
153 lines
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Raw Normal View History

import { readJsonFile, writeJsonFile } from "../generic/json";
import { diff } from "jsondiffpatch";
class Version {
major: number
minor: number
patch: number
constructor(major: number, minor: number, patch: number) {
this.major = major
this.minor = minor
this.patch = patch
export class List {
name: string
logoURI: string
timestamp: string
tokens: TokenItem[]
pairs: Pair[]
version: Version
constructor(name: string, logoURI: string, timestamp: string, tokens: TokenItem[], version: Version) { = name
this.logoURI = logoURI
this.timestamp = timestamp;
this.tokens = tokens
this.version = version
export class TokenItem {
asset: string;
type: string;
address: string;
name: string;
symbol: string;
decimals: number;
logoURI: string;
pairs: Pair[];
constructor(asset: string, type: string, address: string, name: string, symbol: string, decimals: number, logoURI: string, pairs: Pair[]) {
this.asset = asset
this.type = type
this.address = address = name;
this.symbol = symbol
this.decimals = decimals
this.logoURI = logoURI
this.pairs = pairs
export class Pair {
base: string;
lotSize?: string;
tickSize?: string;
constructor(base: string, lotSize?: string, tickSize?: string) {
this.base = base
this.lotSize = lotSize
this.tickSize = tickSize
export function generateTokensList(titleCoin: string, tokens: TokenItem[], time: string, versionMajor: number, versionMinor = 1, versionPatch = 0): List {
if (!time) {
time = (new Date()).toISOString();
const list = new List(
`Trust Wallet: ${titleCoin}`,
new Version(versionMajor, versionMinor, versionPatch)
return list;
function totalPairs(list: List): number {
let c = 0;
list.tokens.forEach(t => c += (t.pairs || []).length);
return c;
export function writeToFile(filename: string, list: List): void {
writeJsonFile(filename, list);
console.log(`Tokenlist: list with ${list.tokens.length} tokens and ${totalPairs(list)} pairs written to ${filename}.`);
// Write out to file, updating version+timestamp if there was change
export function writeToFileWithUpdate(filename: string, list: List): void {
let listOld: List = undefined;
let oldVersion: Version = new Version(0, 0, 0);
try {
listOld = readJsonFile(filename) as List;
} catch (err) {
listOld = undefined;
let changed = false;
if (listOld === undefined) {
changed = true;
} else {
oldVersion = listOld.version;
const diffs = diffTokenlist(list, listOld);
if (diffs != undefined) {
//console.log("List has Changed", JSON.stringify(diffs));
changed = true;
if (changed) {
// update version and time
list.version.major = oldVersion.major + 1;
list.version.minor = 0;
list.version.patch = 0;
list.timestamp = (new Date()).toISOString();
console.log(`Version and timestamp updated, ${list.version.major}.${list.version.minor}.${list.version.patch} timestamp ${list.timestamp}`);
writeToFile(filename, list);
function sort(list: List) {
list.tokens.sort((t1, t2) => {
const t1pairs = (t1.pairs || []).length;
const t2pairs = (t2.pairs || []).length;
if (t1pairs != t2pairs) { return t2pairs - t1pairs; }
return t1.address.localeCompare(t2.address);
list.tokens.forEach(t => {
t.pairs.sort((p1, p2) => p1.base.localeCompare(p2.base));
function clearUnimportantFields(list: List) {
list.timestamp = "";
list.version = new Version(0, 0, 0);
export function diffTokenlist(listOrig1: List, listOrig2: List): unknown {
// deep copy, to avoid changes
const list1 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(listOrig1));
const list2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(listOrig2));
// compare
const diffs = diff(list1, list2);
return diffs;