{ "name": "LIMON GROUP", "type": "BEP20", "symbol": "LIMON", "decimals": 9, "website": "https://limon.group/", "description": "LIMON.GROUP system generates NFT Tokens based on Binance Smart Chain. LIMON NFT Tokens are interconnected to digital products and commercial physical products (EAN - European Article Number) distribute this between B2B or B2P. Our upcoming DEX exchange (P2P) owns an automatic market maker (AMM) for exchanging BEP-20 tokens. Liquidity pools and locks, farming and staking functionalities will be included.", "explorer": "https://bscscan.com/token/0x712C0a4659a7C31A81FD5A47a2D83c63A07d7D06", "status": "active", "id": "0x712C0a4659a7C31A81FD5A47a2D83c63A07d7D06" }