{ "name": "HYPER", "type": "BEP20", "symbol": "HYPER", "decimals": 7, "website": "https://hyperchainx.com/", "description": "Hyperchain X is the world’s first community-driven token in gaming. The goal is to create a crypto gaming platform with an all-in-one application consisting of elements like: buy-in tournaments, 1 vs 1 high stake battles, league creation options for esport teams, live streams, and an NFT marketplace that is unseen in this space. \n\nWe will also be creating our own mobile game for android/iOS with in-game NFTS. All purchases in our game and platform will be built on $HYPER tokens.", "explorer": "https://bscscan.com/token/0x25b15E17164b97202616e36Af1234Db944121185", "status": "abandoned", "id": "0x25b15E17164b97202616e36Af1234Db944121185", "links": [ { "name": "twitter", "url": "https://twitter.com/HyperchainX" }, { "name": "telegram", "url": "https://t.me/hyperchainx" }, { "name": "telegram_news", "url": "https://t.me/hyperchainxannouncements" }, { "name": "medium", "url": "https://medium.com/@ninja_krypto" } ] }