mirror of
synced 2024-07-29 22:08:07 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,18 +1,9 @@
pragma solidity ^0.5.7;
interface CTokenInterface {
function redeem(uint redeemTokens) external returns (uint);
function redeemUnderlying(uint redeemAmount) external returns (uint);
function borrow(uint borrowAmount) external returns (uint);
function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, uint repayAmount, address cTokenCollateral) external returns (uint);
function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, address cTokenCollateral) external payable;
function exchangeRateCurrent() external returns (uint);
function getCash() external view returns (uint);
function totalBorrowsCurrent() external returns (uint);
function borrowRatePerBlock() external view returns (uint);
function supplyRatePerBlock() external view returns (uint);
function totalReserves() external view returns (uint);
function reserveFactorMantissa() external view returns (uint);
function borrowBalanceCurrent(address account) external returns (uint);
function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);
@ -26,14 +17,12 @@ interface CTokenInterface {
interface CERC20Interface {
function mint(uint mintAmount) external returns (uint); // For ERC20
function repayBorrow(uint repayAmount) external returns (uint); // For ERC20
function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower, uint repayAmount) external returns (uint); // For ERC20
function borrowBalanceCurrent(address account) external returns (uint);
interface CETHInterface {
function mint() external payable; // For ETH
function repayBorrow() external payable; // For ETH
function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower) external payable; // For ETH
function borrowBalanceCurrent(address account) external returns (uint);
@ -47,7 +36,6 @@ interface ERC20Interface {
interface ComptrollerInterface {
function enterMarkets(address[] calldata cTokens) external returns (uint[] memory);
function exitMarket(address cTokenAddress) external returns (uint);
function getAssetsIn(address account) external view returns (address[] memory);
function getAccountLiquidity(address account) external view returns (uint, uint, uint);
@ -173,20 +161,6 @@ contract Helpers is DSMath {
contract CompoundHelper is Helpers {
* @dev get user's token supply and borrow in ETH
function compSupplyBorrow(address cTokenAdd, address user) public returns(uint supplyInEth, uint borrowInEth) {
CTokenInterface cTokenContract = CTokenInterface(cTokenAdd);
uint tokenPriceInEth = CompOracleInterface(getCompOracleAddress()).getUnderlyingPrice(cTokenAdd);
uint cTokenBal = sub(cTokenContract.balanceOf(user), 1);
uint cTokenExchangeRate = cTokenContract.exchangeRateCurrent();
uint tokenSupply = sub(wmul(cTokenBal, cTokenExchangeRate), 1);
supplyInEth = sub(wmul(tokenSupply, tokenPriceInEth), 10);
uint tokenBorrowed = cTokenContract.borrowBalanceCurrent(user);
borrowInEth = add(wmul(tokenBorrowed, tokenPriceInEth), 10);
* @dev get users overall details for Compound
@ -205,12 +179,53 @@ contract CompoundHelper is Helpers {
maxBorrow += wmul(supplyInEth, factor);
borrowRemain = sub(maxBorrow, totalBorrow);
maxWithdraw = wdiv(borrowRemain, 750000000000000000); // divide it by 0.75 (ETH Factor)
maxWithdraw = sub(wdiv(borrowRemain, 750000000000000000), 10); // divide it by 0.75 (ETH Factor)
uint userEthSupply = getEthSupply(user);
maxWithdraw = userEthSupply > maxWithdraw ? maxWithdraw : userEthSupply;
ratio = wdiv(totalBorrow, totalSupply);
* @dev get user's token supply and borrow in ETH
function compSupplyBorrow(address cTokenAdd, address user) internal returns(uint supplyInEth, uint borrowInEth) {
CTokenInterface cTokenContract = CTokenInterface(cTokenAdd);
uint tokenPriceInEth = CompOracleInterface(getCompOracleAddress()).getUnderlyingPrice(cTokenAdd);
