import { chainsWithBlacklist } from "../common/blockchains"; import { getChainAssetsList, getChainWhitelistPath, getChainBlacklistPath } from "../common/repo-structure"; import { readFileSync, writeFileSync } from "../common/filesystem"; import { arrayDiff, arrayDiffNocase, findCommonElementsOrDuplicates, makeUnique } from "../common/types"; import { ActionInterface, CheckStepInterface } from "./interface"; import { formatSortJson, formatUniqueSortJson } from "../common/json"; import * as bluebird from "bluebird"; async function checkUpdateWhiteBlackList(chain: string, checkOnly: boolean ): Promise<[boolean, string]> { let wrongMsg = ""; const assets = getChainAssetsList(chain); const whitelistPath = getChainWhitelistPath(chain); const blacklistPath = getChainBlacklistPath(chain); const currentWhitelistText = readFileSync(whitelistPath); const currentBlacklistText = readFileSync(blacklistPath); const currentWhitelist = JSON.parse(currentWhitelistText); const currentBlacklist = JSON.parse(currentBlacklistText); const commonElementsOrDuplicates = findCommonElementsOrDuplicates(currentWhitelist, currentBlacklist); if (commonElementsOrDuplicates && commonElementsOrDuplicates.length > 0) { wrongMsg += `Blacklist and whitelist for chain ${chain} should have no common elements or duplicates, found ${commonElementsOrDuplicates.length} ${commonElementsOrDuplicates[0]}\n`; } const whitelistOrphan = arrayDiff(currentWhitelist, assets); if (whitelistOrphan && whitelistOrphan.length > 0) { wrongMsg += `Whitelist for chain ${chain} contains non-exitent assets, found ${whitelistOrphan.length}, ${whitelistOrphan[0]}\n`; } const newBlack = makeUnique(currentBlacklist.concat(whitelistOrphan)); const newWhite = makeUnique(arrayDiffNocase(assets, newBlack)); //console.log(currentWhitelist.length, "vs.", newWhite.length); //console.log(currentBlacklist.length, "vs.", newBlack.length); const wDiff1 = arrayDiffNocase(newWhite, currentWhitelist); if (wDiff1.length > 0) { wrongMsg += `Some elements are missing from whitelist for chain ${chain}: ${wDiff1.length} ${wDiff1[0]}\n`; } const wDiff2 = arrayDiffNocase(currentWhitelist, newWhite); if (wDiff2.length > 0) { wrongMsg += `Some elements should be removed from whitelist for chain ${chain}: ${wDiff2.length} ${wDiff2[0]}\n`; } const bDiff1 = arrayDiffNocase(newBlack, currentBlacklist); if (bDiff1.length > 0) { wrongMsg += `Some elements are missing from blacklist for chain ${chain}: ${bDiff1.length} ${bDiff1[0]}\n`; } const bDiff2 = arrayDiffNocase(currentBlacklist, newBlack); if (bDiff2.length > 0) { wrongMsg += `Some elements should be removed from blacklist for chain ${chain}: ${bDiff2.length} ${bDiff2[0]}\n`; } if (wrongMsg.length > 0) { if (!checkOnly) { // update writeFileSync(whitelistPath, formatSortJson(newWhite)); writeFileSync(blacklistPath, formatSortJson(newBlack)); console.log(`Updated white and blacklists for chain ${chain}`); } } return [(wrongMsg.length == 0), wrongMsg]; } export class Whitelist implements ActionInterface { getName(): string { return "Whitelists"; } getChecks(): CheckStepInterface[] { const steps: CheckStepInterface[] = []; chainsWithBlacklist.forEach(chain => { steps.push( { getName: () => { return `Whitelist and blacklist for ${chain} should be consistent with assets`}, check: async () => { const [isOK, msg] = await checkUpdateWhiteBlackList(chain, true); if (!isOK) { return msg; } return ""; } } ); }); return steps; } async fix(): Promise { await bluebird.each(chainsWithBlacklist, async (chain) => await checkUpdateWhiteBlackList(chain, false)); } update = null; }