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2020-06-09 21:59:43 +10:00

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How to Interact With DSA using Web3

DeFi Smart Accounts (DSA) are contract accounts trustlessly owned by the users. Briefly, DSA is designed to allow developers to build extensible products and business models on top of DeFi with maximum security and composability.

Our platform is open to all sizes of developers, from solo-coders to a group of hackers to globally-scaled teams. Build compelling use cases and monetize their models to earn money by serving your users with high reliability.


  • web3 installed.
  • Instantiating web3
// in browser
if (window.ethereum) {
  window.web3 = new Web3(window.ethereum)
} else if (window.web3) {
  window.web3 = new Web3(window.web3.currentProvider)
} else {
  window.web3 = new Web3(customProvider)

// in node.js
const web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(ETH_NODE_URL))

Creating new DSA.

  • Index Contract is the core contract of DSA and is a factory contract to deploy new DSA for users.


function build(address _owner, uint accountVersion, address _origin)

Parameter Type Description
_owner address Owner of the new DSA.
accountVersion uint Version of the new DSA.
_origin address Referral Address.

Web3 Code Snippet to create new DSA.

let indexAddress = "0x2971adfa57b20e5a416ae5a708a8655a9c74f723"
let indexABI = [] // paste ABI from `https://github.com/InstaDApp/dsa-sdk/blob/master/src/abi/core/index.json`
let owner = "0x...."; // Owner of the DSA.
let version = 1; // Version of DSA.
let origin = "0x...."; // Referral Address for creating DSA.
new web3.eth.Contract(indexABI, indexAddress).methods
  .build(owner, version, origin)
    from: owner
  .on("transactionHash", (txHash) => {
    return txHash;
  .on("error", (error) => {
    return error;

Interacting with Your DSA.

Once DSA is created, You can interact with your DSA.


function cast(address[] calldata _targets, bytes[] calldata _datas, address _origin)

Parameter Type Description
_targets address[] Array of connectors target addresses.
_datas bytes[] Array of connectors function callData.
_origin address Referral Address.

Web3 Code Snippet to interact with DSA.

Deposit Asset in Compound Protocol and start earning Interest.

// compound connector desposit function interface
let depositLogic = [{inputs:[{internalType:"address",name:"token",type:"address"},{internalType:"uint256",name:"amt",type:"uint256"},{internalType:"uint256",name:"getId",type:"uint256"},{internalType:"uint256",      name:"setId",type:"uint256"}],name:"deposit",outputs:[],stateMutability:"payable",type:"function"}];

// compound connector address
let CompoundAddress = "0x547f1508a2a1ab0cb84dce4b3e09beb560bb44cb"; 

let DSA_Address = "YOUR_DSA_ADDRESS" // Your DSA Address.
let DSA_ABI = ["COPY_PASTE_DSA_ABI_HERE"] // ABI of DSA Contract.

// You need to create callData of a specific function of connector.
let depositArgs = [
    "TOKEN_ADDRESS", // address of the token to deposit.
    "TOKEN_AMOUNT", // amount to deposit(Amount should be in wei).
    "0", // It should be zero
    "0" // It should be zero

let depositCallData = web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionCall(depositLogic, depositArgs);

// Interacting with DSA.
new web3.eth.Contract(DSA_ABI, DSA_Address).methods
    [CompoundAddress], // need to be in array format
    [depositArgs] // need to be in array format
    from: address[0]
  .on("transactionHash", (txHash) => {
    return txHash;
  .on("error", (error) => {
    return error;

Note: We use a mock address to indicate ETH in connectors: 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE