import { TokenType } from "../generic/tokentype"; import * as config from "../config"; // Asset ID from coin symbol (diff between native and token coins) export function assetIdSymbol(tokenId: string, nativeCoinId: string, coinType: number): string { if (tokenId == nativeCoinId) { return assetID(coinType) } return assetID(coinType, tokenId) } // Asset ID from coin number and ID export function assetID(coinType: number, tokenId = ``): string { if (tokenId.length > 0) { return `c${coinType}_t${tokenId}` } return `c${coinType}` } // Token type from token symbol (diff between native and token coins) export function tokenType(symbol: string, nativeCoinSymbol: string, tokenType: string): string { if (symbol == nativeCoinSymbol) { return TokenType.COIN } return tokenType; } // Github logo URL for coin. export function logoURI(id: string, githubChainFolder: string, nativeCoinSymbol: string): string { if (id == nativeCoinSymbol) { return `${config.assetsURL}/blockchains/${githubChainFolder}/info/logo.png` } return `${config.assetsURL}/blockchains/${githubChainFolder}/assets/${id}/logo.png` }