mirror of
synced 2024-07-29 22:08:07 +00:00
Comp > Maker done vice versa in process
This commit is contained in:
@ -243,6 +243,36 @@ contract Helper is DSMath {
cup = bytes32(cdpNum);
struct CTokenData {
address cTokenAdd;
uint factor;
CTokenData[] public cTokenAddr;
function addCToken(address cToken, uint factor) public {
CTokenData memory setCToken = CTokenData(cToken, factor);
function getCompRatio(address user) public returns (uint totalSupply, uint totalBorrow, uint maxBorrow, uint ratio) {
for (uint i = 0; i < cTokenAddr.length; i++) {
CTokenInterface cTokenContract = CTokenInterface(cTokenAddr[i].cTokenAdd);
uint tokenPriceInEth = CompOracleInterface(getCompOracleAddress()).getUnderlyingPrice(cTokenAddr[i].cTokenAdd);
uint cTokenBal = cTokenContract.balanceOf(user);
uint cTokenExchangeRate = cTokenContract.exchangeRateCurrent();
uint tokenSupply = wmul(cTokenBal, cTokenExchangeRate);
uint supplyInEth = wmul(tokenSupply, tokenPriceInEth);
uint tokenBorrowed = cTokenContract.borrowBalanceCurrent(user);
uint borrowInEth = wmul(tokenBorrowed, tokenPriceInEth);
totalSupply += supplyInEth;
totalBorrow += borrowInEth;
maxBorrow += wmul(supplyInEth, cTokenAddr[i].factor);
ratio = wdiv(totalBorrow, totalSupply);
@ -261,6 +291,15 @@ contract MakerHelper is Helper {
function getMakerRatio(bytes32 cup, uint ethCol, uint daiDebt) internal view returns (uint ratio) {
(uint makerCol, uint makerDebt) = getCDPStats(cup);
makerCol += ethCol;
makerDebt += daiDebt;
uint usdPerEth = uint(MakerOracleInterface(getOracleAddress()).read());
uint makerColInUSD = wmul(makerCol, usdPerEth);
ratio = wdiv(makerDebt, makerColInUSD);
function getCDPStats(bytes32 cup) internal view returns (uint ethCol, uint daiDebt) {
TubInterface tub = TubInterface(getSaiTubAddress());
(, uint pethCol, uint debt,) = tub.cups(cup);
@ -344,7 +383,7 @@ contract MakerHelper is Helper {
function wipe(bytes32 cup, uint _wad) internal returns (uint daiAmt) {
function wipe(bytes32 cup, uint _wad, uint ethCol) internal returns (uint daiAmt) {
if (_wad > 0) {
TubInterface tub = TubInterface(getSaiTubAddress());
UniswapExchange daiEx = UniswapExchange(getUniswapDAIExchange());
@ -367,11 +406,14 @@ contract MakerHelper is Helper {
uint daiFeeAmt = daiEx.getTokenToEthOutputPrice(mkrEx.getEthToTokenOutputPrice(mkrFee));
daiAmt = add(_wad, daiFeeAmt);
// uint daiCompOracle = CompOracleInterface(getCompOracleAddress()).getUnderlyingPrice(getCDAIAddress()); // DAI in ETH
// uint debtInEth = wmul(daiAmt, daiCompOracle);
// (uint ethCol,) = getCDPStats(cup);
// uint ratio = wdiv(debtInEth, ethCol);
// require(ratio < 740000000000000000, "Ratio above 74%");
uint daiCompOracle = CompOracleInterface(getCompOracleAddress()).getUnderlyingPrice(getCDAIAddress()); // DAI in ETH
uint debtInEth = wmul(daiAmt, daiCompOracle);
if (ethCol == 0) {
(ethCol,) = getCDPStats(cup);
(uint totalSupply, uint totalBorrow, uint maxBorrow, uint ratio) = getCompRatio(address(this));
uint ratio = wdiv(debtInEth, ethCol);
require(ratio < 740000000000000000, "Ratio above 74%");
@ -399,7 +441,7 @@ contract MakerHelper is Helper {
function wipeAndFree(bytes32 cup, uint jam, uint _wad) internal returns (uint daiAmt) {
daiAmt = wipe(cup, _wad);
daiAmt = wipe(cup, _wad, 0);
free(cup, jam);
@ -418,50 +460,29 @@ contract MakerHelper is Helper {
contract CompoundHelper is MakerHelper {
struct CTokenData {
address cTokenAdd;
uint factor;
CTokenData[] public cTokenAddr;
event LogMint(address erc20, address cErc20, uint tokenAmt, address owner);
event LogRedeem(address erc20, address cErc20, uint tokenAmt, address owner);
event LogBorrow(address erc20, address cErc20, uint tokenAmt, address owner);
event LogRepay(address erc20, address cErc20, uint tokenAmt, address owner);
function getCompRatio() public returns (uint totalSupply, uint totalBorrow, uint ratio) {
for (uint i = 0; i < cTokenAddr.length; i++) {
CTokenInterface cTokenContract = CTokenInterface(cTokenAddr[i].cTokenAdd);
uint tokenPriceInEth = CompOracleInterface(getCompOracleAddress()).getUnderlyingPrice(cTokenAddr[i].cTokenAdd);
uint cTokenBal = cTokenContract.balanceOf(address(this));
uint cTokenExchangeRate = cTokenContract.exchangeRateCurrent();
