import { maxLogoWidth, maxLogoHeight, readDirSync, chainsFolderPath, getChainLogoPath, calculateAspectRatioFit, getImageDimentions, getChainAssetsPath, getChainAssetLogoPath, isPathExistsSync, writeFileSync, readFileSync, getChainValidatorsListPath, getChainValidatorAssetLogoPath, maxAssetLogoSizeInKilobyte, getFileSizeInKilobyte } from "../src/test/helpers" const sharp = require('sharp') const bluebird = require("bluebird") const foundChains = readDirSync(chainsFolderPath) const tinify = require("tinify"); tinify.key = "MXxhvmhjMkMM6CVccGrfyQm2RHpTf1G7"; // Key is free to get, gives 500 uploads per month function downsize() { console.log(`Start resizing`), async chain => { console.log(`Resizing assets on chain ${chain}`) const chainLogoPath = getChainLogoPath(chain) const { width: srcWidth, heigth: srcHeight } = getImageDimentions(chainLogoPath) // Check and resize if needed chain logo if (isDownsizing(srcWidth, srcHeight)) { await resize(srcWidth, srcHeight, chainLogoPath) } // Check and resize if needed chain assets const assetsPath = getChainAssetsPath(chain) if (isPathExistsSync(assetsPath)) { bluebird.mapSeries(readDirSync(assetsPath), async asset => { const assetPath = getChainAssetLogoPath(chain, asset) const { width: srcWidth, height: srcHeight } = getImageDimentions(assetPath) if (isDownsizing(srcWidth, srcHeight)) { await resize(srcWidth, srcHeight, assetPath) } // If size still > max limit, compress with tinypng const sizeKilobyte = getFileSizeInKilobyte(assetPath) if (sizeKilobyte > maxAssetLogoSizeInKilobyte) { await compressTinyPNG(assetPath) console.log(`Successfully resized iamge at path ${assetPath} from ${sizeKilobyte} => ${getFileSizeInKilobyte(assetPath)}`) } }) } // Check and resize if needed chain validators image const chainValidatorsList = getChainValidatorsListPath(chain) if (isPathExistsSync(chainValidatorsList)) { const validatorsList = JSON.parse(readFileSync(getChainValidatorsListPath(chain))) bluebird.mapSeries(validatorsList, async ({ id }) => { const path = getChainValidatorAssetLogoPath(chain, id) const { width: srcWidth, height: srcHeight } = getImageDimentions(path) if (isDownsizing(srcWidth, srcHeight)) { await resize(srcWidth, srcHeight, path) } // If size still > max limit, compress with tinypng const sizeKilobyte = getFileSizeInKilobyte(path) if (sizeKilobyte > maxAssetLogoSizeInKilobyte) { await compressTinyPNG(path) } }) } console.log(` Resizing assets on chain ${chain} completed`) }) } downsize() function isDownsizing(srcWidth: number, srcHeight: number): boolean { return (srcWidth > maxLogoWidth) || (srcHeight > maxLogoHeight) } async function resize(srcWidth: number, srcHeight: number, path: string) { const { width, height } = calculateAspectRatioFit(srcWidth, srcHeight, maxLogoWidth, maxLogoHeight) console.log(` Resizing image at ${path} from ${srcWidth}x${srcHeight} => ${width}x${height}`) await sharp(path).resize(width, height).toBuffer() .then(data => writeFileSync(path, data)) .catch(e => { console.log(e.message) }) } export async function compressTinyPNG(path: string) { const source = await tinify.fromFile(path); await source.toFile(path); }