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synced 2024-07-29 21:47:29 +00:00
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179 lines
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.6.8;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/SafeERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20Pausable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/ReentrancyGuard.sol";
import { DSMath } from "../libs/safeMath.sol";
interface AccountInterface {
function enable(address authority) external;
function cast(address[] calldata _targets, bytes[] calldata _datas, address _origin) external payable;
interface IndexInterface {
function master() external view returns (address);
function build(address _owner, uint accountVersion, address _origin) external returns (address _account);
interface RegistryInterface {
function chief(address) external view returns (bool);
function poolLogic(address) external returns (address);
function insureFee(address) external view returns (uint);
function withdrawalFee(address) external view returns (uint);
function isDsa(address, address) external view returns (bool);
interface RateInterface {
function getTotalToken() external returns (uint totalUnderlyingTkn);
contract PoolToken is ReentrancyGuard, ERC20Pausable, DSMath {
using SafeERC20 for IERC20;
event LogDeploy(address indexed token, uint amount);
event LogExchangeRate(uint exchangeRate, uint tokenBalance, uint insuranceAmt);
event LogSettle(uint settleTime);
event LogDeposit(uint depositAmt, uint poolMintAmt);
event LogWithdraw(uint withdrawAmt, uint poolBurnAmt, uint feeAmt);
event LogAddInsurance(uint amount);
event LogPausePool(bool);
RegistryInterface public immutable registry; // Pool Registry
IndexInterface public constant instaIndex = IndexInterface(0x2971AdFa57b20E5a416aE5a708A8655A9c74f723);
IERC20 public immutable baseToken; // Base token.
uint private tokenBalance; // total token balance since last rebalancing
uint public exchangeRate = 10 ** 18; // initial 1 token = 1
uint public insuranceAmt; // insurance amount to keep pool safe
address _registry,
string memory _name,
string memory _symbol,
address _baseToken
) public ERC20(_name, _symbol) {
baseToken = IERC20(_baseToken);
registry = RegistryInterface(_registry);
modifier isChief() {
require(registry.chief(msg.sender) || msg.sender == instaIndex.master(), "not-chief");
function deploy(address _dsa, address token, uint amount) external isChief {
require(registry.isDsa(address(this), _dsa), "not-autheticated-dsa");
if (token == address(0)) {
} else {
IERC20(token).safeTransfer(_dsa, amount);
emit LogDeploy(token, amount);
function setExchangeRate() public isChief {
uint _previousRate = exchangeRate;
uint _totalToken = RateInterface(registry.poolLogic(address(this))).getTotalToken();
_totalToken = sub(_totalToken, insuranceAmt);
uint _currentRate = wdiv(totalSupply(), _totalToken);
require(_currentRate != 0, "currentRate-is-0");
if (_currentRate > _previousRate) {
uint difTkn = sub(tokenBalance, _totalToken);
if (difTkn < insuranceAmt) {
insuranceAmt = sub(insuranceAmt, difTkn);
_currentRate = _previousRate;
} else {
tokenBalance = add(_totalToken, insuranceAmt);
_currentRate = wdiv(totalSupply(), tokenBalance);
} else {
uint insureFeeAmt = wmul(sub(_totalToken, tokenBalance), registry.insureFee(address(this)));
insuranceAmt = add(insuranceAmt, insureFeeAmt);
tokenBalance = sub(_totalToken, insureFeeAmt);
_currentRate = wdiv(totalSupply(), tokenBalance);
exchangeRate = _currentRate;
emit LogExchangeRate(exchangeRate, tokenBalance, insuranceAmt);
function settle(address _dsa, address[] calldata _targets, bytes[] calldata _datas, address _origin) external isChief {
require(registry.isDsa(address(this), _dsa), "not-autheticated-dsa");
if (_targets.length > 0 && _datas.length > 0) {
AccountInterface(_dsa).cast(_targets, _datas, _origin);
emit LogSettle(block.timestamp);
function deposit(uint tknAmt) public whenNotPaused payable returns(uint) {
require(tknAmt == msg.value, "unmatched-amount");
uint _newTokenBal = add(tokenBalance, msg.value);
uint _mintAmt = wmul(msg.value, exchangeRate);
_mint(msg.sender, _mintAmt);
emit LogDeposit(tknAmt, _mintAmt);
function withdraw(uint tknAmt, address to) external nonReentrant whenNotPaused returns (uint _tknAmt) {
uint poolBal = address(this).balance;
require(tknAmt <= poolBal, "not-enough-liquidity-available");
uint _bal = balanceOf(msg.sender);
uint _tknBal = wdiv(_bal, exchangeRate);
uint _burnAmt;
if (tknAmt == uint(-1)) {
_burnAmt = _bal;
_tknAmt = _tknBal;
} else {
require(tknAmt <= _tknBal, "balance-exceeded");
_burnAmt = wmul(tknAmt, exchangeRate);
_tknAmt = tknAmt;
_burn(msg.sender, _burnAmt);
uint _withdrawalFee = registry.withdrawalFee(address(this));
uint _feeAmt;
if (_withdrawalFee > 0) {
_feeAmt = wmul(_tknAmt, _withdrawalFee);
insuranceAmt = add(insuranceAmt, _feeAmt);
_tknAmt = sub(_tknAmt, _feeAmt);
emit LogWithdraw(tknAmt, _burnAmt, _feeAmt);
function addInsurance(uint tknAmt) external payable {
require(tknAmt == msg.value, "unmatched-amount");
insuranceAmt += tknAmt;
emit LogAddInsurance(tknAmt);
function withdrawInsurance(uint tknAmt) external {
require(msg.sender == instaIndex.master(), "not-master");
require(tknAmt <= insuranceAmt || tknAmt == uint(-1), "not-enough-insurance");
if (tknAmt == uint(-1)) {
insuranceAmt = 0;
} else {
insuranceAmt = sub(insuranceAmt, tknAmt);
emit LogAddInsurance(tknAmt);
function shutdown() external {
require(msg.sender == instaIndex.master(), "not-master");
paused() ? _unpause() : _pause();
receive() external payable {}