const eztz = require('eztz-lib') import { Binance, Cosmos, Tezos, Tron, IoTeX, Waves, Kava, Terra, assetFolderAllowedFiles, chainsFolderPath, ethSidechains, findFiles, getBinanceBEP2Symbols, getChainAssetLogoPath, getChainAssetPath, getChainAssetsPath, getChainBlacklistPath, getChainLogoPath, getChainValidatorAssetLogoPath, getChainValidatorsAssets, getChainValidatorsListPath, getChainWhitelistPath, getChainAssetsList, isChecksum, isChainAssetInfoExistSync, isLogoDimentionOK, isLogoSizeOK, isLowerCase, isPathDir, isPathExistsSync, isTRC10, isTRC20, isWavesAddress, isValidJSON, isAssetInfoOK, isValidatorHasAllKeys, mapList, pricingFolderPath, readDirSync, readFileSync, rootDirAllowedFiles, stakingChains, Solana } from "./helpers" import { ValidatorModel } from "./models"; import { getHandle } from "../../script/gen_info"; enum TickerType { Token = "token", Coin = "coin" } describe("Check repository root dir", () => { const dirActualFiles = readDirSync(".") test("Root should contains only predefined files", () => { dirActualFiles.forEach(file => { expect(rootDirAllowedFiles.indexOf(file), `File "${file}" should not be in root or added to predifined list`).not.toBe(-1) }) }) }) describe(`Test "blockchains" folder`, () => { const foundChains = readDirSync(chainsFolderPath) test(`Chain should have "logo.png" image`, () => { foundChains.forEach(chain => { const chainLogoPath = getChainLogoPath(chain) expect(isPathExistsSync(chainLogoPath), `File missing at path "${chainLogoPath}"`).toBe(true) const [isOk, msg] = isLogoDimentionOK(chainLogoPath) expect(isOk, msg).toBe(true) }) }) test("Chain folder must have lowercase naming", () => { foundChains.forEach(chain => { expect(isLowerCase(chain), `Chain folder must be in lowercase "${chain}"`).toBe(true) }) }) describe(`Asset folder should contain only predifind list of filees`, () => { readDirSync(chainsFolderPath).forEach(chain => { const assetsPath = getChainAssetsPath(chain) if (isPathExistsSync(assetsPath)) { test(`Test asset folder allowed files on chain: ${chain}`, () => { readDirSync(assetsPath).forEach(address => { const assetFiles = getChainAssetPath(chain, address) readDirSync(assetFiles).forEach(assetFolderFile => { expect(assetFolderAllowedFiles.indexOf(assetFolderFile),`File "${assetFolderFile}" not allowed at this path: ${assetsPath}`).not.toBe(-1) }) }) }) } }) }) describe("Check Ethereum side-chain folders", () => { ethSidechains.forEach(chain => { test(`Test chain ${chain} folder`, () => { getChainAssetsList(chain).forEach(address => { const assetPath = getChainAssetPath(chain, address) expect(isPathDir(assetPath), `Expect directory at path: ${assetPath}`).toBe(true) const checksum = isChecksum(address) expect(checksum, `Expect asset at path ${assetPath} in checksum`).toBe(true) const lowercase = isLowerCase(address) if (lowercase) { expect(checksum, `Lowercase address ${address} on chain ${chain} should be in checksum`).toBe(true) } const assetLogoPath = getChainAssetLogoPath(chain, address) expect(isPathExistsSync(assetLogoPath), `Missing file at path "${assetLogoPath}"`).toBe(true) const [isDimentionOK, dimensionMsg] = isLogoDimentionOK(assetLogoPath) expect(isDimentionOK, dimensionMsg).toBe(true) const [isLogoOK, sizeMsg] = isLogoSizeOK(assetLogoPath) expect(isLogoOK, sizeMsg).toBe(true) const [isInfoOK, InfoMsg] = isAssetInfoOK(chain, address) expect(isInfoOK, InfoMsg).toBe(true) }) }) }) }) describe(`Check "binace" folder`, () => { it("Asset must exist on chain and", async () => { const tokenSymbols = await getBinanceBEP2Symbols() const assets = readDirSync(getChainAssetsPath(Binance)) assets.forEach(asset => { expect(tokenSymbols.indexOf(asset), `Asset ${asset} missing on chain`).not.toBe(-1) }) }) }) describe(`Check "tron" folder`, () => { const path = getChainAssetsPath(Tron) test("Expect asset to be TRC10 or TRC20", () => { readDirSync(path).forEach(asset => { expect(isTRC10(asset) || isTRC20(asset), `Asset ${asset} non TRC10 nor TRC20`).toBe(true) const assetsLogoPath = getChainAssetLogoPath(Tron, asset) expect(isPathExistsSync(assetsLogoPath), `Missing file at path "${assetsLogoPath}"`).toBe(true) const [isOk, msg] = isLogoDimentionOK(assetsLogoPath) expect(isOk, msg).toBe(true) }) }) }) describe("Check Staking chains", () => { test("Make sure tests added for new staking chain", () => { expect(stakingChains.length).toBe(7) }) stakingChains.forEach(chain => { const listPath = getChainValidatorsListPath(chain) const validatorsList = JSON.parse(readFileSync(listPath)) test(`Chain ${chain} validator must have correct structure and valid JSON format`, () => { validatorsList.forEach((val: ValidatorModel) => { expect(isValidatorHasAllKeys(val), `Some key and/or type missing for validator ${JSON.stringify(val)}`).toBe(true) expect(isValidJSON(listPath), `Not valid json file at path ${listPath}`).toBe(true) }) }) test(`Chain ${chain} validator must have corresponding asset logo`, () => { validatorsList.forEach(({ id }) => { const path = getChainValidatorAssetLogoPath(chain, id) expect(isPathExistsSync(path), `Chain ${chain} asset ${id} logo must be present at path ${path}`).toBe(true) const [isOk, msg] = isLogoDimentionOK(path) expect(isOk, msg).toBe(true) }) }) const chainValidatorsAssetsList = getChainValidatorsAssets(chain) switch (chain) { case Cosmos: testCosmosValidatorsAddress(chainValidatorsAssetsList) break; case Kava: testKavaValidatorsAddress(chainValidatorsAssetsList) break; case Terra: testTerraValidatorsAddress(chainValidatorsAssetsList) break; case Tezos: testTezosValidatorsAssets(chainValidatorsAssetsList) break; case Tron: testTronValidatorsAssets(chainValidatorsAssetsList) break; case Waves: testWavesValidatorsAssets(chainValidatorsAssetsList) break; // case Solana: // testSolanaValidatorsAssets(chainValidatorsAssetsList) // break; // TODO Add IoTex when taking suported by Trust default: break; } test("Make sure validator has corresponding logo", () => { validatorsList.forEach(val => { expect(chainValidatorsAssetsList.indexOf(, `Expecting image asset for validator ${} on chain ${chain}`) .toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(0) }) }) test("Make sure validator asset logo has corresponding info", () => { chainValidatorsAssetsList.forEach(valAssetLogoID => { expect(validatorsList.filter(v => === valAssetLogoID).length, `Expect validator logo ${valAssetLogoID} to have info`) .toBe(1) }) }) }) }) }) function testTezosValidatorsAssets(assets: string[]) { test("Tezos assets must be correctly formated tz1 address", () => { assets.forEach(addr => { expect(eztz.crypto.checkAddress(addr), `Ivalid Tezos address: ${addr}`).toBe(true) }) }) } function testTronValidatorsAssets(assets: string[]) { test("TRON assets must be correctly formated", () => { assets.forEach(addr => { expect(isTRC20(addr), `Address ${addr} should be TRC20`).toBe(true) }) }) } function testWavesValidatorsAssets(assets: string[]) { test("WAVES assets must have correct format", () => { assets.forEach(addr => { expect(isWavesAddress(addr), `Address ${addr} should be WAVES formated`).toBe(true) }) }) } // function testSolanaValidatorsAssets(assets: string[]) { // test("Solana assets must have correct format", () => { // assets.forEach(addr => { // expect(isSolanaAddress(addr), `Address ${addr} should be Solana formated`).toBe(true) // }) // }) // } function testCosmosValidatorsAddress(assets: string[]) { test("Cosmos assets must have correct format", () => { assets.forEach(addr => { expect(addr.startsWith("cosmosvaloper1"), `Address ${addr} should start from "cosmosvaloper1"`).toBe(true) expect(addr.length, `Address ${addr} should have length 52`).toBe(52) expect(isLowerCase(addr), `Address ${addr} should be in lowercase`).toBe(true) }) }) } function testKavaValidatorsAddress(assets: string[]) { test("Kava assets must have correct format", () => { assets.forEach(addr => { expect(addr.startsWith("kavavaloper1"), `Address ${addr} should start from "kavavaloper1"`).toBe(true) expect(addr.length, `Address ${addr} should have length 50`).toBe(50) expect(isLowerCase(addr), `Address ${addr} should be in lowercase`).toBe(true) }) }) } function testTerraValidatorsAddress(assets: string[]) { test("Terra assets must have correct format", () => { assets.forEach(addr => { expect(addr.startsWith("terravaloper1"), `Address ${addr} should start from "terravaloper1"`).toBe(true) expect(addr.length, `Address ${addr} should have length 51`).toBe(51) expect(isLowerCase(addr), `Address ${addr} should be in lowercase`).toBe(true) }) }) } describe("Test Coinmarketcap mapping", () => { const cmcMap = JSON.parse(readFileSync("./pricing/coinmarketcap/mapping.json")) test("Must have items", () => { expect(cmcMap.length, `CMC map must have items`).toBeGreaterThan(0) }) test(`Items must be sorted by "id" in ascending order`, () => { cmcMap.forEach((el, i) => { if (i > 0) { const prevID = cmcMap[i - 1].id const curID = expect(curID, `Item ${curID} must be greather or equal to ${prevID}`) .toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(prevID) } }) }) test(`Items must be sorted by "coin" in ascending order if have same "id"`, () => { cmcMap.forEach((el, i) => { if (i > 0) { const prevEl = cmcMap[i - 1] const prevCoin = prevEl.coin const prevID = cmcMap[i - 1].id const curCoin = el.coin const curID = if (prevID == curID) { expect(curCoin, `Item ${JSON.stringify(el)} must be greather or equal to ${JSON.stringify(prevEl)}`) .toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(prevCoin) } } }) }) test("Properies value shoud not contain spaces", () => { cmcMap.forEach(el => { Object.keys(el).forEach(key => { const val = el[key] if (typeof val === "string") { expect(val.indexOf(" ") >= 0, ` Property value "${val}" should not contain space`).toBe(false) } }) }) }); test("Params should have value and correct type", () => { cmcMap.forEach(el => { const {coin, type, id, token_id} = el expect(typeof coin, `Coin ${coin} must be type "number"`).toBe("number") expect(["token", "coin"], `Element with id ${id} has wrong type: "${type}"`).toContain(type) if (type === "token") { expect(token_id, `token_id ${token_id} with id ${id} must be type not empty`).toBeTruthy() } if (type === "coin") { expect(el, `Element with id ${id} should not have property "token_id"`).not.toHaveProperty("token_id") } }); }); test(`"token_id" should be in correct format`, async () => { const tokenSymbols = await getBinanceBEP2Symbols() cmcMap.forEach(el => { const {coin, token_id, type, id} = el switch (coin) { case 60 && type === TickerType.Token: expect(isChecksum(token_id), `"token_id" ${token_id} with id ${id} must be in checksum`).toBe(true) break; case 195 && type === TickerType.Token: expect(isTRC10(token_id) || isTRC20(token_id), `"token_id" ${token_id} with id ${id} must be in TRC10 or TRC20`).toBe(true) break; case 714 && type === TickerType.Token: expect(tokenSymbols.indexOf(token_id), `"token_id" ${token_id} with id ${id} must be BEP2 symbol`).toBe(true) default: break; } }) }) }) describe("Test blacklist and whitelist", () => { const assetsChains = readDirSync(chainsFolderPath).filter(chain => isPathExistsSync(getChainAssetsPath(chain))) assetsChains.forEach(chain => { const whiteList = JSON.parse(readFileSync(getChainWhitelistPath(chain))) const blackList = JSON.parse(readFileSync(getChainBlacklistPath(chain))) test(`Whitelist should not contain assets from blacklist on ${chain} chain`, () => { const blacklistMap = mapList(blackList) whiteList.forEach(a => { expect(a in blacklistMap, `Found whitelist asset ${a} in blacklist on chain ${chain}`).toBe(false) }) }) test(`Blacklist should not contain assets from whitelist on ${chain} chain`, () => { const whitelistMap = mapList(whiteList) blackList.forEach(a => { expect(a in whitelistMap, `Found blacklist asset ${a} in whitelist on chain ${chain}`).toBe(false) }) }) }) }) describe("Test coins info.json file", () => { }); describe("Test all JSON files to have valid content", () => { const files = [ ...findFiles(chainsFolderPath, 'json'), ...findFiles(pricingFolderPath, 'json') ] files.forEach(file => { expect(isValidJSON(file), `${file} path contains invalid JSON`).toBe(true) }); }) describe("Test helper functions", () => { test(`Test getHandle`, () => { const urls = [ { url: "", expected: "aeternity" }, { url: "", expected: "Aeternity" } ] urls.forEach(u => { expect(getHandle(u.url), `Getting handle from url ${u}`).toBe(u.expected) }) }) });