uint tokenSupply = wmul(cTokenBal, cTokenExchangeRate);
uint supplyInEth = wmul(tokenSupply, tokenPriceInEth);
uint tokenBorrowed = cTokenContract.borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this));
uint borrowInEth = wmul(tokenBorrowed, tokenPriceInEth);
totalSupply += supplyInEth;
totalBorrow += borrowInEth;
ratio = wdiv(totalBorrow, totalSupply);
function getCompoundStats() internal returns (uint ethCol, uint daiDebt, bool isOk) {
function getCompoundStats(address user) public returns (uint ethCol, uint daiDebt, uint totalSupply, uint totalBorrow, uint maxBorrow, uint daiInEth) {
CTokenInterface cEthContract = CTokenInterface(getCETHAddress());
CERC20Interface cDaiContract = CERC20Interface(getCDAIAddress());
uint cEthBal = cEthContract.balanceOf(address(this));
uint cEthBal = cEthContract.balanceOf(user);
uint cEthExchangeRate = cEthContract.exchangeRateCurrent();
ethCol = wmul(cEthBal, cEthExchangeRate);
ethCol = wdiv(ethCol, cEthExchangeRate) <= cEthBal ? ethCol : ethCol - 1;
daiDebt = cDaiContract.borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this));
uint usdPerEth = uint(MakerOracleInterface(getOracleAddress()).read());
uint ethInUSD = wmul(ethCol, usdPerEth);
uint ratio = wdiv(daiDebt, ethInUSD);
if (ratio < 660000000000000000) {
isOk = true;
} else {
isOk = false;
daiDebt = cDaiContract.borrowBalanceCurrent(user);
daiInEth = CompOracleInterface(getCompOracleAddress()).getUnderlyingPrice(getCDAIAddress());
uint compRatio;
(totalSupply, totalBorrow, maxBorrow, compRatio) = getCompRatio(user);
uint ethColFree = wdiv(wmul(daiDebt, daiInEth), compRatio);
if (ethColFree > ethCol) {
ethColFree = ethCol;
daiDebt = wdiv(wmul(ethColFree, compRatio), daiInEth);
// uint usdPerEth = uint(MakerOracleInterface(getOracleAddress()).read());
// uint ethInUSD = wmul(ethCol, usdPerEth);
function enterMarket(address cErc20) internal {
@ -560,7 +581,7 @@ contract Bridge is CompoundHelper {
if (toConvert < 10**18) {
uint wipeAmt = wmul(daiDebt, toConvert);
ethFree = wmul(ethCol, toConvert);
daiAmt = wipe(cup, wipeAmt);
daiAmt = wipe(cup, wipeAmt, ethFree);
free(cup, ethFree);
} else {
daiAmt = shut(cup);
@ -579,19 +600,20 @@ contract Bridge is CompoundHelper {
if (cdpId == 0) {
cup = open();
(uint ethCol, uint daiDebt, bool isOk) = getCompoundStats();
require(isOk == true, "DAI Debt to ETH Col Ratio above 65%");
(uint ethCol, uint daiDebt,, uint totalBorrow, uint maxBorrow, uint daiInEth) = getCompoundStats(address(this));
uint ethFree = ethCol;
uint daiAmt = daiDebt;
if (toConvert < 10**18) {
daiAmt = wmul(daiDebt, toConvert);
ethFree = wmul(ethCol, toConvert);
} else {
uint makerFinalRatio = getMakerRatio(cup, ethFree, daiAmt);
require(makerFinalRatio < 660000000000000000, "Maker CDP will liquidate");
totalBorrow -= wmul(daiAmt, daiInEth);
maxBorrow -= wmul(ethFree, 750000000000000000);
require(totalBorrow < maxBorrow, "Compound position will liquidate");
lock(cup, ethFree);
draw(cup, daiAmt);
@ -608,6 +630,18 @@ contract InstaBridge is Bridge {
* 1...2...3 versioning in each subsequent deployments
constructor(uint _version) public {
addCToken(0x6C8c6b02E7b2BE14d4fA6022Dfd6d75921D90E4E, 600000000000000000);
addCToken(0xF5DCe57282A584D2746FaF1593d3121Fcac444dC, 750000000000000000);
addCToken(0x4Ddc2D193948926D02f9B1fE9e1daa0718270ED5, 750000000000000000);
addCToken(0x158079Ee67Fce2f58472A96584A73C7Ab9AC95c1, 500000000000000000);
addCToken(0x39AA39c021dfbaE8faC545936693aC917d5E7563, 750000000000000000);
addCToken(0xB3319f5D18Bc0D84dD1b4825Dcde5d5f7266d407, 600000000000000000);
// addCToken(0xEBf1A11532b93a529b5bC942B4bAA98647913002, 600000000000000000); // Rinkeby
// addCToken(0x6D7F0754FFeb405d23C51CE938289d4835bE3b14, 700000000000000000); // Rinkeby
// addCToken(0xd6801a1DfFCd0a410336Ef88DeF4320D6DF1883e, 800000000000000000); // Rinkeby
// addCToken(0xEBe09eB3411D18F4FF8D859e096C533CAC5c6B60, 400000000000000000); // Rinkeby
// addCToken(0x5B281A6DdA0B271e91ae35DE655Ad301C976edb1, 800000000000000000); // Rinkeby
// addCToken(0x52201ff1720134bBbBB2f6BC97Bf3715490EC19B, 600000000000000000); // Rinkeby
version = _version;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user