2019-11-12 03:52:39 +05:30

608 lines
19 KiB

pragma solidity ^0.5.8;
interface TubInterface {
function open() external returns (bytes32);
function join(uint) external;
function exit(uint) external;
function lock(bytes32, uint) external;
function free(bytes32, uint) external;
function draw(bytes32, uint) external;
function wipe(bytes32, uint) external;
function give(bytes32, address) external;
function shut(bytes32) external;
function cups(bytes32) external view returns (address, uint, uint, uint);
function gem() external view returns (TokenInterface);
function gov() external view returns (TokenInterface);
function skr() external view returns (TokenInterface);
function sai() external view returns (TokenInterface);
function ink(bytes32) external view returns (uint);
function tab(bytes32) external returns (uint);
function rap(bytes32) external returns (uint);
function per() external view returns (uint);
function pep() external view returns (PepInterface);
interface TokenInterface {
function allowance(address, address) external view returns (uint);
function balanceOf(address) external view returns (uint);
function approve(address, uint) external;
function transfer(address, uint) external returns (bool);
function transferFrom(address, address, uint) external returns (bool);
function deposit() external payable;
function withdraw(uint) external;
interface PepInterface {
function peek() external returns (bytes32, bool);
interface UniswapExchange {
function getEthToTokenOutputPrice(uint256 tokensBought) external view returns (uint256 ethSold);
function getTokenToEthOutputPrice(uint256 ethBought) external view returns (uint256 tokensSold);
function tokenToTokenSwapOutput(
uint256 tokensBought,
uint256 maxTokensSold,
uint256 maxEthSold,
uint256 deadline,
address tokenAddr
) external returns (uint256 tokensSold);
function ethToTokenSwapOutput(uint256 tokensBought, uint256 deadline) external payable returns (uint256 ethSold);
interface UniswapFactoryInterface {
function getExchange(address token) external view returns (address exchange);
interface MCDInterface {
function swapDaiToSai(uint wad) external;
function migrate(bytes32 cup) external returns (uint cdp);
interface PoolInterface {
function accessToken(address[] calldata ctknAddr, uint[] calldata tknAmt, bool isCompound) external;
function paybackToken(address[] calldata ctknAddr, bool isCompound) external payable;
interface OtcInterface {
function getPayAmount(address, address, uint) external view returns (uint);
function buyAllAmount(
) external;
interface ManagerLike {
function cdpCan(address, uint, address) external view returns (uint);
function ilks(uint) external view returns (bytes32);
function owns(uint) external view returns (address);
function urns(uint) external view returns (address);
function vat() external view returns (address);
function open(bytes32) external returns (uint);
function give(uint, address) external;
function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) external;
function urnAllow(address, uint) external;
function frob(uint, int, int) external;
function frob(
) external;
function flux(uint, address, uint) external;
function move(uint, address, uint) external;
function exit(
) external;
function quit(uint, address) external;
function enter(address, uint) external;
function shift(uint, uint) external;
contract DSMath {
function add(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) {
require((z = x + y) >= x, "math-not-safe");
function sub(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) {
z = x - y <= x ? x - y : 0;
