import * as bluebird from "bluebird"; import { allChains, getChainLogoPath, getChainAssetsPath, getChainAssetLogoPath, getChainValidatorsListPath, getChainValidatorAssetLogoPath, dappsPath } from "../generic/repo-structure"; import { readDirSync, readFileSync, isPathExistsSync } from "../generic/filesystem"; import { checkResizeIfTooLarge } from "../generic/image"; import { ActionInterface, CheckStepInterface } from "../generic/interface"; // return name of large logo, or empty async function checkDownsize(chains: string[], checkOnly: boolean): Promise<string[]> { console.log(`Checking all logos for size ...`); let totalCountChecked = 0; let totalCountTooLarge = 0; let totalCountUpdated = 0; const largePaths: string[] = []; // Check asset logos, under given chains await, async chain => { let countChecked = 0; let countTooLarge = 0; let countUpdated = 0; const path = getChainLogoPath(chain); countChecked++; const [tooLarge, updated] = await checkResizeIfTooLarge(path, checkOnly); if (tooLarge) { largePaths.push(path); } countTooLarge += tooLarge ? 1 : 0; countUpdated += updated ? 1 : 0; // Check and resize if needed chain assets const assetsPath = getChainAssetsPath(chain); if (isPathExistsSync(assetsPath)) { await bluebird.mapSeries(readDirSync(assetsPath), async asset => { const path = getChainAssetLogoPath(chain, asset); if (isPathExistsSync(path)) { countChecked++; const [tooLarge, updated] = await checkResizeIfTooLarge(path, checkOnly); if (tooLarge) { largePaths.push(path); } countTooLarge += tooLarge ? 1 : 0; countUpdated += updated ? 1 : 0; } }) } // Check and resize if needed chain validators image const chainValidatorsList = getChainValidatorsListPath(chain); if (isPathExistsSync(chainValidatorsList)) { const validatorsList = JSON.parse(readFileSync(getChainValidatorsListPath(chain))); await bluebird.mapSeries(validatorsList, async ({ id }) => { const path = getChainValidatorAssetLogoPath(chain, id); countChecked++; const [tooLarge, updated] = await checkResizeIfTooLarge(path, checkOnly); if (tooLarge) { largePaths.push(path); } countTooLarge += tooLarge ? 1 : 0; countUpdated += updated ? 1 : 0; }); } totalCountChecked += countChecked; totalCountTooLarge += countTooLarge; totalCountUpdated += countUpdated; if (countTooLarge > 0 || countUpdated > 0) { console.log(`Checking logos on chain ${chain} completed, ${countChecked} checked, ${countTooLarge} too large, ${largePaths}, ${countUpdated} logos updated`); } }); // Check dapps logos if (isPathExistsSync(dappsPath)) { let countChecked = 0; let countTooLarge = 0; let countUpdated = 0; await bluebird.mapSeries(readDirSync(dappsPath), async filename => { const path = dappsPath + `/` + filename; countChecked++; const [tooLarge, updated] = await checkResizeIfTooLarge(path, checkOnly); if (tooLarge) { largePaths.push(path); } countTooLarge += tooLarge ? 1 : 0; countUpdated += updated ? 1 : 0; }); totalCountChecked += countChecked; totalCountTooLarge += countTooLarge; totalCountUpdated += countUpdated; if (countTooLarge > 0 || countUpdated > 0) { console.log(`Checking dapps logos completed, ${countChecked} checked, ${countTooLarge} too large, ${largePaths}, ${countUpdated} logos updated`); } } console.log(`Checking logos completed, ${totalCountChecked} logos checked, ${totalCountTooLarge} too large, ${totalCountUpdated} logos updated`); return largePaths; } export class LogoSize implements ActionInterface { getName(): string { return "Logo sizes"; } getSanityChecks(): CheckStepInterface[] { return [ { getName: () => { return "Check that logos are not too large"}, check: async () => { const largePaths = await checkDownsize(allChains, true); const errors: string[] = => `Logo too large: ${p}`); return [errors, []]; } }, ]; } async sanityFix(): Promise<void> { await checkDownsize(allChains, false); } }