boardroom-inc-protocol-Info/protocols/indexCoop/resources/Gov Weekly/Week 19 2021

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Snapshot Governace Votes

Upcoming Votes

Name Category Link
IIP-44: BTC2x-FLI Parameter Update #3 #QmZ1VHJ IIP Vote

Raise the supply cap of the BTC2x-FLI from 200,000 units to 400,000 units.

Open: May 20
Close: May 23

Name Category Link
IIP-42: ETH2x-FLI Parameter Update #6 #QmZwfWV IIP Vote

Raise the supply cap of the ETH2x-FLI from 400,000 units to 600,000 units.

Open: May 20
Close: May 23

Name Category Link
IndexIIP-43: Deprecation of the $CGI Product #QmUvb2c IIP Vote

CoinShares proposes the deprecation of the $CGI due to the inability to support the resources to scale the product and the lack of product market fit.

Open: May 20
Close: May 23

Live Votes

Name Category Link
IIP-40 ETH2x-FLI Parameter Update #5 #QmU3wEF IIP Vote

Update max trade size from 400 ETH to 250 ETH

Open: May 17
Close: May 20

Name Category Link
[AAVE-21] Set Reserve Factors for GUSD and CRV #Qmeqmns META Vote

Update the Index Coop snapshot strategy to include LP positions, unclaimed index, and delegated votes.

Open: May 18
Close: May 20

Recent Votes

Name Category Link
[COMPOUND-46] #QmfYyqb META Vote

This proposal is for voting on Compound's proposal #46 using DPI. Please review the proposal here:

Open: May 14
Close: May 18

Name Category Link
[COMPOUND-45] #QmfYyqb META Vote

This proposal is for voting on Compound's proposal #45 using DPI. Please review the proposal here:

Open: May 14
Close: May 18

Name Category Link
[BALANCER] [Proposal] Authorize Gauntlet for Oracle Pools #QmSreGq META Vote

This proposal is for voting on BALANCER's newest proposal using DPI. Please review the proposal here:

Open: May 13
Close: May 16

Name Category Link
[AAVE-20] Aavenomics quarterly upgrade Q2 2021 #QmNXd7D META Vote

This proposal is for voting on Compound's proposal #45 using DPI. Please review the proposal here:

Open: May 5
Close: May 14