m4rlyson ce12616438
Add BRZ Token (BEP20) logo and info ()
* Add BRZ Token logo and info

Update BRZ Token information on Trust Wallet to simplify the usage for all our customers thst already are using it in BSC.

* update contract to checksum format

* remove dir

* remove dir

* update contract to checksum format

* Fixes (sanity and consistency, auto), history

Co-authored-by: m4rlyson <>
2021-06-04 15:37:29 +03:00

11 lines
559 B

"name": "Brazilian Digital Token",
"type": "BEP20",
"symbol": "BRZ",
"decimals": 4,
"website": "",
"description": "BRZ is a fully backed Brazilian Real stablecoin, a multi-chain digital asset that provides international liquidity and ease-of-access to both Latin Americans and international players who wish to access the Brazilian market",
"explorer": "",
"status": "active",
"id": "0x71be881e9C5d4465B3FfF61e89c6f3651E69B5bb"