boardroom-inc-protocol-Info/aave/Gov Weekly/Week 8 2021
2021-02-23 18:12:07 -05:00

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Governance Update

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AIP 10: AAdding xSushi on AAVE Parameter Change Vote

Quorum attained with 100% of votes for YAE. xSushi can now be used as collateral with the following parameters : LTV 25%, Liquidation Threshold 45%, Liquidation Threshold 45%, Reserve Factor 35% Aave is the first platform to support xSushi, a yield bearing asset with over of 100m$ currently under utilized.

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AIP 09 : Activation of the Aave Balancer Pool Liquidity Staking Parameter Change Vote

The AAVE safety module protects the funds deposited on AAVE. Community voted to start the Safety Incentives (SI) for the Aave Balancer Pool Token 80/20 (ABPT). The initial rewards for stakers is of 550 AAVE/day.


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[ARC][POLL] Use aAAVE to participate to governance Strategy View

Allow users to vote with AAVE, stkAAVE and aAAVE. 11,8% of AAVE in total circulation are aAAVE and only 4,69% of circulating supply has been used to vote during AIP 07 (a record). Most of users use their AAVE as a collateral and they are at the moment excluded from the voting process.

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Opening AAVE on the Binance smart chain Strategy View

Binance Smart Chain is the third most used blockchain which gathers many new adopters. Because of recent high fees and network congestion, contributor proposed to implement Aave on the BSC. Community is strongly opposed to that.

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Introduce Liquidity Incentives for Aave v2 Treasury View

Design liquidity mining (LM) program optimized for the long term growth of Aave. ParaFi proposes a distribution of 550 Staked AAVE per day, split 50-50 between lenders and borrowers of the most popular markets. Generally, the community is strongly opposed to this proposition. LM seems useless and totally inefficient at this point.

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[ARC][POLL] Create AAVE governance badges Product View

Interactions on the forum feel impersonal and contributors are not rewarded for their investment. Introduceing “Badges” into the forum would gamify the governance experience. Similar to a proof of attendance, badges are testimonials of different achievements user has done into the Aave ecosystem.