Adam R a987c49d9b
[Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514)
* Add status field to all info files (where missing, with value active).

* Enforce check for field status.

Co-authored-by: Catenocrypt <>
2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x1BE6D61B1103D91F7f86D47e6ca0429259A15ff0 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x1ce1b789E291FFA8812D03fa7E67e538f91f132d [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x1e797Ce986C3CFF4472F7D38d5C4aba55DfEFE40 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x1Fe3164dA6B47C52349E98c14440879A42852D71 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x2B682bd9d5c31E67a95cbdF0292017C02E51923C [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x3a6979EAB0ad99549158c05F2635C3B85dCAf5e2 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x3E6eC3A0A995d3c58d3854AaE41C77C687C07E7f [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x4a3a14d47634E0712B1Aa33f17EC31316a0D5BAB [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x4dF86FD5bf250D692C503592Bde3d3E9087F6232 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x4fab5005176F5E4c00988623c35107cCB40dC19D [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x5BEb463647b1Fd55D3F876E9b042c27Aa63F4bA8 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x6A37eC2C49E2FB35F9c029128e996f46928dDecC [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x6FD253A6D78df35f2D932aCf4bCEF4bB650a2263 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x7b355c571FEde83F152E9585143306C0d2b53193 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x8E100855e6647bd24F1A32999c4A6C91497C9f62 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x9a145BABB0315F461eD40cB8Cd17523A039e0370 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x9aBcecb1CB8e174b4d158021c9C710c81a989487 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x9bd05bCd368BDB8050E85E35b8D38753e72b44BF [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x9c5D60F5D1493F3FA05cdE2403b4Bd4B9CF01057 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x15c56f9edE6a53AFaFF8505D88F47B03b57B52AB [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x17CDb23E6151Dca9A75457d3d795CC5A63648949 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x22B3f1d789B189fDd2040d7d5B59568a291Ef611 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x24ccaAaE74041985e3D75712D5cce63b0bD9C4A3 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x33E89a9db4F5a44d80A3E9d2Bdff6c168cbbd15c [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x45e42D659D9f9466cD5DF622506033145a9b89Bc [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x50fA6146E86deAd56bf9E8e4655DFc2b5235D355 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x55b9a11c2e8351b4Ffc7b11561148bfaC9977855 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x64fd6EeB4c86A66b0CfeEAFeC11FbC57A2993E67 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x76d0184CF511788032A74a1FB91146e63F43dd53 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x085B0FDf115aA9E16AE1Bddd396CE1F993c52220 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x88d60255F917e3eb94eaE199d827DAd837fac4cB [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x169a4d7aB1244eB57433082B94d8ded5BB97483f [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x690D4d5e3722e140fCa16e25E7A579588D93eB75 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x876A68D9efbc3CadaA886e9868D93737035F717C [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x935E058102AFa0CC3c29Af024AF3208Ba521bcB0 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x1178d40896cf784Db203eB40f159D78Ab6E99a29 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x3398EB75EE22523fEfdA99574dBc62fD19F8c58B [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x4479B4e96252B829934bA0f8fb8f5c96883DA7E5 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x5046E6b2C9D11458bC3718e0cF5Bc8557bCCf5dc [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x8900f34372f27Ebb5881D4eC6b35844A3655CCFc [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x9946C9C519638740EAc4Ee3Aa9f20eBe1Ce36c2c [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x51396a258BAe60D1fDE2a4Be900371f3B9C52c43 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x171040cd10f204F3b257e45b41ce65D36150558C [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x477964C7B2CDFe2653b0D89469e40D8A5eeF9E52 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x4970515788ab15d4De4E9f8ed1E1079f6d25dC77 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x651074850053b7FaCf7F7200068B29A2E3525B40 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x0000000000b3F879cb30FE243b4Dfee438691c04 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x0b6f824FAB88281ea8bd883bdfC1F586743F92FA [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x0DC554d2BBc8f4Cda0577CeD2CD86c54689Af3Db [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0x0f54903F62Dc03DFBE1d99064B41a65D461F61b9 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0xAC55641Cbb734bdf6510d1bBd62E240c2409040f [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0xAf4D36C8c744F345E060345b6eAf4E899eC7547c [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0xb81BbB68D2C32398e628f5183D1cfe9f24dFb678 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0xB932b16ccc42917dF3608bfC1519e948b42fdFD9 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0xc2A4CE7835c7b6de4F3F15303E25b3eF0bB43bDF [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0xC2E0bC52D1995dF11949425cfdf78D0B6D2cfE0a [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0xC68dDd84fDC77506A5b7AB43B8E13DBA0AF74Ff4 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0xc658E8372DaFFf26caa7439B95a1fF723baaef6E [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0xC8671e3eAAd0793de26c4a7Ba5ca10a992a80c7A [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0xc98333457471f82871B0193D0E4F03C6D7D7dFF8 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0xca08DaeC07f11d9375cA64478e83a12fC35B09d2 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0xCA68fE57A0E9987F940Ebcc65fe5F96E7bC30128 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0xD1c10d433C888E6d1841fF924d0CE45157f0d5Cd [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0xD1eBe08dAe15E604B043789cb140be646E0bd27b [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0xD507fAa6B65cF9E970d67cd108B224162495de30 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0xD4729a47FFDBDd190a015BB0C29fC613c5aD3cFE [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0xdEb7ade9417f98AFbB60cd6b4a49d4B002AB79c9 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0xDF9AaC76b722B08511A4C561607A9bf3AfA62E49 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0xDF23a076b82a08cEFe696346DB702BBDD86838Bf [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0xdfd0A6BeD91d7609a0d84389Dcb7AAb5877e6AfA [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0xe37B29Ce789CFa51b72c64c93e0d7E2D7BA46681 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0xe9506979c9FA6f34b93846792c2d4aad7974ea55 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0xeceaDBB8441AA28b76D8c756EE873aC574068204 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0xf03A967b0F6EedE6f73fd747a93006E9130525d4 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0xf8af8f48ba1743ccb0001778070e4ce189225e90 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0xf962Ce2544f9e22da3DAE54b2A3040db7867f029 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0xFC07d3E0e36330a151c09384C3aD45e745227688 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0xFF197d0558aa9CD8fF788c7f0d4A1A48E1c399D6 [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00
0xFf8596169865c7cc1458b1c0eCCAFd4092C7F10f [Internal] Add status field to all info files (#5514) 2021-02-08 11:38:26 +01:00