easy2stake 19064cb3db
Adding Easy2Stake validator information ()
* Adding Easy2Stake validator

* Add asset Easy2Stake validator

* Adding Easy2Stake info

* Adding Easy2Stake logo

* Adding Easy2Stake info

* Adding Easy2Stake logo

* Update list.json

* Update list.json
2020-06-27 18:32:48 +08:00

237 lines
9.1 KiB

"id": "2het6nBRLq9LLZER8fqUEk7j5pbLxq2mVGqSse2nS3tf",
"name": "Maggie's Crypto Farm",
"description": "Making the blocks, all day and all night.",
"website": ""
"id": "3r5ZXC1yFqMmk8VwDdUJbEdPmZ8KZvEkzd5ThEYRetTk",
"name": "Vnode",
"description": "We are the staking service provider for blockchain projects.",
"website": ""
"id": "49DJjUX3cwFvaZD5rCAwubiz7qdRWDez9xmB381XdHru",
"name": "Staker Space",
"description": "Secure Validating Services",
"website": ""
"id": "4PsiLMyoUQ7QRn1FFiFCvej4hsUTFzfvJnyN4bj1tmSN",
"name": "Stakin",
"description": "Your Trusted Crypto Rewards",
"website": ""
"id": "51JBzSTU5rAM8gLAVQKgp4WoZerQcSqWC7BitBzgUNAm",
"name": "Staked",
"description": "Staked operates highly reliable and secure staking infrastructure for 20+ PoS protocols on behalf of the leading investors in the market.",
"website": ""
"id": "6UDU4Z9TTbYy8gcRKBd7RX3Lm2qMsSR4PMuzoyYPzLma",
"name": "dcipher",
"description": "dCipher is a company that has the purpose to combine emerging technologies like Blockchain, IoT and Artificial Intelligence.",
"website": ""
"id": "76nwV8zz8tLz97SBRXH6uwHvgHXtqJDLQfF66jZhQ857",
"name": "Forbole Limited",
"description": "We are a pioneer in blockchain technology and UX solution. We provide enterprise-level network infrastructure and software development.",
"website": ""
"id": "7Hs9z4qsGCbQE9cy2aqgsvWupeZZGiKJgeb1eG4ZKYUH",
"name": "Kytzu",
"description": "Tendermint tech consultant and developer",
"website": ""
"id": "7PmWxxiTneGteGxEYvzj5pGDVMQ4nuN9DfUypEXmaA8o",
"name": "Syncnode SRL",
"description": "Syncnode is a software development and cyber security company with global presence and headquarters in Switzerland and Romania.",
"website": ""
"id": "7VGU4ZwR1e1AFekqbqv2gvjeg47e1PwMPm4BfLt6rxNk",
"name": "",
"description": "We are the leading staking service provider for blockchain projects. Join our community to stake and earn rewards. We know staking.",
"website": ""
"id": "9GJmEHGom9eWo4np4L5vC6b6ri1Df2xN8KFoWixvD1Bs",
"name": "BL",
"description": "",
"website": ""
"id": "9iEFfC6qCU6DBTWxL84YQdpNmpZ9yBBu4sW62yeiEVKe",
"name": "Izo Data Network",
"description": "If we could describe the business relationship we have with our clients in one word, it would be TRUST.",
"website": ""
"id": "9QU2QSxhb24FUX3Tu2FpczXjpK3VYrvRudywSZaM29mF",
"name": "Everstake",
"description": "Everstake is a team of seasoned developers, financial experts and blockchain enthusiasts. We run secure and reliable nodes for PoS protocols",
"website": ""
"id": "9sWYTuuR4s12Q4SuSfo5CfWaFggQwA6Z8pf8dWowN5rk",
"name": "Ubik Capital",
"description": "Ubik Capital's team priority is to provide a highly resilient and secure validator for the Solana community.",
"website": ""
"id": "9tedbEYypEKXAMkHcg42rn3fXY1B8hB6cdE3ZTFouXLL",
"name": "alexandruast",
"description": "staking services",
"website": ""
"id": "9v5gci7uDiaGKRmQ2dn6WJMB94YqFaVFBTiFzBzNhyaw",
"name": "Inotel",
"description": "",
"website": ""
"id": "AGXZemZbyZjz5NBhufcob2pf8AXnr9HaGFUGNCfooWrB",
"name": "RockX",
"description": "RockX is a professional digital asset platform that aims to bring crypto investing to the mainstream in the smartest way.",
"website": ""
"id": "ateamaZDqNWDztxnVKZhRsp4ac53KvT1rVKyU5LnL6o",
"name": "Node A-Team",
"description": "",
"website": ""
"id": "beefKGBWeSpHzYBHZXwp5So7wdQGX6mu4ZHCsH3uTar",
"name": "Bison Trails",
"description": "We provide secure and reliable enterprise-grade infrastructure with multi-cloud / region distribution and a 99% node uptime guarantee",
