Cleanup script-old. ()

Co-authored-by: Catenocrypt <>
This commit is contained in:
Adam R 2020-09-16 16:37:49 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 92adaaf07e
commit 281a1cef7d
No known key found for this signature in database
3 changed files with 0 additions and 204 deletions

View File

@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
import * as fs from "fs"
const isImage = require("is-image");
import { rootDirAllowedFiles } from "../script/common/repo-structure";
import { ethForkChains, Ethereum } from "../script/common/blockchains";
import {
} from "../script/common/filesystem";
import {
} from "./helpers"
import { isEthereumAddress, toChecksum, isChecksum } from "../script/common/eth-web3";
async function makeDirIfDoestExist(dirPath: string, dirName: string) {
const path = `${dirPath}/${dirName}`
await fs.mkdir(path, {recursive: true}, (err) => {
if (err) {
console.error(`Error creating dir at path ${path} with result ${err}`)
} else {
console.log(`Created direcotry at ${path}`)
function isPathDir(path: string): boolean {
try {
return fs.lstatSync(path).isDirectory()
} catch (e) {
console.log(`Path: ${path} is not a directory with error: ${e.message}`)
return false
ethForkChains.forEach(chain => {
const chainAssetsPath = getChainAssetsPath(chain)
readDirSync(chainAssetsPath).forEach(async asset => {
const assetPath = getChainAssetPath(chain, asset)
const isDir = await isPathDir(assetPath)
if (!isDir) {
const checksum = toChecksum(getFileName(asset))
if (isChecksum(checksum) && getFileExt(asset).toLocaleLowerCase() === logoExtension) {
// Moves file like blockchains/<chain>/assets/0x..XX.png => blockchains/<chain>/asstes/0x..XX/logo.png
await makeDirIfDoestExist(chainAssetsPath, checksum)
const newPath = `${chainAssetsPath}/${checksum}/${logo}`
fs.renameSync(assetPath, newPath)
// Moves assets/0xXX...XX.png => assets/blockchains/assets/0xXX...XX/logo.png
getRootDirFilesList().forEach(async file => {
const fileName = getFileName(file)
if(isImage(file) && !rootDirAllowedFiles.includes(file) && isEthereumAddress(fileName)) {
const checksum = toChecksum(fileName)
const ethreumAssetsPath = getChainAssetsPath("ethereum")
await makeDirIfDoestExist(ethreumAssetsPath, checksum)
fs.renameSync(`./${file}`, `${ethreumAssetsPath}/${checksum}/${logo}`)
readDirSync(chainsFolderPath).forEach(async chainDir => {
const chainPath = getChainPath(chainDir)
const isDir = isPathDir(chainPath)
const ethereumAssetsPath = getChainAssetsPath(Ethereum)
// Moves blockchains/0xXX...XX.png => assets/blockchains/ethereum/0xXX...XX/logo.png
if (!isDir) {
const checksum = toChecksum(getFileName(chainDir))
if (isChecksum(checksum) && getFileExt(chainDir).toLocaleLowerCase() === logoExtension) {
await makeDirIfDoestExist(ethereumAssetsPath, checksum)
const newPath = `${ethereumAssetsPath}/${checksum}/${logo}`
fs.renameSync(chainPath, newPath)
// Moves blockchains/0xXX...XX/logo.png => assets/blockchains/ethereum/0xXX...XX/logo.png
if (isDir && isDirContainLogo(chainPath)) {
const checksum = toChecksum(getFileName(chainDir))
await makeDirIfDoestExist(ethereumAssetsPath, checksum)
const newPath = `${ethereumAssetsPath}/${checksum}`
fs.renameSync(chainPath, newPath)

View File

@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
const bluebird = require("bluebird")
import { writeFileSync, readDirSync } from "../script/common/filesystem";
import {
} from "./helpers"
import { CoinInfoList } from "./models";
const dafaultInfoTemplate: CoinInfoList =
"name": "",
"website": "",
"source_code": "",
"whitepaper": "",
"short_description": "",
"explorer": "",
"socials": [
"name": "Twitter",
"url": "",
"handle": ""
"name": "Reddit",
"url": "",
"handle": ""
"details": [
"language": "en",
"description": ""
bluebird.mapSeries(readDirSync(chainsFolderPath), (chain: string) => {
const chainInfoPath = getChainInfoPath(chain)
// Create intial info.json file base off template if doesn't exist
if (!isChainInfoExistSync(chain)) {
writeToInfo(chainInfoPath, dafaultInfoTemplate)
// const infoList: InfoList = JSON.parse(readFileSync(chainInfoPath))
// delete infoList["data_source"]
// const newExplorer = nestedProperty.get(infoList, "explorers")
// console.log({newExplorer}, chain)
// nestedProperty.set(infoList, "explorer", newExplorer)
// delete infoList["explorers"]
// writeToInfo(chainInfoPath, infoList)
// if (isPathExistsSync(getChainAssetsPath(chain))) {
// readDirSync(getChainAssetsPath(chain)).forEach(asset => {
// const assetInfoPath = getChainAssetInfoPath(chain, asset)
// if (isPathExistsSync(assetInfoPath)) {
// const assetInfoList = JSON.parse(readFileSync(assetInfoPath))
// delete assetInfoList["data_source"]
// const newExplorers = nestedProperty.get(assetInfoList, "explorers.0.url")
// delete assetInfoList["explorers"]
// nestedProperty.set(assetInfoList, "explorer", newExplorers)
// writeToInfo(assetInfoPath, assetInfoList)
// }
// })
// }
// Get handle from Twitter and Reddit url
export function getHandle(url: string): string {
if (!url) return ""
return url.slice(url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, url.length)
function writeToInfo(path: string, info: CoinInfoList) {
writeFileSync(path, JSON.stringify(info, null, 4))

View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
import * as fs from "fs"
import * as path from "path"
export const logoName = `logo`
export const infoName = `info`
export const logoExtension = "png"
export const jsonExtension = "json"
export const logo = `${logoName}.${logoExtension}`
export const info = `${infoName}.${jsonExtension}`
export const root = './'
export const chainsFolderPath = path.join(process.cwd(), '/blockchains')
export const getChainInfoPath = (chain: string): string => `${chainsFolderPath}/${chain}/info/${info}`
export const getChainAssetsPath = (chain: string): string => `${chainsFolderPath}/${chain}/assets`
export const getChainPath = (chain: string): string => `${chainsFolderPath}/${chain}`
export const getChainAssetPath = (chain: string, address: string) => `${getChainAssetsPath(chain)}/${address}`
export const getRootDirFilesList = (): string[] => readDirSync(root)
export const readDirSync = (path: string): string[] => fs.readdirSync(path)
export const isPathExistsSync = (path: string): boolean => fs.existsSync(path)
export const isDirContainLogo = (path: string): boolean => fs.existsSync(`${path}/${logo}`)
export const isChainInfoExistSync = (chain: string): boolean => isPathExistsSync(getChainInfoPath(chain))
export const readFileSync = (path: string) => fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8')