[ { "id": "kavavaloper12g40q2parn5z9ewh5xpltmayv6y0q3zs6ddmdg", "name": "P2P Validator", "description": "Simple, secure and intelligent staking service to help you generate rewards on your blockchain assets across 9+ networks within a single interface. One of the winners of Cosmos Game of Stakes. Let’s stake together - p2p.org", "website": "https://p2p.org" }, { "id": "kavavaloper1ptyzewnns2kn37ewtmv6ppsvhdnmeapvl7z9xh", "name": "WeStaking", "description": "Secure Staking as a Service", "website": "https://www.westaking.io" }, { "id": "kavavaloper1dede4flaq24j2g9u8f83vkqrqxe6cwzrxt5zsu", "name": "POS Bakerz", "description": "Secure, Efficient and Reliable Staking Service", "website": "https://posbakerz.com/" }, { "id": "kavavaloper1ffcujj05v6220ccxa6qdnpz3j48ng024ykh2df", "name": "🐠stake.fish", "description": "Leading validator for Proof of Stake blockchains and official winner of the Game of Stakes. Stake your cryptocurrencies with us. We know validating.", "website": "https://stake.fish/" }, { "id": "kavavaloper1jl42l225565y3hm9dm4my33hjgdzleucqryhlx", "name": "melea", "description": "Secure and trusted Validator,Protection against Ddos attacks and high availability-. Validating since 2017", "website": "https://meleatrust.com" }, { "id": "kavavaloper14fkp35j5nkvtztmxmsxh88jks6p3w8u7p76zs9", "name": "Bit Cat🐱", "description": "Secure and stable KAVA validator service from China team", "website": "https://www.bitcat365.com" } ]