import { readDirSync, isPathExistsSync } from "../common/filesystem"; import { CheckStepInterface, ActionInterface } from "./interface"; import { chainsPath, getChainLogoPath, getChainAssetsPath, getChainAssetPath, assetFolderAllowedFiles, getChainFolderFilesList, chainFolderAllowedFiles, rootDirAllowedFiles } from "../common/repo-structure"; import { isLogoOK } from "../common/image"; import { isLowerCase } from "../common/types"; import * as bluebird from "bluebird"; const foundChains = readDirSync(chainsPath) export class FoldersFiles implements ActionInterface { getName(): string { return "Folders and Files"; } getSanityChecks(): CheckStepInterface[] { return [ { getName: () => { return "Repository root dir"}, check: async () => { var error: string = ""; const dirActualFiles = readDirSync("."); dirActualFiles.forEach(file => { if (!(rootDirAllowedFiles.indexOf(file) >= 0)) { error += `File "${file}" should not be in root or added to predifined list\n`; } }); return [error, ""]; } }, { getName: () => { return "Chain folders are lowercase, contain only predefined list of files"}, check: async () => { var error: string = ""; foundChains.forEach(chain => { if (!isLowerCase(chain)) { error += `Chain folder must be in lowercase "${chain}"\n`; } getChainFolderFilesList(chain).forEach(file => { if (!(chainFolderAllowedFiles.indexOf(file) >= 0)) { error += `File '${file}' not allowed in chain folder: ${chain}\n`; } }); }); return [error, ""]; } }, { getName: () => { return "Chain folders have logo, and correct size"}, check: async () => { var error: string = ""; await bluebird.each(foundChains, async (chain) => { const chainLogoPath = getChainLogoPath(chain); if (!isPathExistsSync(chainLogoPath)) { error += `File missing at path "${chainLogoPath}"\n`; } const [isOk, error1] = await isLogoOK(chainLogoPath); if (!isOk) { error += error1 + "\n"; } }); return [error, ""]; } }, { getName: () => { return "Asset folders contain only predefined set of files"}, check: async () => { var error: string = ""; foundChains.forEach(chain => { const assetsPath = getChainAssetsPath(chain); if (isPathExistsSync(assetsPath)) { readDirSync(assetsPath).forEach(address => { const assetFiles = getChainAssetPath(chain, address) readDirSync(assetFiles).forEach(assetFolderFile => { if (!(assetFolderAllowedFiles.indexOf(assetFolderFile) >= 0)) { error += `File '${assetFolderFile}' not allowed at this path: ${assetsPath}\n`; } }); }) ; } }); return [error, ""]; } }, ]; } getConsistencyChecks = null; sanityFix = null; consistencyFix = null; update = null; }