pragma solidity ^0.5.0; /** * @dev because math is not safe */ library SafeMath { function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "math-not-safe"); return c; } } /** * @title AddressRegistryInterface Interface */ interface AddressRegistryInterface { function isLogicAuth(address logicAddr) external view returns (bool, bool); function updateProxyRecord(address currentOwner, address nextOwner) external; function guardianEnabled() external view returns (bool); function managerEnabled() external view returns (bool); } /** * @title Address Registry Record */ contract AddressRecord { /** * @dev address registry of system, logic and wallet addresses */ address public registry; /** * @param logicAddr is the logic proxy contract address * @return the true boolean for logic proxy if authorised otherwise false */ function isLogicAuthorised(address logicAddr) public view returns (bool, bool) { AddressRegistryInterface logicProxy = AddressRegistryInterface(registry); (bool isLogic, bool isDefault) = logicProxy.isLogicAuth(logicAddr); return (isLogic, isDefault); } /** * @dev this updates the internal proxy ownership on "registry" contract * @param currentOwner is the current owner * @param nextOwner is the new assigned owner */ function setProxyRecordOwner(address currentOwner, address nextOwner) internal { AddressRegistryInterface initCall = AddressRegistryInterface(registry); initCall.updateProxyRecord(currentOwner, nextOwner); } } /** * @title User Auth */ contract UserAuth is AddressRecord { using SafeMath for uint; using SafeMath for uint256; event LogSetOwner(address indexed owner, address setter); event LogSetPendingOwner(address indexed pendingOwner, address setter); address public owner; address public pendingOwner; uint public claimOnwershipTime; // now + 7 days uint public gracePeriod; // to set the new owner - defaults to 3 days /** * @dev defines the "proxy registry" contract and sets the owner */ constructor() public { gracePeriod = 3 days; } /** * @dev Throws if not called by owner or contract itself */ modifier auth { require(isAuth(msg.sender), "permission-denied"); _; } /** * @dev sets the "pending owner" and provide 3 days grace period to set the new owner via setOwner() * Throws if called before 10 (i.e. 7 + 3) day after assigning "pending owner" * @param nextOwner is the assigned "pending owner" */ function setPendingOwner(address nextOwner) public auth { require(block.timestamp > claimOnwershipTime.add(gracePeriod), "owner-is-still-pending"); pendingOwner = nextOwner; claimOnwershipTime = block.timestamp.add(7 days); emit LogSetPendingOwner(nextOwner, msg.sender); } /** * @dev sets "pending owner" as real owner * Throws if no "pending owner" * Throws if called before 7 day after assigning "pending owner" */ function setOwner() public { require(pendingOwner != address(0), "no-pending-address"); require(block.timestamp > claimOnwershipTime, "owner-is-still-pending"); setProxyRecordOwner(owner, pendingOwner); owner = pendingOwner; pendingOwner = address(0); emit LogSetOwner(owner, msg.sender); } /** * @dev sets owner and function is only be called once by registry on build() * and this hack verifiy the contract on etherscan automatically * as no dynamic owner address is sent in the constructor * @param _owner is the new owner of this contract wallet */ function setOwnerOnce(address _owner) public auth { require(msg.sender == registry, "permission-denied"); owner = _owner; emit LogSetOwner(owner, msg.sender); } /** * @dev checks if called by owner or contract itself * @param src is the address initiating the call */ function isAuth(address src) public view returns (bool) { if (src == address(this)) { return true; } else if (src == owner) { return true; } else { return false; } } } /** * @title User Guardians * @dev the assigned guardian addresses (upto 3) can set new owners * but only after certain period of owner's inactivity (i.e. activePeriod) */ contract UserGuardian is UserAuth { event LogSetGuardian(uint num, address indexed prevGuardian, address indexed newGuardian); event LogNewActivePeriod(uint newActivePeriod); event LogSetOwnerViaGuardian(address nextOwner, address indexed guardian); mapping(uint => address) public guardians; uint public lastActivity; // time when called "execute" last time uint public activePeriod; // the period over lastActivity when guardians have no rights /** * @dev Throws if guardians not enabled by system admin */ modifier isGuardianEnabled() { AddressRegistryInterface initCall = AddressRegistryInterface(registry); require(initCall.guardianEnabled(), "guardian-not-enabled"); _; } /** * @dev guardians can set "owner" after owner stay inactive for minimum "activePeriod" * @param nextOwner is the new owner * @param num is the assigned guardian number */ function setOwnerViaGuardian(address nextOwner, uint num) public