uint cTokenBal = sub(cTokenContract.balanceOf(user), 1);
uint cTokenExchangeRate = cTokenContract.exchangeRateCurrent();
uint tokenSupply = sub(wmul(cTokenBal, cTokenExchangeRate), 1);
supplyInEth = sub(wmul(tokenSupply, tokenPriceInEth), 10);
uint tokenBorrowed = cTokenContract.borrowBalanceCurrent(user);
borrowInEth = add(wmul(tokenBorrowed, tokenPriceInEth), 10);
function getEthSupply(address user) internal returns (uint ethSupply) {
CTokenInterface cTokenContract = CTokenInterface(getCETHAddress());
uint cTokenBal = sub(cTokenContract.balanceOf(user), 1);
uint cTokenExchangeRate = cTokenContract.exchangeRateCurrent();
ethSupply = wmul(cTokenBal, cTokenExchangeRate);
function daiBorrowed(address user) internal returns (uint daiAmt) {
CTokenInterface cTokenContract = CTokenInterface(getCDAIAddress());
daiAmt = cTokenContract.borrowBalanceCurrent(user);
function getDaiRemainBorrow(uint daiInEth) internal view returns (uint daiAmt) {
uint tokenPriceInEth = CompOracleInterface(getCompOracleAddress()).getUnderlyingPrice(getCDAIAddress());
daiAmt = sub(wdiv(daiInEth, tokenPriceInEth), 10);
contract CompoundResolver is CompoundHelper {
event LogMint(address erc20, address cErc20, uint tokenAmt, address owner);
event LogRedeem(address erc20, address cErc20, uint tokenAmt, address owner);
event LogBorrow(address erc20, address cErc20, uint tokenAmt, address owner);
event LogRepay(address erc20, address cErc20, uint tokenAmt, address owner);
function getSave(
address user,
uint ethToFree,
@ -253,43 +268,15 @@ contract CompoundHelper is Helpers {
ethCol = add(getEthSupply(user), expectedETH);
function getEthSupply(address user) internal returns (uint ethSupply) {
CTokenInterface cTokenContract = CTokenInterface(getCETHAddress());
uint cTokenBal = sub(cTokenContract.balanceOf(user), 1);
uint cTokenExchangeRate = cTokenContract.exchangeRateCurrent();
ethSupply = wmul(cTokenBal, cTokenExchangeRate);
function daiBorrowed(address user) internal returns (uint daiAmt) {
CTokenInterface cTokenContract = CTokenInterface(getCDAIAddress());
daiAmt = cTokenContract.borrowBalanceCurrent(user);
function getDaiRemainBorrow(uint daiInEth) internal view returns (uint daiAmt) {
uint tokenPriceInEth = CompOracleInterface(getCompOracleAddress()).getUnderlyingPrice(getCDAIAddress());
daiAmt = sub(wdiv(daiInEth, tokenPriceInEth), 10);
contract CompoundResolver is CompoundHelper {
event LogMint(address erc20, address cErc20, uint tokenAmt, address owner);
event LogRedeem(address erc20, address cErc20, uint tokenAmt, address owner);
event LogBorrow(address erc20, address cErc20, uint tokenAmt, address owner);
event LogRepay(address erc20, address cErc20, uint tokenAmt, address owner);
* @dev Deposit ETH/ERC20 and mint Compound Tokens
function mintCEth(uint tokenAmt) internal {
CETHInterface cToken = CETHInterface(getAddressETH());
CETHInterface cToken = CETHInterface(getCETHAddress());
emit LogMint(
@ -315,7 +302,6 @@ contract CompoundResolver is CompoundHelper {
* @dev borrow ETH/ERC20
function borrow(uint tokenAmt) internal {
require(CTokenInterface(getCDAIAddress()).borrow(tokenAmt) == 0, "got collateral?");
emit LogBorrow(
@ -357,6 +343,8 @@ contract CompoundSave is CompoundResolver {
uint slippageAmt
) public
(,,,,uint maxWithdraw,) = getCompStats(address(this), ctokenAddr, ctokenFactor);
uint ethToSwap = ethToFree < maxWithdraw ? ethToFree : maxWithdraw;
@ -373,10 +361,13 @@ contract CompoundSave is CompoundResolver {
uint slippageAmt
) public
(,,,uint borrowRemain,,) = getCompStats(address(this), cTokenAddr, ctokenFactor);
uint daiToSwap = getDaiRemainBorrow(borrowRemain);
daiToSwap = daiToSwap < daiToBorrow ? daiToSwap : daiToBorrow;
setApproval(getAddressDAI(), daiToSwap, getAddressSplitSwap());
uint destAmt = SplitSwapInterface(getAddressSplitSwap()).daiToEthSwap(daiToSwap, splitAmt, slippageAmt);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user