2020-05-01 21:31:43 +05:30

36 lines
734 B

# DSA Connectors
This repository contains the Connectors of DSA.
## Installation
1. Install Truffle and Ganache CLI globally.
npm install -g truffle@beta
npm install -g ganache-cli
npm instal
2. Create a `.env` file in the root directory and use the below format for .`env` file.
infura_key = [Infura key] //For deploying
mnemonic_key = [Mnemonic Key] // Also called as seed key
etherscan_key = [Etherscan API dev Key]
## Commands:
Compile contracts: truffle compile
Migrate contracts: truffle migrate
Test contracts: truffle test
Run eslint: npm run lint
Run solium: npm run solium
Run solidity-coverage: npm run coverage
Run lint, solium, and truffle test: npm run test