app.compound.finance/ => `app.compound.finance.png`
https://kyberswap.com/ => `kyberswap.com.png`
## dApp submission and listing requirements
- Integrate [deep linking](https://developer.trustwallet.com/deeplinking)
- Add [logo](https://trustwallet.com/press) as dApp supported wallet
- Test dApp inside Trust Wallet on iOS and Android devices, test one more time
- [Submit form for review](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd5p9L78zKXIiu9E5yFRPf5UkvsLZ7TbUDLFBRIi1qMd8Td4A/viewform)
## Staking validators requirements
## Repository structure
`blockchains` folder contains many subfolders and represents chains e.g. `ethereum`, `binance` ...
`assets` folder contains token folders named by smart contract address in `checksum address` for Ethereum like networks and inside of it `logo.png` - image representation. Note: Lowercase or uppercase contract addresses are considered as invalid. You can find the checksum address by searching on [ etherscan.io](https://etherscan.io), for example stablecoin [DAI](https://etherscan.io/address/0x89d24a6b4ccb1b6faa2625fe562bdd9a23260359) the checksum address is located at the top left corner of the page and has both uppercase and lowercase characters. Or [convert Ethereum address to Checksum address](https://piyolab.github.io/sushiether/RunScrapboxCode/?web3=1.0.0-beta.33&code=https://scrapbox.io/api/code/sushiether/web3.js_-_Ethereum_%E3%81%AE%E3%82%A2%E3%83%89%E3%83%AC%E3%82%B9%E3%82%92%E3%83%81%E3%82%A7%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E3%82%B5%E3%83%A0%E4%BB%98%E3%81%8D%E3%82%A2%E3%83%89%E3%83%AC%E3%82%B9%E3%81%AB%E5%A4%89%E6%8F%9B%E3%81%99%E3%82%8B/demo.js). For other networks the address must be specified as it was originated on the chain, e.g TRON TRC10: `1002000`, TRON TRC20: `TR7NHqjeKQxGTCi8q8ZY4pL8otSzgjLj6t` etc ...
`info` folder contains for now only `logo.png` that represents the coin image
`validators` folder contains folders: `assets` same structure as above and `list.json` information about validators.
`blacklist.json` and `whitelist.json` files you may find in folders like `tron`, `ethereum` but not limited to, contain list of address approved based on many criterias (TODO add criterias) and disapproved based on factors such as scam, outdated, abandoned contracts etc ... .
├── blockchains
│ └──ethereum
│ │ └──assets
│ │ │ └──0x0a2D9370cF74Da3FD3dF5d764e394Ca8205C50B6 // address folder
│ │ │ └──logo.png // address logo
| | | └──info.json // info related to contract
│ │ └──info
│ │ └──logo.png // coin logo
| |
| └──binance
│ │ └──assets
│ │ │ └──ONE-5F9
│ │ │ └──logo.png
| | | └──info.json
│ │ └──info
│ │ └──logo.png
| └──tron
│ | └──assets
│ | │ └──1002000
│ | │ | └──logo.png
| | | | └──info.json
| | | └──TR7NHqjeKQxGTCi8q8ZY4pL8otSzgjLj6t
| | | └──logo.png
| | | └──info.json
| | |
│ | └──info
│ | └──logo.png
| |
| └──cosmos
│ │ └──info
| | | └──logo.png
| | |
│ │ └──validators
│ │ | └──assets
| | | └──cosmosvaloper1clpqr4nrk4khgkxj78fcwwh6dl3uw4epsluffn
| | | └──logo.png
| | |
| | └──list.json
├── ...
## Common uploads
1. Ethereum ERC20 [token folder](https://github.com/trustwallet/assets/tree/master/blockchains/ethereum/assets)
2. Binance DEX BEP2 token [token folder](https://github.com/trustwallet/assets/tree/master/blockchains/binance/assets)
3. TRON TRC10, TRC20 token [token folder](https://github.com/trustwallet/assets/tree/master/blockchains/tron/assets)
4. Add Cosmos validator image [](https://github.com/trustwallet/assets/tree/master/blockchains/cosmos/validators)
5. Add Tezos validator info [](https://github.com/trustwallet/assets/tree/master/blockchains/tezos/validators/list.json)
6. Add Ethereum contract address to blacklist [](https://github.com/trustwallet/assets/tree/master/blockchains/ethereum/blacklist.json)
7. Add TRON TRC10 ID or TRC20 owner contract address to whitelist [](https://github.com/trustwallet/assets/tree/master/blockchains/tron/whitelist.json)
## How To Add Asset
Process adding new tokens may look complicated at first glance, but once you completed it will be way easier do it next time:
### Easy way
1. [Follow image requirements](#image-requirements)
2. Proceed to [https://github.com/trustwallet/assets](https://github.com/trustwallet/assets)
3. Press on `Fork` in the top right corner, wait for process to complete
4. Navigate to desire chain folder you want to add asset
5. Prepare folder with image on your computer
7. Simply drag and drop folder from step 5 to active window
8. In `Commit changes` box:
- `Add files via upload` add meaningfull comment what you adding to the repo
- optional: In `Add an optional extended description` write a comment about upload
- optional: adjust fork branch nam
9. Click on `Propose changes`
10. Press on `Create pull request`
13. Once tests have completed and verified that your image follows all requirements, a maintainer will merge it. In 5-10 minutes your token will have the updated image instead of plain logo in Trust Wallet. For more information see [FAQ](#faq).
### Easy way for Git users
1. Fork the repository to your own GitHub account
2. Clone fork and create new branch:
git clone git@github.com:YOUR_HANDLE/assets.git
cd tokens
git branch <branch_name>
git checkout <branch_name>
3. Add asset to appropriate directory, the [folder strcture](#repository-structure) documentation will help you
4. Commit and push to your fork
git add -A
git commit -m “Add <token_name>”
git push origin <branch_name>
5. From your repo clone page make a new PR (pull request)
## FAQ
### Why do I still see old logo in Trust Wallet after uploaded new one?
Both clients, Android and iOS keep old image cache for up to 7 days. In order to see changes immediately, reinstall Trust Wallet. But as always, make sure you have a backup of all your wallets.
### Why i don't see my token in search after PR was merged?
After PR was merged, set of cron workers will update token status normally with in 10 minutes and sometimes up to 30 minutes and token became visible in search result.
### What is smart contract deprication (removal)?
A process of removing smart contract information such as (token logo and info) from this repository.
Removed contract address will be added to the blacklist and, as a result, will no longer be present in token search results inside the TW app.
Why would you want to do this ?.
You are contract owner or just good samaritan who noticed contract to be no longer "active" and was an upgrade and abandoned by owning organization, involved in a scam, mimicking by its name or/and symbol a real contract. All facts must be supported with a link to any resource proving these statements.
## How to use it? (For Developers)
Base URL for token image:
Base URL for coin image:
Coin logo, e.g Bitcoin:
## Used in Applications
- [Trust Wallet](https://trustwallet.com) - [iOS](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/trust-ethereum-wallet/id1288339409) and [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wallet.crypto.trustapp)
- [0x Tracker](https://0xtracker.com) - The 0x Protocol Trade Explorer and news aggregator.
- [Uniswap](https://uniswap.exchange) - Uniswap is a protocol for automated token exchange on Ethereum.
- [LinkDrop](https://linkdrop.io/) - A customer acquisition platform for DApps. The easiest crypto onboarding.
- [Aragon](https://aragon.org/) − Aragon is platform and network for decentralized organizations.
- [SpiderDEX](https://www.spiderdex.com) - Decentralized exchange for crypto collectibles.
- [Zerion](https://zerion.io) — A simple interface to decentralized finance.