2024-07-11 13:05:09 +00:00

278 lines
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
pragma solidity 0.8.21;
import { FluidOracle } from "../fluidOracle.sol";
import { FallbackOracleImpl } from "../implementations/fallbackOracleImpl.sol";
import { UniV3OracleImpl } from "../implementations/uniV3OracleImpl.sol";
import { ErrorTypes } from "../errorTypes.sol";
import { OracleUtils } from "../libraries/oracleUtils.sol";
/// @title UniswapV3 checked against Chainlink / Redstone Oracle. Either one reported as exchange rate.
/// @notice Gets the exchange rate between the underlying asset and the peg asset by using:
/// the price from a UniV3 pool (compared against 3 TWAPs) and (optionally) comparing it against a Chainlink
/// or Redstone price (one of Chainlink or Redstone being the main source and the other one the fallback source).
/// Alternatively it can also use Chainlink / Redstone as main price and use UniV3 as check price.
/// @dev The process for getting the aggregate oracle price is:
/// 1. Fetch the UniV3 TWAPS, the latest interval is used as the current price
/// 2. Verify this price is within an acceptable DELTA from the Uniswap TWAPS e.g.:
/// a. 240 to 60s
/// b. 60 to 15s
/// c. 15 to 1s (last block)
/// d. 1 to 0s (current)
/// 3. (unless UniV3 only mode): Verify this price is within an acceptable DELTA from the Chainlink / Redstone Oracle
/// 4. If it passes all checks, return the price. Otherwise use fallbacks, usually to Chainlink. In extreme edge-cases revert.
/// @dev For UniV3 with check mode, if fetching the check price fails, the UniV3 rate is used directly.
contract UniV3CheckCLRSOracle is FluidOracle, UniV3OracleImpl, FallbackOracleImpl {
/// @dev Rate check oracle delta percent in 1e2 percent. If current uniswap price is out of this delta,
/// current price fetching reverts.
uint256 internal immutable _RATE_CHECK_MAX_DELTA_PERCENT;
/// @dev which oracle to use as final rate source:
/// - 1 = UniV3 ONLY (no check),
/// - 2 = UniV3 with Chainlink / Redstone check
/// - 3 = Chainlink / Redstone with UniV3 used as check.
uint8 internal immutable _RATE_SOURCE;
struct UniV3CheckCLRSConstructorParams {
/// @param uniV3Params UniV3Oracle constructor params struct.
UniV3ConstructorParams uniV3Params;
/// @param chainlinkParams ChainlinkOracle constructor params struct for UniV3CheckCLRSOracle.
ChainlinkConstructorParams chainlinkParams;
/// @param redstoneOracle Redstone Oracle data for UniV3CheckCLRSOracle. (address can be set to zero address if using Chainlink only)
RedstoneOracleData redstoneOracle;
/// @param rateSource which oracle to use as final rate source for UniV3CheckCLRSOracle:
/// - 1 = UniV3 ONLY (no check),
/// - 2 = UniV3 with Chainlink / Redstone check
/// - 3 = Chainlink / Redstone with UniV3 used as check.
uint8 rateSource;
/// @param fallbackMainSource which oracle to use as CL/RS main source for UniV3CheckCLRSOracle: see FallbackOracleImpl constructor `mainSource_`
uint8 fallbackMainSource;
/// @param rateCheckMaxDeltaPercent Rate check oracle delta in 1e2 percent for UniV3CheckCLRSOracle
uint256 rateCheckMaxDeltaPercent;
string memory infoName_,
UniV3CheckCLRSConstructorParams memory params_
FallbackOracleImpl(params_.fallbackMainSource, params_.chainlinkParams, params_.redstoneOracle)
if (
params_.rateSource < 1 ||
params_.rateSource > 3 ||
params_.rateCheckMaxDeltaPercent > OracleUtils.HUNDRED_PERCENT_DELTA_SCALER ||
// Chainlink only Oracle with UniV3 check. Delta would be ignored so revert this type of Oracle setup.
