
119 lines
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const { BN, ether, balance } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers');
const { expect } = require('chai');
const RegistryContract = artifacts.require("Registry");
const PoolETHContract = artifacts.require("PoolETH");
const EthRateLogic = artifacts.require("EthRateLogic");
const masterAddr = "0xfCD22438AD6eD564a1C26151Df73F6B33B817B56"
// ABI
contract('ETH Pool', async accounts => {
let ethAddr = "0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE";
let accountA = accounts[0];
let accountB = accounts[1];
let ethPoolInstance;
let registryInstance;
let ethRateLogicInstance;
before(async() => {
registryInstance = await RegistryContract.deployed();
ethPoolInstance = await PoolETHContract.deployed();
ethRateLogicInstance = await EthRateLogic.deployed();
it('should send ether to the master address', async () => {
// Send 1 eth to userAddress to have gas to send an ERC20 tx.
await web3.eth.sendTransaction({
from: accounts[0],
to: masterAddr,
value: ether('1')
const ethBalance = await balance.current(masterAddr);
expect(new BN(ethBalance)).to.be.bignumber.least(new BN(ether('1')));
it('should add ETH pool in registry', async () => {
await addPool(registryInstance, ethPoolInstance.address, ethAddr);
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it('should enable ETH pool in registry', async () => {
await enablePool(registryInstance, ethPoolInstance.address);
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it('should update ETH Logic contract in registry', async () => {
await updateRateLogic(registryInstance, ethPoolInstance.address, ethRateLogicInstance.address);
it('should deposit 5 ETH in ETH pool', async () => {
var amountInWei = (ether("5")).toString()
await ethPoolInstance.deposit(amountInWei, {from: accountA, value: amountInWei});
const ethBalance = await web3.eth.getBalance(ethPoolInstance.address);
expect(new BN(ethBalance)).to.be.bignumber.least(amountInWei);
var totalSupply = await ethPoolInstance.totalSupply();
expect(new BN(totalSupply)).to.be.bignumber.least(amountInWei);
it('should add profit 0.5 ETH and calculate exchange rate', async () => {
var amountInWei = new BN(ether("0.5")).toString()
await web3.eth.sendTransaction({
from: accountA,
to: ethRateLogicInstance.address,
value: amountInWei
var exchangeRateInit = await ethPoolInstance.exchangeRate()
await ethPoolInstance.setExchangeRate({from: masterAddr});
var exchangeRateFinal = await ethPoolInstance.exchangeRate()
it('should deposit 5 ETH in ETH pool(accountB)', async () => {
var amountInWei = (ether("5")).toString()
await ethPoolInstance.deposit(amountInWei, {from: accountB, value: amountInWei});
const wrapETHBalance = await ethPoolInstance.balanceOf(accountB)
expect(new BN(wrapETHBalance)).to.be.bignumber.least((ether("4")).toString());
it('should withdraw 0.5 ETH in ETH pool', async () => {
var amountInWei = (ether("0.5")).toString()
await ethPoolInstance.withdraw(amountInWei, accounts[2], {from: accountA});
const ethBalance = await web3.eth.getBalance(accounts[2]);
expect(new BN(ethBalance)).to.be.bignumber.least(amountInWei);
it('should withdraw total ETH in ETH pool', async () => {
var amountInWei = (ether("1000")).toString()
var checkAmt = (ether("4.5")).toString()
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await ethPoolInstance.withdraw(amountInWei, accounts[3], {from: accountA});
const ethBalance = await web3.eth.getBalance(accounts[3]);
expect(new BN(ethBalance)).to.be.bignumber.least(checkAmt);
async function addPool(registryInstance, poolAddr, tokenAddr) {
await registryInstance.addPool(tokenAddr, poolAddr, {from: masterAddr});
var _poolAddr = await registryInstance.poolToken(tokenAddr);
async function enablePool(registryInstance, poolAddr) {
await registryInstance.updatePool(poolAddr, {from: masterAddr});
var _isPool = await registryInstance.isPool(poolAddr);
async function updateRateLogic(registryInstance, poolAddr, logicAddr) {
await registryInstance.updatePoolLogic(poolAddr, logicAddr, {from: masterAddr});
var _logicAddr = await registryInstance.poolLogic(poolAddr);