{ "name": "Diamond Boyz Coin", "type": "BEP20", "symbol": "DBZ", "decimals": 18, "website": "https://dbzcoin.com/", "description": "DBZ Coin aims to become the leader in payment and verification for authentic jewelry purchases as well as set a standard for a faster remittance systems worldwide. By walking users through how to obtain Diamond Boyz Coin, is also introducing them to a new way to interact with the internet in an entertaining and valuable way.", "explorer": "https://bscscan.com/token/0x7a983559e130723B70e45bd637773DbDfD3F71Db", "status": "active", "id": "0x7a983559e130723B70e45bd637773DbDfD3F71Db", "links": [ { "name": "twitter", "url": "https://twitter.com/johnnydangandco" }, { "name": "telegram", "url": "https://t.me/joinchat/Oawgdtvj3qNiODdh" }, { "name": "coingecko", "url": "https://coingecko.com/en/coins/diamond-boyz-coin" } ] }