[ { "id": "tz1TDSmoZXwVevLTEvKCTHWpomG76oC9S2fJ", "name": "Tezos Capital Legacy", "description": "Tezos Capital Legacy is open and accepting new delegations. The service serves over 1500 customers with a high performing, efficient service.", "website": "https://www.tezos.capital" }, { "id": "tz1Tnjaxk6tbAeC2TmMApPh8UsrEVQvhHvx5", "name": "Crypto Delegate", "description": "CryptoDelegate delegation service is the best alternative to running your own node. The easy way to grow your Tezos stake is to Delegate your XTZ Tezzies.", "website": "https://www.cryptodelegate.com" }, { "id": "tz2FCNBrERXtaTtNX6iimR1UJ5JSDxvdHM93", "name": "🐠stake.fish", "description": "Leading validator for Proof of Stake blockchains. Stake your cryptocurrencies with us. We know validating.", "website": "https://stake.fish/" }, { "id": "tz1d6Fx42mYgVFnHUW8T8A7WBfJ6nD9pVok8", "name": "MyTezosBaking", "description": "We are delegation service for Tezos, secure, anonymous", "website": "https://mytezosbaking.com/" } ]