import * as fs from "fs" import * as path from "path" import { ValidatorModel } from "./models"; const axios = require('axios') const Web3 = require('web3') const web3 = new Web3('ws://localhost:8546'); import { CoinTypeUtils, CoinType } from "@trustwallet/types"; const sizeOf = require("image-size"); const { execSync } = require('child_process'); export const getChainName = (id: CoinType): string => // 60 => ethereum export const Binance = getChainName(CoinType.binance) export const Classic = getChainName(CoinType.classic) export const Cosmos = getChainName(CoinType.cosmos) export const Ethereum = getChainName(CoinType.ethereum) export const GoChain = getChainName(CoinType.gochain) export const IoTeX = getChainName(CoinType.iotex) export const POA = getChainName(CoinType.poa) export const Tezos = getChainName(CoinType.tezos) export const ThunderCore = getChainName(CoinType.thundertoken) export const Terra = getChainName(CoinType.terra) export const TomoChain = getChainName(CoinType.tomochain) export const Tron = getChainName(CoinType.tron) export const Kava = "kava" // TODO add to kava to tw types export const Wanchain = getChainName(CoinType.wanchain) export const Waves = getChainName(CoinType.waves) export const Solana = "solana" export const ethSidechains = [Ethereum, Classic, POA, TomoChain, GoChain, Wanchain, ThunderCore] export const stakingChains = [Tezos, Cosmos, IoTeX, Tron, Waves, Kava, Terra] export const logoName = `logo` export const infoName = `info` export const listName = `list` export const logoExtension = "png" export const jsonExtension = "json" const whiteList = `whitelist.${jsonExtension}` const blackList = `blacklist.${jsonExtension}` const validatorsList = `${listName}.${jsonExtension}` export const logo = `${logoName}.${logoExtension}` export const info = `${infoName}.${jsonExtension}` export const root = './' export const chainsFolderPath = path.join(process.cwd(), '/blockchains') export const pricingFolderPath = path.join(process.cwd(), '/pricing') export const getChainLogoPath = (chain: string): string => `${chainsFolderPath}/${chain}/info/${logo}` export const getChainInfoPath = (chain: string): string => `${chainsFolderPath}/${chain}/info/${info}` export const getChainAssetInfoPath = (chain: string, address: string): string => `${chainsFolderPath}/${chain}/assets/${address}/${info}` export const getChainAssetsPath = (chain: string): string => `${chainsFolderPath}/${chain}/assets` export const minLogoWidth = 64 export const minLogoHeight = 64 export const maxLogoWidth = 512 export const maxLogoHeight = 512 export const maxAssetLogoSizeInKilobyte = 100 export const getChainAssetPath = (chain: string, address: string) => `${getChainAssetsPath(chain)}/${address}` export const getChainAssetLogoPath = (chain: string, address: string) => `${getChainAssetsPath(chain)}/${address}/${logo}` export const getChainAssetFilesList = (chain: string, address: string) => readDirSync(getChainAssetPath(chain, address)) export const getChainAssetsList = (chain: string): string[] => readDirSync(getChainAssetsPath(chain)) export const getChainValidatorsPath = (chain: string): string => `${chainsFolderPath}/${chain}/validators` export const getChainValidatorsAssets = (chain: string): string[] => readDirSync(getChainValidatorsAssetsPath(chain)) export const getChainValidatorsListPath = (chain: string): string => `${(getChainValidatorsPath(chain))}/list.