{ "name": "Elon Peg", "website": "https://elonpeg.com/", "description": "ElonPeg presents a new financial model for the now-common deflationary token: automated burn pegged to the Twitter account of the one and only Elon. Our system is unique, combining outside If-This-Then-That style API calls to scour Twitter regularly, highly secure serverless compute resources to take blockchain requests, and a unique BurnUponTweeting contract to transparently execute a 0.5% burn upon tweeting, rewarding holders with reflections and diminishing supply to hedge against volatility.", "explorer": "https://bscscan.com/token/0xC18994df2Dfd0C2767bB1758bAe83e95762bBea3", "type": "BEP20", "symbol": "ELONPEG", "decimals": 9, "status": "active", "id": "0xC18994df2Dfd0C2767bB1758bAe83e95762bBea3" }