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synced 2024-07-29 22:08:07 +00:00
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pragma solidity 0.5.12;
contract GemLike {
function approve(address, uint) public;
function transfer(address, uint) public;
function transferFrom(address, address, uint) public;
function deposit() public payable;
function withdraw(uint) public;
contract ManagerLike {
function cdpCan(address, uint, address) public view returns (uint);
function ilks(uint) public view returns (bytes32);
function owns(uint) public view returns (address);
function urns(uint) public view returns (address);
function vat() public view returns (address);
function open(bytes32, address) public returns (uint);
function give(uint, address) public;
function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) public;
function urnAllow(address, uint) public;
function frob(uint, int, int) public;
function flux(uint, address, uint) public;
function move(uint, address, uint) public;
function exit(address, uint, address, uint) public;
function quit(uint, address) public;
function enter(address, uint) public;
function shift(uint, uint) public;
contract VatLike {
function can(address, address) public view returns (uint);
function ilks(bytes32) public view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint);
function dai(address) public view returns (uint);
function urns(bytes32, address) public view returns (uint, uint);
function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) public;
function hope(address) public;
function move(address, address, uint) public;
contract GemJoinLike {
function dec() public returns (uint);
function gem() public returns (GemLike);
function join(address, uint) public payable;
function exit(address, uint) public;
contract GNTJoinLike {
function bags(address) public view returns (address);
function make(address) public returns (address);
contract DaiJoinLike {
function vat() public returns (VatLike);
function dai() public returns (GemLike);
function join(address, uint) public payable;
function exit(address, uint) public;
contract HopeLike {
function hope(address) public;
function nope(address) public;
contract EndLike {
function fix(bytes32) public view returns (uint);
function cash(bytes32, uint) public;
function free(bytes32) public;
function pack(uint) public;
function skim(bytes32, address) public;
contract JugLike {
function drip(bytes32) public returns (uint);
contract PotLike {
function pie(address) public view returns (uint);
function drip() public returns (uint);
function join(uint) public;
function exit(uint) public;
contract ProxyRegistryLike {
function proxies(address) public view returns (address);
function build(address) public returns (address);
contract ProxyLike {
function owner() public view returns (address);
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// WARNING: These functions meant to be used as a a library for a DSProxy. Some are unsafe if you call them directly.
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
contract Common {
uint256 constant RAY = 10 ** 27;
// Internal functions
function mul(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) {
require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x, "mul-overflow");
// Public functions
function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad) public {
// Gets DAI from the user's wallet
DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad);
// Approves adapter to take the DAI amount
DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad);
// Joins DAI into the vat
DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad);
contract DssProxyActions is Common {
// Internal functions
function sub(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) {
require((z = x - y) <= x, "sub-overflow");
function toInt(uint x) internal pure returns (int y) {
y = int(x);
require(y >= 0, "int-overflow");
function toRad(uint wad) internal pure returns (uint rad) {
rad = mul(wad, 10 ** 27);
function convertTo18(address gemJoin, uint256 amt) internal returns (uint256 wad) {
// For those collaterals that have less than 18 decimals precision we need to do the conversion before passing to frob function
// Adapters will automatically handle the difference of precision
wad = mul(
10 ** (18 - GemJoinLike(gemJoin).dec())
function _getDrawDart(
address vat,
address jug,
address urn,
bytes32 ilk,
uint wad
) internal returns (int dart) {
// Updates stability fee rate
uint rate = JugLike(jug).drip(ilk);
// Gets DAI balance of the urn in the vat
uint dai = VatLike(vat).dai(urn);
// If there was already enough DAI in the vat balance, just exits it without adding more debt
if (dai < mul(wad, RAY)) {
// Calculates the needed dart so together with the existing dai in the vat is enough to exit wad amount of DAI tokens
dart = toInt(sub(mul(wad, RAY), dai) / rate);
// This is neeeded due lack of precision. It might need to sum an extra dart wei (for the given DAI wad amount)
dart = mul(uint(dart), rate) < mul(wad, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart;
function _getWipeDart(
address vat,
uint dai,
address urn,
bytes32 ilk
) internal view returns (int dart) {
// Gets actual rate from the vat
(, uint rate,,,) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk);
// Gets actual art value of the urn
(, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn);
// Uses the whole dai balance in the vat to reduce the debt
dart = toInt(dai / rate);
// Checks the calculated dart is not higher than urn.art (total debt), otherwise uses its value
dart = uint(dart) <= art ? - dart : - toInt(art);
function _getFreeDink(
address vat,
uint wadC,
address urn,
bytes32 ilk
) internal view returns (uint dink) {
// Gets actual art value of the urn
(dink,) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn);
// Uses the whole dai balance in the vat to reduce the debt
