const truffleAssert = require('truffle-assertions') const { assertRevert } = require('./helpers/general') const InstaRegistry = artifacts.require('InstaRegistry') contract('InstaRegistry', accounts => { let instaRegistry const user = accounts[0] beforeEach(async () => { instaRegistry = await{ from: user }) }) it('user should be owner and admin', async () => { const admin = await instaRegistry.getAddress('admin', { from: user }) assert.equal(admin, user, 'user is admin') }) it('only admin or owner should be able to set address', async () => { const result = await instaRegistry.setAddress('admin', accounts[2], { from: user }) expect(result.receipt.status).to.equal(true) truffleAssert.prettyPrintEmittedEvents(result) truffleAssert.eventEmitted( result, 'LogSetAddress', event => { return === 'admin' && event.addr === accounts[2] }, 'LogSetAddress should be emitted with correct parameters' ) }) it('revert when non-admin tries to set address', async () => { await assertRevert( instaRegistry.setAddress('admin', accounts[2], { from: user }) ) }) })