import { Kava } from "../common/blockchains"; import { getChainValidatorsAssets } from "../common/repo-structure"; import { ActionInterface, CheckStepInterface } from "./interface"; import { isLowerCase } from "../common/types"; export class KavaAction implements ActionInterface { getName(): string { return "Kava chain"; } getChecks(): CheckStepInterface[] { return [ { getName: () => { return "Kava validator assets must have correct format"}, check: async () => { var error: string = ""; const assets = getChainValidatorsAssets(Kava); const prefix = "kavavaloper1"; const expLength = 50; assets.forEach(addr => { if (!(addr.startsWith(prefix))) { error += `Address ${addr} should start with '${prefix}'\n`; } if (addr.length != expLength) { error += `Address ${addr} should have length ${expLength}\n`; } if (!isLowerCase(addr)) { error += `Address ${addr} should be in lowercase\n`; } }); return error; } }, ]; } fix = null; update = null; }