InstaDapp DeFi Smart Accounts subgraph
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Juan Manuel Rodriguez Defago 312fde1f26 Updated yarn lock
2020-07-22 16:40:41 -03:00
abis Added InstaEvents indexing, InstaList support of internal accountID 2020-06-03 12:01:36 -03:00
src Added metadata to connector events, dsa events and casts 2020-06-10 12:17:49 -03:00
.gitignore Initial commit with basic InstaIndex support 2020-05-20 17:31:12 -03:00
package.json Added instaAccount template and cast tracking 2020-05-26 18:48:45 -03:00 Added metadata to connector events, dsa events and casts 2020-06-10 12:17:49 -03:00
schema.graphql Added metadata to connector events, dsa events and casts 2020-06-10 12:17:49 -03:00
subgraph.yaml Changed ID of smart accounts from address to accountID 2020-06-03 18:05:32 -03:00
tsconfig.json Initial commit with basic InstaIndex support 2020-05-20 17:31:12 -03:00
yarn.lock Updated yarn lock 2020-07-22 16:40:41 -03:00

InstaDapp DeFi Smart Accounts

DeFi Smart Accounts (DSA) aim to make the DeFi ecosystem much more accessible to end users, by simplifying processes and unifying multiple DeFi platforms with a single account.

The goal of this subgraph is to make developers get an easier access to the DSA data, such as Smart Accounts, Account Modules, Connectors and more.

Below is a general description of the entities we store. We tried to make it as similar to the underlying structures of the DSA contracts, but also making it easier for GraphQL queries to link entities together so that some query optimizations could be done.


The SmartAccount entity holds the address and ID of the SmartAccount, the owner and creator address for that SmartAccount, as well as the AccountModule used as a template for the account (which also holds the connectors that the account has, since it was cloned from that module), the shield status, whether the current owner is enabled for authentication or not, and all the events both withing the account scope (modifications to the shield status, disabling and enabling of the owner, and casts), and events within the scope of connectors that the account interacted using casts.

type SmartAccount @entity {
  "The ID used for the SmartAccount entity is the accountID for that SmartAccount on the InstaList contract"
  id: ID!

  "Latest enabled owner"
  owner: User

  "Sender of the creation transaction"
  creator: User

  origin: Bytes!

  "AccountID as BigInt according to the InstaList contract"
  accountID: BigInt!

  "Address of the SmartAccount"
  address: Bytes!

  "Account module from which this account was created. It holds the connectors linked to this account."
  accountModule: AccountModule

  shield: Boolean

  "Whether the owner is currently enabled to use this account or not"
  isEnabled: Boolean!

  "Casts made by this smart account"
  casts: [Cast!]! @derivedFrom(field: "account")

  "Events that ocurred within this account scope"
  accountEvents: [SmartAccountEvent!]! @derivedFrom(field: "account")

  "Events triggered by this account withing a connectors' scope"
  connectorEvents: [ConnectorEvent!]! @derivedFrom(field: "account")


The InstaIndex is the main contract of the DSA ecosystem. It allows us to track AccountModule creation, SmartAccount creation, as well as changes to the master of said contract. We currently track an InstaIndex entity since we wanted to keep track of the InstaList contract address and the current master for the contract, as well as the AccountModules currently listed on the index.

type InstaIndex @entity {
  id: ID!

  "Address of the current master"
  master: Bytes

  instaListAddress: Bytes

  accountModules: [AccountModule!]! @derivedFrom(field: "instaIndex")


The AccountModule is basically a template used to clone SmartAccounts from. It has links to an InstaConnectors contract, which holds the connectors list for said account, as well as some other underlying data such as the check.

type AccountModule @entity {
  "ID is the account module version"
  id: ID!

  "Base address of the module"
  address: Bytes!

  "InstaConnectors contract linked to this module. It holds a list of linked connectors as well as chief/admin information for that contract."
  connectors: InstaConnector!

  check: Bytes

  instaIndex: InstaIndex!

  "List of all the accounts that used this module."
  accountsCloned: [SmartAccount!]! @derivedFrom(field: "accountModule")


InstaConnector entity tracks the InstaConnectors contract (name change was required, since a single entity should not be plural). We decided to keep this entity instead of just using a list of connectors on the AccountModule entity, so that we could still keep track of the chief/admin of the InstaConnectors contract.

type InstaConnector @entity {
  "Address of the InstaConnector contract. This contract has a list of connectors tracked."
  id: ID!

  chiefs: [Chief!]! @derivedFrom(field: "instaConnector")

  connectors: [Connector!]! @derivedFrom(field: "instaConnector")


Connectors are the part of the DSA ecosystem that allows SmartAccounts to interact with external DeFi platforms in a seamless manner. They are contracts specific for each platform but they all have some basic interface in common. We currently track as much generic data as possible, including the specific events for each connector, but stored as raw bytes in the ConnectorEvent entity.

type Connector @entity {
  "ID used for this entity includes the internal ID of the connector and it's type"
  id: ID!

  "Whether this connector is a Static Connector or not."
  isStatic: Boolean!

  "Whether this Connector is enabled or not."
  isEnabled: Boolean!

  "InstaConnectors contract where this Connector is linked"
  instaConnector: InstaConnector!

  "Connector name"
  name: String!

  "Connector ID within the InstaConnectors contract"
  connectorID: BigInt!

  "Connector type."
  connectorType: BigInt!

  "Address for said connector"
  address: Bytes!

  "ConnectorEvents that were triggered for this connector"
  events: [ConnectorEvent!]! @derivedFrom(field: "connector")


The user entity is just an ethereum address that created or owns one or multiple SmartAccounts.

type User @entity {
  id: ID!

  "List of all the smart accounts currently owned by this user"
  smartAccountsOwned: [SmartAccount!]! @derivedFrom(field:"owner")

  "List of all the smart accounts created by this user"
  smartAccountsCreated: [SmartAccount!]! @derivedFrom(field:"creator")


This entity represents a single connector-specific event, as emitted on the InstaEvents contract (raw bytes). It has an eventCode (keccak256 hash of the event signature), as well as the eventData bytes and links to both the SmartAccount that casted it and the Connector that triggered the event.

type ConnectorEvent @entity {
  id: ID!

  connector: Connector!

  account: SmartAccount!

  eventCode: Bytes!

  eventData: Bytes!

  tx_hash: String!

  block: BigInt!

  logIndex: BigInt!