function mul(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) {
require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x, "math-not-safe");
uint constant WAD = 10 ** 18;
uint constant RAY = 10 ** 27;
function rmul(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) {
z = add(mul(x, y), RAY / 2) / RAY;
function wmul(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) {
z = add(mul(x, y), WAD / 2) / WAD;
function rdiv(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) {
z = add(mul(x, RAY), y / 2) / y;
function wdiv(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) {
z = add(mul(x, WAD), y / 2) / y;
contract Helpers is DSMath {
* @dev get MakerDAO SCD CDP engine
function getSaiTubAddress() public pure returns (address sai) {
sai = 0x448a5065aeBB8E423F0896E6c5D525C040f59af3;
* @dev get Sai (Dai v1) address
function getSaiAddress() public pure returns (address sai) {
sai = 0x448a5065aeBB8E423F0896E6c5D525C040f59af3;
* @dev get Compound WETH Address
function getWETHAddress() public pure returns (address wethAddr) {
wethAddr = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; // main
* @dev get OTC Address
function getOtcAddress() public pure returns (address otcAddr) {
otcAddr = 0x39755357759cE0d7f32dC8dC45414CCa409AE24e; // main
* @dev get uniswap MKR exchange
function getUniswapMKRExchange() public pure returns (address ume) {
ume = 0x2C4Bd064b998838076fa341A83d007FC2FA50957;
* @dev get uniswap factory
function getUniswapFactory() public pure returns (address addr) {
addr = 0xc0a47dFe034B400B47bDaD5FecDa2621de6c4d95;
* @dev get InstaDApp Liquidity Address
function getPoolAddress() public pure returns (address payable liqAddr) {
liqAddr = 0x1564D040EC290C743F67F5cB11f3C1958B39872A;
* @dev get InstaDApp CDP's Address
function getGiveAddress() public pure returns (address addr) {
addr = 0xc679857761beE860f5Ec4B3368dFE9752580B096;
* @dev setting allowance if required
function setApproval(address erc20, uint srcAmt, address to) internal {
TokenInterface erc20Contract = TokenInterface(erc20);
uint tokenAllowance = erc20Contract.allowance(address(this), to);
if (srcAmt > tokenAllowance) {
erc20Contract.approve(to, uint(-1));
contract LiquidityResolver is Helpers {
//Had to write seprate for pool, remix was showing error.
function getLiquidity(uint _wad) internal {
uint[] memory _wadArr = new uint[](1);
_wadArr[0] = _wad;
address[] memory addrArr = new address[](1);
addrArr[0] = address(0);
// Get liquidity assets to payback user wallet borrowed assets
PoolInterface(getPoolAddress()).accessToken(addrArr, _wadArr, false);
function paybackLiquidity(uint _wad) internal {
address[] memory addrArr = new address[](1);
addrArr[0] = address(0);
// transfer and payback dai to InstaDApp pool.
require(TokenInterface(getSaiAddress()).transfer(getPoolAddress(), _wad), "Not-enough-dai");
PoolInterface(getPoolAddress()).paybackToken(addrArr, false);
contract MKRSwapper is LiquidityResolver {
function swapToMkrOtc(address tokenAddr, uint govFee) internal {
TokenInterface mkr = TubInterface(getSaiTubAddress()).gov();
uint payAmt = OtcInterface(getOtcAddress()).getPayAmount(tokenAddr, address(mkr), govFee);
if (tokenAddr == getWETHAddress()) {
TokenInterface weth = TokenInterface(getWETHAddress());
} else if (tokenAddr != getSaiAddress()) {
require(TokenInterface(tokenAddr).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), payAmt), "Tranfer-failed");
setApproval(tokenAddr, payAmt, getOtcAddress());
contract SCDResolver is MKRSwapper {
function getFeeOfCdp(bytes32 cup, uint _wad) internal returns (uint feeAmt) {
// Set ratio according to user.
