{ "name": "Herpes", "type": "BEP20", "symbol": "HERPES", "decimals": 9, "website": "https://herpes.finance/", "description": "Trends come and go. $HERPES is forever. Herpes' goal is to spread awareness about STIs and unite the crypto community in a fun and viral way. Herpes is a BEP20 token hosted on the BSC. Its tokenomics feature a 10% transaction tax, of which 8% is redistributed to holders and 2% is automatically added to locked liquidity. The Herpes team strives for transparency and is determined to promote organizations that engage in STI education and treatment.", "explorer": "https://bscscan.com/token/0x1f14e0F13471fea5990cf697945eD676885f42C3", "status": "active", "id": "0x1f14e0F13471fea5990cf697945eD676885f42C3" }