{ "name": "TOKO", "website": "https://tokoin.io/", "short_description": "Tokoin's mission is to facilitate trustworthy data exchange in a specified platform so that SMEs will be able to meet their needs for financing and business services without intermediaries.", "description": "Tokoin's mission is to facilitate trustworthy data exchange in a specified platform so that SMEs will be able to meet their needs for financing and business services without intermediaries.", "white_paper": "https://www.tokoin.io/whitepaper/Tokoin-Whitepaper.pdf?id=ebfd311b2b26bf1a6201", "source_code": "https://github.com/tokoinofficial", "explorer": "https://etherscan.io/token/0xa0F0546Eb5E3eE7e8cfC5DA12e5949F3AE622675", "socials": [ { "name": "Twitter", "url": "https://twitter.com/tokoinglobal", "handle": "Tokoin" }, { "name": "Telegram", "url": "https://t.me/tokoinglobal", "handle": "Tokoin" }, { "name": "Facebook", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/tokoinindonesia", "handle": "Tokoin" } ], "type": "ERC20", "symbol": "TOKO", "decimals": 18, "id": "0xa0F0546Eb5E3eE7e8cfC5DA12e5949F3AE622675" }