TubInterface tub = TubInterface(getSaiTubAddress());
(bytes32 val, bool ok) = tub.pep().peek();
TokenInterface mkr = TubInterface(getSaiTubAddress()).gov();
feeAmt = 0;
// wad according to toConvert ratio
if (ok && val != 0) {
// MKR required for wipe = Stability fees accrued in Dai / MKRUSD value
uint mkrFee = rdiv(tub.rap(cup),;
mkrFee = rmul(_wad, mkrFee);
mkrFee = wdiv(mkrFee, uint(val));
feeAmt = OtcInterface(getOtcAddress()).getPayAmount(getSaiAddress(), address(mkr), mkrFee);
function open() internal returns (bytes32 cup) {
cup = TubInterface(getSaiTubAddress()).open();
function wipe(bytes32 cup, uint _wad, address payFeeWith) internal {
if (_wad > 0) {
TubInterface tub = TubInterface(getSaiTubAddress());
TokenInterface dai = tub.sai();
TokenInterface mkr =;
(address lad,,,) = tub.cups(cup);
require(lad == address(this), "cup-not-owned");
setAllowance(dai, getSaiTubAddress());
setAllowance(mkr, getSaiTubAddress());
uint mkrFee = getFeeOfCdp(cup, _wad);
if (payFeeWith != address(mkr) && mkrFee > 0) {
swapToMkrOtc(payFeeWith, mkrFee); //otc
tub.wipe(cup, _wad);
function free(bytes32 cup, uint ink) internal {
if (ink > 0) {
TubInterface(getSaiTubAddress()).free(cup, ink); // free PETH
function lock(bytes32 cup, uint ink) internal {
if (ink > 0) {
TubInterface tub = TubInterface(getSaiTubAddress());
TokenInterface peth = tub.skr();
(address lad,,,) = tub.cups(cup);
require(lad == address(this), "cup-not-owned");
setAllowance(peth, getSaiTubAddress());
tub.lock(cup, ink);
function draw(bytes32 cup, uint _wad) internal {
if (_wad > 0) {
TubInterface tub = TubInterface(getSaiTubAddress());
tub.draw(cup, _wad);
function setAllowance(TokenInterface _token, address _spender) private {
if (_token.allowance(address(this), _spender) != uint(-1)) {
_token.approve(_spender, uint(-1));
contract MCDResolver is SCDResolver {
function migrateToMCD(
address payable scdMcdMigration, // Migration contract address
bytes32 cup, // SCD CDP Id to migrate
address payGem // Token address
) internal returns (uint cdp)
TubInterface tub = TubInterface(getSaiTubAddress());
tub.give(cup, address(scdMcdMigration));
// Get necessary MKR fee and move it to the migration contract
(bytes32 val, bool ok) = tub.pep().peek();
if (ok && uint(val) != 0) {
// Calculate necessary value of MKR to pay the govFee
uint govFee = wdiv(tub.rap(cup), uint(val));
if (govFee > 0) {
if (payGem != address(0)) {
swapToMkrOtc(payGem, govFee);
} else {
require(, address(this), govFee), "transfer-failed"); // Check Samyak - We can directly transfer MKR to address(scdMcdMigration). Right?
require(, govFee), "transfer-failed");
// Execute migrate function
cdp = MCDInterface(scdMcdMigration).migrate(cup);
function giveCDP(
address manager,
uint cdp,
address nextOwner
) internal
ManagerLike(manager).give(cdp, nextOwner);
function shiftCDP(
address manager,
uint cdpSrc,
uint cdpOrg
) internal
require(ManagerLike(manager).owns(cdpOrg) == address(this), "NOT-OWNER");
ManagerLike(manager).shift(cdpSrc, cdpOrg);
contract MigrateHelper is MCDResolver {
function setSplitAmount(
bytes32 cup,
uint toConvert,
address payFeeWith,
address daiJoin
) internal returns (uint _wad, uint _ink, uint maxConvert)
// Set ratio according to user.
TubInterface tub = TubInterface(getSaiTubAddress());
maxConvert = toConvert;
uint saiBal = tub.sai().balanceOf(daiJoin);
uint _wadTotal =;
uint feeAmt = 0;
// wad according to toConvert ratio
_wad = wmul(_wadTotal, toConvert);
// if migration is by debt method, Add fee(SAI) to _wad
if (payFeeWith == getSaiAddress()) {
feeAmt = getFeeOfCdp(cup, _wad);
_wad = add(_wad, feeAmt);
//if sai_join has enough sai to migrate.
if (saiBal < _wad) {
// set saiBal as wad amount And sub feeAmt(feeAmt > 0, when its debt method).
_wad = sub(saiBal, add(feeAmt, 100000));
// set new convert ratio according to sai_join balance.
maxConvert = sub(wdiv(saiBal, _wadTotal), 100);
// ink according to maxConvert ratio.
