boardroom-inc-protocol-Info/protocols/compound/resources/Gov Weekly/Week 12 2021

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Governance Update

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COMP staking Collateralization Development View

Arr00 proposes the concept of COMP staking, where COMP token holders would have the ability to lock up their COMP for a fixed time period to earn a reward. Arr00 is looking for community feedback on whether staked COMP should be usable as collateral for borrowing on the protocol.

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Governor Bravo Proposal Development View

Arr00's Compound Autonomous Proposal entitled "Migration to Governor Bravo", which would transfer Compound governance to the new Governor Bravo contract, has gathered 93k out of the 100k delegations necessary to move into the formal voting phase. COMP token holders can delegate their support to 0xd122638eca5bb644591fe660fce0b85e2ab6186a.

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Facilitate Trading Using Pooled Assets Development View

CryptoCraig suggests that the protocol should allow for the trading of unborrowed collateral assets on Compound, similar to how AMMs operate.

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ALPHA Listing Proposal Development View

Amp Burapachaisri from Alpha Finance Lab proposes listing ALPHA, the governance token for Alpha Finance Lab ecosystem, as the next supported market on Compound.