{ "name": "867", "type": "BEP20", "symbol": "$867", "decimals": 9, "website": "https://867crypto.com/", "description": "The $867 Casino is an all-inclusive crypto casino and community entertainment platform! With various casino style games scheduled for release! The 867 Casino is sure to entertain everyone! /KEEP_WATCHING The casino platform will allow holders of $867 tokens to access and play a wide range of casino style, casino tournament style games, and skill based games. ", "explorer": "https://bscscan.com/token/0x9CEFd9588f076c5f805341864adC8a6F077A5b99", "status": "active", "id": "0x9CEFd9588f076c5f805341864adC8a6F077A5b99", "links": [ { "name": "twitter", "url": "https://twitter.com/867_crypto" }, { "name": "telegram", "url": "https://t.me/EightSixSeven" }, { "name": "whitepaper", "url": "https://867crypto.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/whitepaper.pdf" }, { "name": "coinmarketcap", "url": "https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/867/" }, { "name": "coingecko", "url": "https://coingecko.com/en/coins/867" } ] }