import { allChains, getChainAssetsList, getChainAssetsPath, getChainAssetInfoPath } from "./repo-structure"; import { readFileSync, isPathExistsSync } from "./filesystem"; import { arrayDiff } from "./types"; import { isValidJSON, writeJsonFile } from "../generic/json"; import { ActionInterface, CheckStepInterface } from "../generic/interface"; import * as bluebird from "bluebird"; const requiredKeys = ["explorer", "name", "website", "short_description"]; function isAssetInfoHasAllKeys(info: any, path: string): [boolean, string] { const infoKeys = Object.keys(info); const hasAllKeys = requiredKeys.every(k =>, k)); if (!hasAllKeys) { return [false, `Info at path '${path}' missing next key(s): ${arrayDiff(requiredKeys, infoKeys)}`]; } const isKeysCorrentType = typeof info.explorer === "string" && info.explorer != "" && typeof === "string" && != "" && typeof === "string" && typeof info.short_description === "string"; return [isKeysCorrentType, `Check keys '${requiredKeys}' vs. '${infoKeys}'`]; } function explorerUrl(chain: string, contract: string): string { if (contract) { switch (chain.toLowerCase()) { case "ethereum": return `${contract}`; case "tron": if (contract.startsWith("10")) { // trc10 return `${contract}`; } // trc20 return `${contract}`; case "binance": return `${contract}`; case "smartchain": return `${contract}`; case "neo": return `${contract}`; case "nuls": return `${contract}`; case "wanchain": return `${contract}`; } } return ""; } function isAssetInfoOK(chain: string, address: string, errors: string[], warnings: string[]): void { const assetInfoPath = getChainAssetInfoPath(chain, address); if (!isPathExistsSync(assetInfoPath)) { // Info file doesn't exist, no need to check return; } if (!isValidJSON(assetInfoPath)) { console.log(`JSON at path: '${assetInfoPath}' is invalid`); errors.push(`JSON at path: '${assetInfoPath}' is invalid`); return; } const info = JSON.parse(readFileSync(assetInfoPath)); const [hasAllKeys, msg] = isAssetInfoHasAllKeys(info, assetInfoPath); if (!hasAllKeys) { console.log(msg); errors.push(msg); } const hasExplorer =, 'explorer'); if (!hasExplorer) { errors.push(`Missing explorer key`); } else { const explorerActual = info['explorer']; const explorerExpected = explorerUrl(chain, address); if (explorerActual != explorerExpected) { warnings.push(`Unexpected explorer, ${explorerActual} instead of ${explorerExpected}`); } } } export class AssetInfos implements ActionInterface { getName(): string { return "Asset Infos"; } getSanityChecks(): CheckStepInterface[] { const steps: CheckStepInterface[] = []; allChains.forEach(chain => { // only if there is no assets subfolder if (isPathExistsSync(getChainAssetsPath(chain))) { steps.push( { getName: () => { return `Info.json's for chain ${chain}`;}, check: async () => { const errors: string[] = []; const warnings: string[] = []; const assetsList = getChainAssetsList(chain); //console.log(` Found ${assetsList.length} assets for chain ${chain}`); await bluebird.each(assetsList, async (address) => { isAssetInfoOK(chain, address, errors, warnings); }); return [errors, warnings]; } } ); } }); return steps; } }