{ "name": "STONK", "symbol": "STONK", "type": "ERC20", "decimals": 18, "description": "$STONK is an indicator for DeFi. $STONK's value is derived from a balancer pool of DeFi's class leading protocol-layer contracts, consisting of COMP, LINK , KNC, ETH, SNX, REP, LRC. By investing in $STONK, you are investing in an index fund of DeFi's leading projects. Value in $STONK and value in the pool directly benefits all DeFi projects involved.", "website": "https://stonk.dev/", "explorer": "https://etherscan.io/token/0xb4058411967D5046f3510943103805be61f0600E", "status": "active", "id": "0xb4058411967D5046f3510943103805be61f0600E" }