"website": ""
"id": "BH7asDZbKkTmT3UWiNfmMVRgQEEpXoVThGPmQfgWwDhg",
"name": "01Node",
"description": "01node | Professional Staking Services for Cosmos, Iris, Terra, Solana, Kava, Polkadot, Skale",
"website": ""
"id": "BxFf75Vtzro2Hy3coFHKxFMZo5au8W7J8BmLC3gCMotU",
"name": "Chainode",
"description": "Chainode Tech is your reliable partner for distributed ledger technology (DLT) validation services and blockchain consultancy.",
"website": ""
"id": "CAf8jfgqhia5VNrEF4A7Y9VLD3numMq9DVSceq7cPhNY",
"name": "Chainflow",
"description": "Chainflow's a small, independent, capable & dedicated validator operator, started in 2017 by @cjremus, working to keep stake decentralized.",
"website": ""
"id": "CcaHc2L43ZWjwCHART3oZoJvHLAe9hzT2DJNUpBzoTN1",
"name": "Figment Networks",
"description": "",
"website": ""
"id": "CertusDeBmqN8ZawdkxK5kFGMwBXdudvWHYwtNgNhvLu",
"name": "Certus One",
"description": "",
"website": ""
"id": "Chorus6Kis8tFHA7AowrPMcRJk3LbApHTYpgSNXzY5KE",
"name": "Chorus One",
"description": "Secure Solana and shape its future by delegating to Chorus One, a leading provider of validation infrastructure and staking services.",
"website": ""
"id": "CRzMxdyS56N2vkb55X5q155sSdVkjZhiFedWcbscCf7K",
"name": "HashQuark",
"description": "HashQuark is a new generation Proof-of-Stake pool focused on POS, DPOS and other public chains.",
"website": ""
"id": "D3DfFvmLBKkX9JJNEpJRXpM1pYTVPQ5dpPQRc9F49xk4",
"name": "Easy 2 Stake",
"description": "Professional PoS staking services.",
"website": ""
"id": "DQ7D6ZRtKbBSxCcAunEkoTzQhCBKLPdzTjPRRnM6wo1f",
"name": "Stakewolf",
"description": "",
"website": ""
"id": "DumiCKHVqoCQKD8roLApzR5Fit8qGV5fVQsJV9sTZk4a",
"name": "Staking Facilities",
"description": "Staking Facilities is a Munich-based staking service provider, who operates institutional-grade, custom built validator architecture.",
"website": ""
"id": "edu1fZt5i82cFm6ujUoyXLMdujWxZyWYC8fkydWHRNT",
"name": "Solstaking",
"description": "Specialized in Solana Staking",
"website": ""
"id": "FKsC411dik9ktS6xPADxs4Fk2SCENvAiuccQHLAPndvk",
"name": "P2P.ORG - P2P Validator",
"description": "Secure Non-Custodial Staking",
"website": ""
"id": "GB44NXtM7zGm6QnzQjzHZcRKSswkJbox8aJsKiXGbFJr",
"name": "Rustiq Technology",
"description": "",
"website": ""
"id": "GhKEDkvGkf2kceG45ppzqnPD6BPXi1PyW1xGNWJdh5QW",
"name": "Stefan Condurachi",
"description": "I build & design intuitive blockchain tools.",
"website": ""
"id": "GMpKrAwQ9oa4sJqEYQezLr8Z2TUAU72tXD4iMyfoJjbh",
"name": "Moonlet",
"description": "Moonlet operates nodes for next-generation blockchain networks and is committed to support the decentralisation movement forward.",
"website": ""
"id": "GvZEwtCHZ7YtCkQCaLRVEXsyVvQkRDhJhQgB6akPme1e",
"name": "melea",
"description": "Secure and trusted Validator, Protection against DDoS attacks and high availability-. Validating since 2017",
"website": ""
"id": "H3GhqPMwvGLdxWg3QJGjXDSkFSJCsFk3Wx9XBTdYZykc",
"name": "DokiaCapital",
"description": "We operate an enterprise-grade infrastructure that is robust and secure. Downtime is not an option for us. Stake now and manage your reward.",
"website": ""
"id": "LunaFpQkZsZVJL2P2BUqNDJqyVYqrw9buQnjQtMLXdK",
"name": "LunaNova Technologies",
"description": "Experienced team runs Solana-optimised, monitored hardware in top-tier UK datacentres - uptime guaranteed - 10% of our profits to charity",
"website": ""
"id": "SFund7s2YPS7iCu7W2TobbuQEpVEAv9ZU7zHKiN1Gow",
"name": "Staking Fund",
"description": "",
"website": ""
"id": "D3DfFvmLBKkX9JJNEpJRXpM1pYTVPQ5dpPQRc9F49xk4",
"name": "Easy 2 Stake",
"description": "Easy.Stake.Trust. As easy and as simple as you would click next. Complete transparency and trust with a secure and stable validator.",
"website": ""