boardroom-inc-protocol-Info/protocols/indexCoop/resources/Gov Weekly/Week 11 2021

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Governance Update

Snapshot: Live Votes

No votes currently active.

Snapshot: Recent Votes (March)

Name Category Link
[COMPOUND-40] Compound Grants Program #QmaoYPF Meta Vote

This proposal is for voting on Compound's proposal #40 using DPI. Please review the proposal here:

Outcome: 100% FOR
Opened: Mar 10th
Closed: Mar 12th

Name Category Link
Decision Gate 1: Token Terminal Index (TTI) #QmTF9aX DG1 Vote

This is the first of two votes required for a new product to be onboarded to the Index Coop. More details listed under Decision Gate 1 here.

Outcome: 90% FOR
Opened: Mar 10th
Closed: Mar 13th

Name Category Link
Telegram launch #QmQnXS3 Comms Vote

Proposal: Launch Telegram

Outcome: Against (Discord considered enough for the time being)
Opened: Mar 7th
Closed: Mar 10th

Name Category Link
[COMPOUND-39] ZRX, BAT, and WBTC Parameter Update #QmP8qvM Meta Vote

Proposal: This proposal is for voting on Compound's proposal #39 using DPI. Please review the proposal here: Outcome: Against 77.22%
Opened: Mar 3rd
Closed: Mar 5th

New Forum Posts

Name Category Link
Add Snapshot Voting Support to Meta-governance Proposals Discuss

Summary: Increase number of tokens using snapshot tool from 2 up to 5

Poll: 17 votes: 100% FOR

Name Category Link
Proposing a Growth Working Group (Pt. II) General Discuss

Summary: Roll on the initial GW1

Poll: 22 Votes: 91% FOR

Name Category Link
Treasury Management Goals Tokenomics Discuss

Summary: Ideas for growing, sustaining, preserving and managing resoruces.

Name Category Link
Rebranding Index Coop - Sequencing our DNA General Discuss

Summary: Rebranding design + Survey.

Name Category Link
A Simple Solution to Make DPI Productive Product Discuss

Summary: Intrinsic productivity.

Name Category Link
Liquidity Mining Framework General Discuss

Summary: Liquidity Mining Framework.

Name Category Link
Reward Retention Rate Poll General Discuss

Summary: Consulting community about how they would like to receive their rewards etc.