(params_.fallbackMainSource == 1 && params_.rateSource == 3)
) {
revert FluidOracleError(ErrorTypes.UniV3CheckCLRSOracle__InvalidParams);
_RATE_CHECK_MAX_DELTA_PERCENT = params_.rateCheckMaxDeltaPercent;
_RATE_SOURCE = params_.rateSource;
/// @inheritdoc FluidOracle
function getExchangeRateOperate() public view virtual override returns (uint256 exchangeRate_) {
return _getExchangeRate();
/// @inheritdoc FluidOracle
function getExchangeRateLiquidate() public view virtual override returns (uint256 exchangeRate_) {
return _getExchangeRate();
/// @inheritdoc FluidOracle
function getExchangeRate() public view virtual override returns (uint256 exchangeRate_) {
return _getExchangeRate();
/// @notice returns all oracle related data as utility for easy off-chain / block explorer use in a single view method
function uniV3CheckOracleData()
returns (uint256 rateCheckMaxDelta_, uint256 rateSource_, uint256 fallbackMainSource_)
function _getExchangeRate() internal view returns (uint256 exchangeRate_) {
if (_RATE_SOURCE == 1) {
// uniswap is the only main source without check:
// 1. get uniV3 rate.
// 2. If that fails (outside delta range) -> revert (no other Oracle configured).
exchangeRate_ = _getUniV3ExchangeRate();
if (exchangeRate_ == 0) {
// fetching UniV3 failed or invalid delta -> revert
revert FluidOracleError(ErrorTypes.UniV3CheckCLRSOracle__ExchangeRateZero);
return exchangeRate_;
uint256 checkRate_;
bool fallback_;
if (_RATE_SOURCE == 2) {
// uniswap is main source, with Chainlink / Redstone as check
// 1. get uniV3 rate
// case uniV3 rate fails (outside delta range):
// 2. get Chainlink rate. -> if successful, use Chainlink as result
// 3. if Chainlink fails too, get Redstone -> if successful, use Redstone as result
// 4. if Redstone fails too, revert
// case if uniV3 rate is ok
// 2. get Chainlink or Redstone rate for check (one is configured as main check source, other one is fallback source)
// -> if both fail to fetch, use uniV3 rate directly.
// 3. check the delta for uniV3 rate against the check soure rate. -> if ok, return uniV3 rate
// 4. if delta check fails, check delta against the fallback check source. -> if ok, return uniV3 rate
// 5. if delta check fails for both sources, return Chainlink price
exchangeRate_ = _getUniV3ExchangeRate();
if (exchangeRate_ == 0) {
// uniV3 failed or invalid delta -> use (Chainlink with Redstone as fallback)
exchangeRate_ = _getChainlinkOrRedstoneAsFallback();
if (exchangeRate_ == 0) {
// Chainlink / Redstone failed too -> revert
revert FluidOracleError(ErrorTypes.UniV3CheckCLRSOracle__ExchangeRateZero);
return exchangeRate_;
(checkRate_, fallback_) = _getRateWithFallback();
if (checkRate_ == 0) {
// check price source failed to fetch -> directly use uniV3 TWAP checked price
// Note uniV3 price fetching was successful, would have been caught otherwise above.
return exchangeRate_;
} else {
// Chainlink / Redstone is main source, with uniV3 as check.
// 1. get Chainlink / Redstone rate (one is configured as main source, other one is fallback source)
// case when both Chainlink & Redstone fail:
// 2. get uniV3 rate. if successful, use uniV3 rate. otherwise, revert (all oracles failed).
// case when Chainlink / Redstone fetch is successful:
// 2. get uniV3 rate for check.
// 3. if uniV3 rate fails to fetch (outside delta), use Chainlink / Redstone directly (skip check).
// 4. if uniV3 rate is ok, check the delta for Chainlink / Redstone rate against uniV3 rate.
// -> if ok, return Chainlink / Redstone (main) rate
// 5. if delta check fails, check delta against the fallback main source.
// -> if ok, return fallback main rate
// 6. if delta check fails for both sources, return Chainlink price.
(exchangeRate_, fallback_) = _getRateWithFallback();
checkRate_ = _getUniV3ExchangeRate();
if (exchangeRate_ == 0) {
if (checkRate_ == 0) {
// all oracles failed, revert
revert FluidOracleError(ErrorTypes.UniV3CheckCLRSOracle__ExchangeRateZero);
// Both Chainlink & Redstone failed -> directly use uniV3 TWAP checked price
// Note uniV3 price fetching was successful, would have been caught otherwise above.
return checkRate_;
if (checkRate_ == 0) {
// uniV3 failed -> skip check against Uniswap price.
return exchangeRate_;
if (OracleUtils.isRateOutsideDelta(exchangeRate_, checkRate_, _RATE_CHECK_MAX_DELTA_PERCENT)) {
if (fallback_) {
// fallback already used, no other rate available to check.
