boardroom-inc-protocol-Info/protocols/compound/resources/Gov Weekly/Week 8 2021

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Governance Update

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Adjust BAT, ZRX collateral factors Parameter Change View

Proposal 38 would have increased the collateral factors of cBAT and cZRX from 60% to 65% but failed to reach the necessary quorum of COMP token holders. Gauntlet plans to re-propose the change in the near future.


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Compound Weighted Median Oracle Development View

Band Protocol team is working on a Price Feed Medianizer to expand on the current Open Price Feed. The medianizer allows Compound governance to choose and weight a set of reporters as the data source for asset prices. The reporters could include centralized exchanges, on-chain decentralized exchanges, on-chain oracle networks, or reputable independent reports.

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ZRX,BAT, and WBTC Parameter Update Parameter Change View

The Gauntlet team plans to re-propose the cBAT and cZRX collateral factor increase to 65%, as well as decrease the WBTC collateral factor from 75% to 60%. The Gauntlet team believes the WBTC collateral factor decrease is necessary to reduce systemic risk to the protocol.

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Add Uniswap LP tokens as Collateral Asset Development View

Compound community member @3.1415r proposes adding support for Uniswap LP tokens as collateral for any trading pair where both assets are already usable as collateral on Compound.