{ "name": "Nsure", "website": "https://nsure.network", "source_code": "https://github.com/nsure-tech", "white_paper": "https://nsure.network/Nsure_WP_0.7.pdf", "short_description": "Open Insurance Platform for Open Finance.", "description": "Nsure is an open insurance platform for Open Finance. The project borrows the idea of Lloyd’s London, a market place to trade insurance risks, where premiums are determined by a Dynamic Pricing Model. Capital mining will be implemented to secure capital required to back the risks at any point of time. A 3-phase crowd voting mechanism is used to ensure every claim is handled professionally.", "socials": [ { "name": "Twitter", "url": "https://twitter.com/Nsure_network", "handle": "Nsure" }, { "name": "Medium", "url": "https://medium.com/@nsure_network", "handle": "Nsure" }, { "name": "Telegram", "url": "https://t.me/nsurenet", "handle": "Nsure" } ], "explorer": "https://etherscan.io/token/0x20945ca1df56d237fd40036d47e866c7dccd2114" }