boardroom-inc-protocol-Info/protocols/compound/resources/Gov Weekly/Week 16 2021
2021-04-22 15:35:41 -06:00

1.5 KiB

Governance Update

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TrueUSD Listing Proposal Development View

The TrueUSD team simulated supply and borrow scenarios for TUSD, and is ready to submit a formal governance propsal for adding TUSD as the next supported market on Compound.

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Oracle Infrastructure: Chainlink Proposal Development View

The community discusses adding Chainlink as the primary price oracle with prices anchored to within 15% of Uniswap and USDC & USDT pegged at $1.

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F1INCH Listing Proposal Development View

1inchnetwork proposes adding the 1inch governance token as a supported asset on Compound.

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Grant to PoolTogether for Launch of Tether Prize Saving Pool Development View

Leighton Cusack proposes a grant of 1,000 COMP that will be used as prizes to help bootstrap the PoolTogether Tether prize pool.