// if price is chainlink price -> return it.
// redstone with Chainlink as fallback
return _RATE_SOURCE == 2 ? checkRate_ : exchangeRate_; // if rate source is 2, Chainlink rate is in checkRate_
// if price is redstone price -> revert
revert FluidOracleError(ErrorTypes.UniV3CheckCLRSOracle__InvalidPrice);
// 1 = only chainlink and UniV3 is configured and delta check failed. no fallback available.
if (_RATE_SOURCE == 2) {
// case where uniV3 is main source with only Chainlink as check rate Oracle configured.
// delta check failed -> return Chainlink price (instead of uniV3 price).
return checkRate_;
// here: if (_FALLBACK_ORACLE_MAIN_SOURCE == 1 && _RATE_SOURCE == 3)
// rate source is 3: Chainlink as main, uniV3 as delta. delta check failed.
// this Oracle type would basically be a more expensive Chainlink-only Oracle because the delta check against UniV3 is ignored.
// this setup is reverted in constructor, but in any case returning Chainlink price here even though this code should never be reached.
return exchangeRate_; // exchangeRate_ here is chainlink price
// fallback not done yet -> check against fallback price.
// So if originally Chainlink was fetched and delta failed, check against Redstone.
// if originally Redstone was fetched and delta failed, check against Chainlink.
// 2 = Chainlink with Redstone Fallback. delta check against Chainlink failed. try against Redstone.
uint256 redstoneRate_ = _getRedstoneExchangeRate();
uint256 chainlinkRate_;
if (_RATE_SOURCE == 2) {
// uniV3 main source. -> update checkRate_ with Redstone price
chainlinkRate_ = checkRate_;
checkRate_ = redstoneRate_;
} else {
// uniV3 is check source. -> update exchangeRate_ with Redstone price
chainlinkRate_ = exchangeRate_;
exchangeRate_ = redstoneRate_;
if (redstoneRate_ == 0) {
// fetching Redstone failed. So delta UniV3 <> Chainlink failed, fetching Redstone as backup failed.
// -> return chainlink price (for both cases when Chainlink is main and when UniV3 is the main source).
return chainlinkRate_;
if (OracleUtils.isRateOutsideDelta(exchangeRate_, checkRate_, _RATE_CHECK_MAX_DELTA_PERCENT)) {
// delta check against Redstone failed too. return Chainlink price
return chainlinkRate_;
// delta check against Redstone passed. if uniV3 main source -> return uniV3, else return Redstone.
// exchangeRate_ is already set correctly for this.
} else {
// 3 = Redstone with Chainlink Fallback. delta check against Redstone failed. try against Chainlink.
uint256 chainlinkRate_ = _getChainlinkExchangeRate();
if (chainlinkRate_ == 0) {
// fetching Chainlink failed. So delta UniV3 <> Redstone failed, fetching Chainlink as backup check failed.
// -> revert.
revert FluidOracleError(ErrorTypes.UniV3CheckCLRSOracle__InvalidPrice);
if (_RATE_SOURCE == 3) {
// uniV3 is check source. -> update exchangeRate_ with Chainlink price.
// Optimization: in this case we can directly return chainlink price, because if delta check between
// Chainlink (new main source) and uniV3 (check source) fails, we anyway return Chainlink price still.
return chainlinkRate_;
// uniV3 main source. -> update checkRate_ with Chainlink price and compare delta again
checkRate_ = chainlinkRate_;
if (OracleUtils.isRateOutsideDelta(exchangeRate_, checkRate_, _RATE_CHECK_MAX_DELTA_PERCENT)) {
// delta check against Chainlink failed too. case here can only be where uniV3 would have been
// main source and Chainlink check source. -> return Chainlink as price instead of uniV3
return checkRate_;
// delta check against Chainlink passed. if uniV3 main source -> return uniV3, else return Chainlink.
// exchangeRate_ is already set correctly for this.