boardroom-inc-protocol-Info/__unsupported/gnosis/Gov Weekly/Update Week 9 2021,

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Governance Update

Recent Votes

Name Category Link
GIP-4: Should GnosisDAO pay additional GNO rewards for GNO<>ETH LP on Sushiswap? Strategy view

The objective of this proposal is to kick off a crossDAO collaboration attempting to increase number of stakeholders for both communities (Sushi and GnosisDAO). The proposal seeks a liquidity incentivisation campaign with the following goals:

  1. Creating stakeholders for both communities
  2. Foment cross-DAO collaborations in the future
  3. Increase GNO liquidity

Update: This vote ended on Mar 4th. It failed to pass as the 4% Yes GNO quorom was not reached

New Topics

Name Category Link
Should GnosisDAO launch a Liquidity Mining program for prediction markets using Gnosis Conditional Tokens? Marketing Discuss

Proposal for GnosisDAO to launch a Liquidity Mining program for prediction markets using Gnosis Conditional Tokens that would reward liquidity providers with GNO to incentivize a curated set of markets and thus boost the use of Gnosis Conditional Tokens.

Ongoing Discussions

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Should GnosisDAO establish OWL as a stable coin? Product Discuss

This proposal suggests to morph OWL into an asset backed stable coin - similar to DAI.
Compared to DAI there would be key differences:

  1. Holding OWL should accrue interest. (similar to DSR - but in contrast to DAI all OWL should benefit from this interest) OWL == CHAI
  2. Minting of OWL is (at least in the beginning) primarily done by GnosisDAO
  3. All assets controlled by GnosisDAO are essentially collateral for OWL
  4. In contrast to Maker - GnosisDAO could freely use the assets to do e.g. yield farming

Update: Latest post urges against this proposal and in favor of deprecating OWL while making it redeemable for GNO from the DAO treasury. Less products = more clarity for the community and for investors.

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Should GnosisDAO allow to use GNO locked in balancer pools for voting in snapshot proposals? Meta Discuss

Proposal to allow GNO locked up in Balancer to be used for voting on snapshot proposals.