${jsonExtension}` export const getChainValidatorsList = (chain: string): ValidatorModel[] => JSON.parse(readFileSync(`${(getChainValidatorsPath(chain))}/${validatorsList}`)) export const getChainValidatorsAssetsPath = (chain: string): string => `${getChainValidatorsPath(chain)}/assets` export const getChainValidatorAssetLogoPath = (chain: string, asset: string): string => `${getChainValidatorsAssetsPath(chain)}/${asset}/${logo}` export const getChainWhitelistPath = (chain: string): string => `${chainsFolderPath}/${chain}/${whiteList}` export const getChainBlacklistPath = (chain: string): string => `${chainsFolderPath}/${chain}/${blackList}` export const getChainWhitelist = (chain: string): string[] => { if (isChainWhitelistExistSync(chain)) { return JSON.parse(readFileSync(getChainWhitelistPath(chain))) } return [] } export const getChainBlacklist = (chain: string): string[] => { if (isChainBlacklistExistSync(chain)) { return JSON.parse(readFileSync(getChainBlacklistPath(chain))) } return [] } export const getRootDirFilesList = (): string[] => readDirSync(root) export const readDirSync = (path: string): string[] => fs.readdirSync(path) export const makeDirSync = (path: string) => fs.mkdirSync(path) export const isPathExistsSync = (path: string): boolean => fs.existsSync(path) export const isChainWhitelistExistSync = (chain: string): boolean => isPathExistsSync(getChainWhitelistPath(chain)) export const isChainBlacklistExistSync = (chain: string): boolean => isPathExistsSync(getChainBlacklistPath(chain)) export const isChainInfoExistSync = (chain: string): boolean => isPathExistsSync(getChainInfoPath(chain)) export const isChainAssetInfoExistSync = (chain: string, address: string) => isPathExistsSync(getChainAssetInfoPath(chain, address)) export const readFileSync = (path: string) => fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8') export const writeFileSync = (path: string, str: string) => fs.writeFileSync(path, str) export const writeJSONToPath = (path: string, data: any) => fs.writeFileSync(path, JSON.stringify(data, null, 4)) export const isLowerCase = (str: string): boolean => str.toLowerCase() === str export const isUpperCase = (str: string): boolean => str.toUpperCase() === str export const isChecksum = (address: string): boolean => web3.utils.checkAddressChecksum(address) export const toChecksum = (address: string): string => web3.utils.toChecksumAddress(address) export const getBinanceBEP2Symbols = async () => axios.get(``).then(res =>{ symbol }) => symbol)) export const getFileName = (fileName: string): string => path.basename(fileName, path.extname(fileName)) export const getFileExt = (name: string): string => name.slice((Math.max(0, name.lastIndexOf(".")) || Infinity) + 1) export const isTRC10 = (str: string): boolean => (/^\d+$/.test(str)) export const isTRC20 = (address: string) => { return address.length == 34 && address.startsWith("T") && isLowerCase(address) == false && isUpperCase(address) == false } export const isEthereumAddress = (address: string): boolean => { return web3.utils.isAddress(address) } export const isWavesAddress = (address: string) => { return address.length == 35 && address.startsWith("3P") && isLowerCase(address) == false && isUpperCase(address) == false } export const isSolanaAddress = (address: string) => { // return address.length == 44 return true } export const isPathDir = (path: string): boolean => { try { return fs.lstatSync(path).isDirectory() } catch (e) { console.log(`Path: ${path} is not a directory with error: ${e.message}`) return false } } export const makeDirIfDoestExist = async (dirPath: string, dirName: string) => { const path = `${dirPath}/${dirName}` await fs.mkdir(path, {recursive: true}, (err) => { if (err) { console.error(`Error creating dir at path ${path} with result ${err}`) } else { console.log(`Created direcotry at ${path}`) } }) } export const sortDesc = arr => arr.sort((a, b) => a - b) export const getUnique = arr => Array.from(new Set(arr)) export const mapList = arr => { return arr.reduce((acm, val) => { acm[val] = "" return acm }, {}) } export const getImageDimentions = (path: string) => sizeOf(path) export function isLogoDimentionOK(path: string): [boolean, string] { const { width, height } = getImageDimentions(path) if (((width >= minLogoWidth && width <= maxLogoWidth) && (height >= minLogoHeight && height <= maxLogoHeight))) { return [true, ''] } else { return [false, `Image at path ${path} must have dimensions: min:${minLogoWidth}x${minLogoHeight} and max:${maxLogoWidth}x${maxLogoHeight} insted ${width}x${height}`] } } export function isLogoSizeOK(path: string): [boolean, string, number] { const sizeInKylobyte = getFileSizeInKilobyte(path) if (sizeInKylobyte <= maxAssetLogoSizeInKilobyte) { return [true, ``, sizeInKylobyte] } return [false, `Logo at path ${path} with size ${sizeInKylobyte} exceeded max allowed size ${maxAssetLogoSizeInKilobyte} kB`, sizeInKylobyte] } export const calculateAspectRatioFit = (srcWidth: number, srcHeight: number, maxWidth: number, maxHeight: number) => { const ratio = Math.min(maxWidth / srcWidth, maxHeight / srcHeight) return { width: Math.round(srcWidth * ratio), height: Math.round(srcHeight * ratio) } } export const findFiles = (base: string, ext: string, files: string[] = [], result: string[] = []) => { files = fs.readdirSync(base) || files result = result || result files.forEach( function (file) { var newbase = path.join(base, file) if (fs.statSync(newbase).isDirectory()) { result = findFiles(newbase, ext, fs.readdirSync(newbase), result) } else { if (file.substr(-1*(ext.length+1)) == '.' + ext) { result.push(newbase) } } } ) return result } export const isValidJSON = (path: string) => { let rawdata = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8') try { JSON.parse(rawdata) return true } catch { return false } } export function getMoveCommandFromTo(oldName: string, newName: string): string { return `git mv ${oldName} ${newName}-temp && git mv ${newName}-temp ${newName}` } export function execRename(path: string, command: string) { console.log(`Running command ${command}`) execSync(command, {encoding: "utf-8", cwd: path}) } export const isValidatorHasAllKeys = (val: ValidatorModel): boolean => { return typeof === "string" && typeof === "string" && typeof val.description === "string" && typeof === "string" } export function isAssetInfoOK(chain: string, address: string): [boolean, string] { if (!isChainAssetInfoExistSync(chain, address)) { return [true, `Info file doest exist, non eed to check`] } const assetInfoPath = getChainAssetInfoPath(chain, address) const isInfoJSONValid = isValidJSON(assetInfoPath) if (!isInfoJSONValid) { console.log(`JSON at path: ${assetInfoPath} is invalid`) return [false, `JSON at path: ${assetInfoPath} is invalid`] } const [hasAllKeys, msg] = isAssetInfoHasAllKeys(assetInfoPath) if (!hasAllKeys) { console.log({msg}) return [false, msg] } return [true, ``] } export function isAssetInfoHasAllKeys(path: string): [boolean, string] { const info = JSON.parse(readFileSync(path)) const infoKeys = Object.keys(info) const requiredKeys = ["explorer", "name", "website", "short_description"] // Find better solution getting AssetInfo interface keys const hasAllKeys = requiredKeys.every(k => info.hasOwnProperty(k)) if (!hasAllKeys) { return [false, `Info at path ${path} missing next key(s): ${getArraysDiff(requiredKeys, infoKeys)}`] } const isKeysCorrentType = typeof info.explorer === "string" && info.explorer != "" && typeof === "string" && != "" && typeof === "string" && typeof info.short_description === "string" return [isKeysCorrentType, `Check keys ${requiredKeys} vs ${infoKeys}`] } export const getArraysDiff = (arr1 :string[], arr2: string[]): string[] => arr1.filter(d => !arr2.includes(d)) export const getFileSizeInKilobyte = (path: string): number => fs.statSync(path).size / 1000 export const rootDirAllowedFiles = [ ".github", "blockchains", "dapps", "media", "node_modules", "script", "src", ".gitignore", "azure-pipelines.yml", "jest.config.js", "LICENSE", "package-lock.json", "package.json", "", ".git", "pricing", "Dangerfile", "Gemfile", "Gemfile.lock" ] export const assetFolderAllowedFiles = [ logo, info ]