Adam R bf24ea2d8b
[Internal] Tokenlist pairs update: Only manual update; use exclude/include config; no tokenlist_base ()
* Force include and exclude implementation.

* Rename update to updateAuto

* UpdateManual hooks

* UpdateManual hook fix

* Update existing tokenlist.json file, use exclude/include config.

* Force include only pairs against the main currency.

* PS config adjustment

* Remove tokenlist_base files

* Lint fix

* Remove all pairs first.

Co-authored-by: Catenocrypt <>
2021-02-01 16:45:55 +01:00

90 lines
3.2 KiB

import { ActionInterface, CheckStepInterface } from "../generic/interface";
import {
} from "../generic/subgraph";
import { Ethereum } from "../generic/blockchains";
import {
} from "../generic/tokenlists";
import { toChecksum } from "../generic/eth-address";
import { assetID, logoURI } from "../generic/asset";
import * as config from "../config"
const PrimaryTokens: string[] = ["WETH", "ETH"];
// Retrieve trading pairs from Uniswap
async function retrieveUniswapPairs(): Promise<PairInfo[]> {
console.log(`Retrieving pairs from Uniswap, limit liquidity USD ${config.Uniswap_MinLiquidity} volume ${config.Uniswap_MinVol24} txcount ${config.Uniswap_MinTxCount24}`);
console.log(` forceIncludeList: ${config.Uniswap_ForceInclude}`);
const includeList = parseForceList(config.Uniswap_ForceInclude);
const pairs = await getTradingPairs(config.Uniswap_TradingPairsUrl, config.Uniswap_TradingPairsQuery);
const filtered: PairInfo[] = [];
pairs.forEach(x => {
try {
if (typeof(x) === "object") {
const pairInfo = x as PairInfo;
if (pairInfo) {
if (checkTradingPair(pairInfo, config.Uniswap_MinLiquidity, config.Uniswap_MinVol24, config.Uniswap_MinTxCount24, PrimaryTokens, includeList)) {
} catch (err) {
console.log("Exception:", err);
console.log("Retrieved & filtered", filtered.length, "pairs:");
filtered.forEach(p => {
console.log(`pair: ${p.token0.symbol} -- ${p.token1.symbol} \t USD ${Math.round(p.reserveUSD)} ${Math.round(p.volumeUSD)} ${p.txCount}`);
return filtered;
function tokenInfoFromSubgraphToken(token: TokenInfo): TokenItem {
const idChecksum = toChecksum(;
return new TokenItem(
assetID(60, idChecksum),
idChecksum,, token.symbol, parseInt(token.decimals.toString()),
logoURI(idChecksum, "ethereum", "--"),
// Retrieve trading pairs from PancakeSwap
async function generateTokenlist(): Promise<void> {
// note: if [] is returned here for some reason, all pairs will be *removed*. In case of error (e.g. timeout) it should throw
const tradingPairs = await retrieveUniswapPairs();
// convert
const pairs2: [TokenItem, TokenItem][] = [];
tradingPairs.forEach(p => {
let tokenItem0 = tokenInfoFromSubgraphToken(p.token0);
let tokenItem1 = tokenInfoFromSubgraphToken(p.token1);
if (primaryTokenIndex(p, PrimaryTokens) == 2) {
// reverse
const tmp = tokenItem1; tokenItem1 = tokenItem0; tokenItem0 = tmp;
pairs2.push([tokenItem0, tokenItem1]);
await rebuildTokenlist(Ethereum, pairs2, "Ethereum", config.Uniswap_ForceExclude);
export class EthereumAction implements ActionInterface {
getName(): string { return "Ethereum"; }
getSanityChecks(): CheckStepInterface[] { return []; }
async updateManual(): Promise<void> {
await generateTokenlist();