{ "name": "AmpleGold", "website": "https://amplegold.io/", "description": "Ample Gold ($AMPLG) is worlds first and only goldpegged elastic tokensupply defi-protocol. $AMPLG is a decentralized ERC20 token which reaches supply-price equilibrium by increasing and decreasing the totalsupply. This is done by Rebasing events which trigger at random time intervals. If you own x percentage of the network, you will always own that that much.", "explorer": "https://etherscan.io/token/0x8003C49f6ebACDdC493EA47CAB45e892d1B638a1", "type": "ERC20", "symbol": "AMPLG", "decimals": 9, "status": "active", "id": "0x8003C49f6ebACDdC493EA47CAB45e892d1B638a1" }