_ink = wmul(, maxConvert);
function splitCdp(
bytes32 scdCup,
bytes32 splitCup,
uint _wad,
uint _ink,
address payFeeWith
) internal
//getting InstaDApp Pool Balance.
uint initialPoolBal = sub(getPoolAddress().balance, 10000000000);
// Check if the split fee is paid by debt from the cdp.
uint _wadForDebt = payFeeWith == getSaiAddress() ? add(_wad, getFeeOfCdp(scdCup, _wad)) : _wad; // Check Thrilok - gas fee;
//fetch liquidity from InstaDApp Pool.
//transfer assets from scdCup to splitCup.
wipe(scdCup, _wad, payFeeWith);
free(scdCup, _ink);
lock(splitCup, _ink);
draw(splitCup, _wadForDebt);
//transfer and payback liquidity to InstaDApp Pool.
uint finalPoolBal = getPoolAddress().balance;
assert(finalPoolBal >= initialPoolBal);
function drawDebtForFee(bytes32 cup) internal {
// draw more SAI for debt method and 100% convert.
uint _wad = TubInterface(getSaiTubAddress()).tab(cup);
uint fee = getFeeOfCdp(cup, _wad);
// draw fee amt.
draw(cup, fee);
contract MigrateResolver is MigrateHelper {
event LogMigrate(uint scdCdp, uint toConvert, address payFeeWith, uint mcdCdp, uint newMcdCdp);
event LogMigrateWithDebt(uint scdCdp, uint toConvert, address payFeeWith, uint mcdCdp, uint newMcdCdp);
function migrate(
uint scdCDP,
uint mergeCDP,
uint toConvert,
address payFeeWith,
address payable scdMcdMigration,
address manager,
address daiJoin
) external payable returns (uint newMcdCdp)
bytes32 scdCup = bytes32(scdCDP);
uint maxConvert = toConvert;
if (toConvert < 10**18) {
//new cdp for spliting assets.
bytes32 splitCup = TubInterface(getSaiTubAddress()).open();
//set split amount according to toConvert and dai_join balance.
uint _wad;
uint _ink;
(_wad, _ink, maxConvert) = setSplitAmount(
//split the assets into split cdp.
//migrate the split cdp.
newMcdCdp = migrateToMCD(scdMcdMigration, splitCup, payFeeWith);
} else {
//migrate the scd cdp.
newMcdCdp = migrateToMCD(scdMcdMigration, scdCup, payFeeWith);
//Transfer if any ETH leftover.
if (address(this).balance > 0) { // Check Thrilok - Can remove at time of production
//merge the already existing mcd cdp with the new migrated cdp.
if (mergeCDP != 0) {
shiftCDP(manager, newMcdCdp, mergeCDP);
giveCDP(manager, newMcdCdp, getGiveAddress());
emit LogMigrate(
function migrateWithDebt(
uint scdCDP,
uint mergeCDP,
uint toConvert,
address payFeeWith,
address payable scdMcdMigration,
address manager,
address daiJoin
) external payable returns (uint newMcdCdp)
bytes32 scdCup = bytes32(scdCDP);
uint maxConvert = toConvert;
if (toConvert < 10**18) {
//new cdp for spliting assets.
bytes32 splitCup = TubInterface(getSaiTubAddress()).open();
//set split amount according to toConvert, feeAmt and dai_join balance.
uint _wad;
uint _ink;
(_wad, _ink, maxConvert) = setSplitAmount(
//split the assets into split cdp.
//migrate the split cdp.
newMcdCdp = migrateToMCD(scdMcdMigration, splitCup, payFeeWith);
} else {
// draw extra SAI for paying fee.
//migrate the scd cdp.
newMcdCdp = migrateToMCD(scdMcdMigration, scdCup, payFeeWith);
//Transfer if any ETH leftover.
if (address(this).balance > 0) { // Check Thrilok - Can remove at time of production
//merge the already existing mcd cdp with the new migrated cdp.
if (mergeCDP != 0) {
shiftCDP(manager, newMcdCdp, mergeCDP);
giveCDP(manager, newMcdCdp, getGiveAddress());
emit LogMigrateWithDebt(
contract InstaMcdMigrate is MigrateResolver {
function() external payable {}