isGuardianEnabled { require(isGuardian(msg.sender), "not-guardian"); require(msg.sender == guardians[num], "permission-denied"); require(block.timestamp > lastActivity.add(activePeriod), "active-period-not-over"); owner = nextOwner; emit LogSetOwnerViaGuardian(nextOwner, guardians[num]); } /** * @dev sets the guardian with assigned number (upto 5) * @param num is the guardian assigned number * @param _guardian is the new guardian address */ function setGuardian(uint num, address _guardian) public auth isGuardianEnabled { require(num > 0 && num < 6, "guardians-cant-exceed-three"); emit LogSetGuardian(num, guardians[num], _guardian); guardians[num] = _guardian; } /** * @dev sets the guardian with assigned number (upto 5) * @param _activePeriod is the period when guardians have no rights to dethrone the owner */ function updateActivePeriod(uint _activePeriod) public auth isGuardianEnabled { activePeriod = _activePeriod; emit LogNewActivePeriod(_activePeriod); } /** * @dev Throws if the msg.sender is not guardian */ function isGuardian(address _guardian) public view returns (bool) { if ( _guardian == guardians[1] || _guardian == guardians[2] || _guardian == guardians[3] || _guardian == guardians[4] || _guardian == guardians[5] ) { return true; } else { return false; } } } /** * @title User Manager * @dev the assigned manager addresses (upto 3) can manage the wealth in contract to contract fashion * but can't withdraw the assets on their personal address */ contract UserManager is UserGuardian { event LogSetManager(uint num, address indexed prevManager, address indexed newManager); mapping(uint => address) public managers; /** * @dev Throws if manager not enabled by system admin */ modifier isManagerEnabled() { AddressRegistryInterface initCall = AddressRegistryInterface(registry); require(initCall.managerEnabled(), "admin-not-enabled"); _; } /** * @dev sets the manager with assigned number (upto 5) * @param num is the assigned number of manager * @param _manager is the new admin address */ function setManager(uint num, address _manager) public auth isManagerEnabled { require(num > 0 && num < 6, "guardians-cant-exceed-three"); emit LogSetManager(num, managers[num], _manager); managers[num] = _manager; } /** * @dev Throws if the msg.sender is not manager */ function isManager(address _manager) public view returns (bool) { if ( _manager == managers[1] || _manager == managers[2] || _manager == managers[3] || _manager == managers[4] || _manager == managers[5] ) { return true; } else { return false; } } } /** * @dev logging the execute events */ contract UserNote { event LogNote( bytes4 indexed sig, address indexed guy, bytes32 indexed foo, bytes32 bar, uint wad, bytes fax ); modifier note { bytes32 foo; bytes32 bar; assembly { foo := calldataload(4) bar := calldataload(36) } emit LogNote( msg.sig, msg.sender, foo, bar, msg.value, ); _; } } /** * @title User Owned Contract Wallet */ contract InstaWallet is UserManager, UserNote { event LogExecute(address sender, address target, uint srcNum, uint sessionNum); /** * @dev sets the "address registry", owner's last activity, owner's active period and initial owner */ constructor() public { registry = msg.sender; owner = msg.sender; // will be changed in initial call itself lastActivity = block.timestamp; activePeriod = 30 days; // default on deployment and changeable afterwards } function() external payable {} /** * @dev execute authorised calls via delegate call * @param _target logic proxy address * @param _data delegate call data * @param srcNum to find the source * @param sessionNum to find the session */ function execute( address _target, bytes memory _data, uint srcNum, uint sessionNum ) public payable note isExecutable(_target) returns (bytes memory response) { lastActivity = block.timestamp; emit LogExecute( msg.sender, _target, srcNum, sessionNum ); // call contract in current context assembly { let succeeded := delegatecall(sub(gas, 5000), _target, add(_data, 0x20), mload(_data), 0, 0) let size := returndatasize response := mload(0x40) mstore(0x40, add(response, and(add(add(size, 0x20), 0x1f), not(0x1f)))) mstore(response, size) returndatacopy(add(response, 0x20), 0, size) switch iszero(succeeded) case 1 { // throw if delegatecall failed revert(add(response, 0x20), size) } } } /** * @dev checks if the proxy is authorised * and if the sender is owner or contract itself or manager * and if manager then Throws if target is default proxy address */ modifier isExecutable(address proxyTarget) { require(proxyTarget != address(0), "logic-proxy-address-required"); (bool isLogic, bool isDefault) = isLogicAuthorised(proxyTarget); require(isLogic, "logic-proxy-address-not-allowed"); bool enact = false; if (isAuth(msg.sender)) { enact = true; } else if (isManager(msg.sender) && !isDefault) { enact = true; } require(enact, "not-executable"); _; } }