// Checks the calculated dart is not higher than urn.art (total debt), otherwise uses its value
dink = wadC <= dink ? wadC : dink;
function _getWipeAllWad(
address vat,
address usr,
address urn,
bytes32 ilk
) internal view returns (uint wad) {
// Gets actual rate from the vat
(, uint rate,,,) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk);
// Gets actual art value of the urn
(, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn);
// Gets actual dai amount in the urn
uint dai = VatLike(vat).dai(usr);
uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai);
wad = rad / RAY;
// If the rad precision has some dust, it will need to request for 1 extra wad wei
wad = mul(wad, RAY) < rad ? wad + 1 : wad;
// Public functions
function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint wad) public {
GemLike(gem).transfer(dst, wad);
function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public payable {
// Wraps ETH in WETH
// Approves adapter to take the WETH amount
GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(address(apt), msg.value);
// Joins WETH collateral into the vat
GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, msg.value);
function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public {
// Only executes for tokens that have approval/transferFrom implementation
if (transferFrom) {
// Gets token from the user's wallet
GemJoinLike(apt).gem().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad);
// Approves adapter to take the token amount
GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, wad);
// Joins token collateral into the vat
GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad);
function hope(
address obj,
address usr
) public {
function nope(
address obj,
address usr
) public {
function open(
address manager,
bytes32 ilk,
address usr
) public returns (uint cdp) {
cdp = ManagerLike(manager).open(ilk, usr);
function give(
address manager,
uint cdp,
address usr
) public {
ManagerLike(manager).give(cdp, usr);
function giveToProxy(
address proxyRegistry,
address manager,
uint cdp,
address dst
) public {
// Gets actual proxy address
address proxy = ProxyRegistryLike(proxyRegistry).proxies(dst);
// Checks if the proxy address already existed and dst address is still the owner
if (proxy == address(0) || ProxyLike(proxy).owner() != dst) {
uint csize;
assembly {
csize := extcodesize(dst)
// We want to avoid creating a proxy for a contract address that might not be able to handle proxies, then losing the CDP
require(csize == 0, "Dst-is-a-contract");
// Creates the proxy for the dst address
proxy = ProxyRegistryLike(proxyRegistry).build(dst);
// Transfers CDP to the dst proxy
give(manager, cdp, proxy);
function cdpAllow(
address manager,
uint cdp,
address usr,
uint ok
) public {
ManagerLike(manager).cdpAllow(cdp, usr, ok);
function urnAllow(
address manager,
address usr,
uint ok
) public {
ManagerLike(manager).urnAllow(usr, ok);
function flux(
address manager,
uint cdp,
address dst,
uint wad
) public {
ManagerLike(manager).flux(cdp, dst, wad);
function move(
address manager,
uint cdp,
address dst,
uint rad
) public {
ManagerLike(manager).move(cdp, dst, rad);
function frob(
address manager,
uint cdp,
int dink,
int dart
) public {
ManagerLike(manager).frob(cdp, dink, dart);
function quit(
address manager,
uint cdp,
address dst
) public {
ManagerLike(manager).quit(cdp, dst);
function enter(
address manager,
address src,
uint cdp
) public {
ManagerLike(manager).enter(src, cdp);
function shift(
address manager,
uint cdpSrc,
uint cdpOrg
) public {
ManagerLike(manager).shift(cdpSrc, cdpOrg);
function makeGemBag(
address gemJoin
) public returns (address bag) {
bag = GNTJoinLike(gemJoin).make(address(this));
function lockETH(
address manager,
address ethJoin,
uint cdp
) public payable {
// Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat
ethJoin_join(ethJoin, address(this));
// Locks WETH amount into the CDP
function safeLockETH(
address manager,
address ethJoin,
uint cdp,
address owner
) public payable {
require(ManagerLike(manager).owns(cdp) == owner, "owner-missmatch");
lockETH(manager, ethJoin, cdp);
function lockGem(
address manager,
address gemJoin,
uint cdp,
uint wad,
bool transferFrom
) public {
// Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat
gemJoin_join(gemJoin, address(this), wad, transferFrom);
// Locks token amount into the CDP
toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)),
function safeLockGem(
address manager,
address gemJoin,
uint cdp,
uint wad,
bool transferFrom,
address owner
) public {
require(ManagerLike(manager).owns(cdp) == owner, "owner-missmatch");
lockGem(manager, gemJoin, cdp, wad, transferFrom);
function freeETH(
address manager,
address ethJoin,
uint cdp,
uint wad
) public {
// Unlocks WETH amount from the CDP
address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp);
address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat();
bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp);
uint dink = _getFreeDink(
frob(manager, cdp, -toInt(dink), 0);
// Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address
flux(manager, cdp, address(this), dink);
// Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token
GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), dink);
// Converts WETH to ETH
// Sends ETH back to the user's wallet
function freeGem(
address manager,
address gemJoin,
uint cdp,
uint wad
) public {
address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp);
address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat();
bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp);
uint dink = _getFreeDink(
uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, dink);
// Unlocks token amount from the CDP
frob(manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), 0);
// Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address
flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18);
// Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token
GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad18);
function exitETH(
address manager,
address ethJoin,
uint cdp,
uint wad
) public {
// Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address
flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad);
// Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token
GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wad);
// Converts WETH to ETH
// Sends ETH back to the user's wallet
function exitGem(
address manager,
address gemJoin,
uint cdp,
uint wad
) public {
// Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address
flux(manager, cdp, address(this), convertTo18(gemJoin, wad));
// Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token
GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad);
function draw(
address manager,
address jug,
address daiJoin,
uint cdp,
uint wad
) public {
address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp);
address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat();
bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp);
// Generates debt in the CDP
frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wad));
// Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address
move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wad));
// Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat
if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) {
// Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token
DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad);
function drawAndSend(
address manager,
address jug,
address daiJoin,
uint cdp,
uint wad,
address to
) public {
address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp);
address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat();
bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp);
// Generates debt in the CDP
frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wad));
// Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address
move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wad));
// Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat
if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) {
// Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token
DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(to, wad);
function wipe(
address manager,
address daiJoin,
uint cdp,
uint wad
) public {
address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat();
address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp);
bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp);
address own = ManagerLike(manager).owns(cdp);
if (own == address(this) || ManagerLike(manager).cdpCan(own, cdp, address(this)) == 1) {
// Joins DAI amount into the vat
daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, wad);
// Paybacks debt to the CDP
frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getWipeDart(vat, VatLike(vat).dai(urn), urn, ilk));
} else {
// Joins DAI amount into the vat
daiJoin_join(daiJoin, address(this), wad);
// Paybacks debt to the CDP
_getWipeDart(vat, wad * RAY, urn, ilk)
function safeWipe(
address manager,
address daiJoin,
uint cdp,
uint wad,
address owner
) public {
require(ManagerLike(manager).owns(cdp) == owner, "owner-missmatch");
wipe(manager, daiJoin, cdp, wad);
function lockETHAndDraw(
address manager,
address jug,
address ethJoin,
address daiJoin,
uint cdp,
uint wadD
) public payable {
address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp);
address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat();
bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp);
// Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat
ethJoin_join(ethJoin, urn);
// Locks WETH amount into the CDP and generates debt
frob(manager, cdp, toInt(msg.value), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD));
// Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address
move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD));
// Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat
if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) {
// Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token
DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD);
function openLockETHAndDraw(
address manager,
address jug,
address ethJoin,
address daiJoin,
bytes32 ilk,
uint wadD
) public payable returns (uint cdp) {
cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this));
lockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadD);
function lockGemAndDraw(
address manager,
address jug,
address gemJoin,
address daiJoin,
uint cdp,
uint wadC,
uint wadD,
bool transferFrom
) public {
address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp);
address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat();
bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp);
// Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat
gemJoin_join(gemJoin, urn, wadC, transferFrom);
// Locks token amount into the CDP and generates debt
frob(manager, cdp, toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC)), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD));
// Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address
move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD));
// Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat
if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) {
// Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token
DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD);
function openLockGemAndDraw(
address manager,
address jug,
address gemJoin,
address daiJoin,
bytes32 ilk,
uint wadC,
uint wadD,
bool transferFrom
) public returns (uint cdp) {
cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this));
lockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadC, wadD, transferFrom);