2024-07-11 13:05:09 +00:00

75 lines
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: BUSL-1.1
pragma solidity 0.8.21;
import { ErrorTypes } from "../errorTypes.sol";
import { IRedstoneOracle } from "../interfaces/external/IRedstoneOracle.sol";
import { Error as OracleError } from "../error.sol";
import { OracleUtils } from "../libraries/oracleUtils.sol";
import { RedstoneStructs } from "./structs.sol";
// @dev Exact same contract as RedstoneOracleImpl, just with all vars, immutables etc. renamed with a "2" to avoid
// conflicts when RedstoneOracleImpl would have to be inherited twice.
/// @title Redstone Oracle implementation
/// @notice This contract is used to get the exchange rate from a Redstone Oracle
abstract contract RedstoneOracleImpl2 is OracleError, RedstoneStructs {
/// @notice Redstone price oracle to check for the exchange rate
IRedstoneOracle internal immutable _REDSTONE2_ORACLE;
/// @notice Flag to invert the price or not (to e.g. for WETH/USDC pool return prive of USDC per 1 WETH)
bool internal immutable _REDSTONE2_INVERT_RATE;
/// @notice constant value for price scaling to reduce gas usage
uint256 internal immutable _REDSTONE2_PRICE_SCALER_MULTIPLIER;
/// @notice constant value for inverting price to reduce gas usage
uint256 internal immutable _REDSTONE2_INVERT_PRICE_DIVIDEND;
address internal immutable _REDSTONE2_ORACLE_NOT_SET_ADDRESS = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD;
/// @notice constructor sets the Redstone oracle data
constructor(RedstoneOracleData memory oracleData_) {
if (address(oracleData_.oracle) == address(0) || oracleData_.token0Decimals == 0) {
revert FluidOracleError(ErrorTypes.RedstoneOracle__InvalidParams);
_REDSTONE2_ORACLE = oracleData_.oracle;
_REDSTONE2_INVERT_RATE = oracleData_.invertRate;
// for explanation on how to get to scaler multiplier and dividend see `chainlinkOracleImpl.sol`.
// no support for token1Decimals with more than OracleUtils.RATE_OUTPUT_DECIMALS decimals for now as extremely unlikely case
? 1
: 10 ** (OracleUtils.RATE_OUTPUT_DECIMALS - oracleData_.token0Decimals);
? 1
: 10 ** (OracleUtils.RATE_OUTPUT_DECIMALS + oracleData_.token0Decimals);
/// @dev Get the exchange rate from Redstone oracle
/// @param rate_ The exchange rate in `OracleUtils.RATE_OUTPUT_DECIMALS`
function _getRedstoneExchangeRate2() internal view returns (uint256 rate_) {
try _REDSTONE2_ORACLE.getExchangeRate() returns (uint256 exchangeRate_) {
// invert the price
return _REDSTONE2_INVERT_PRICE_DIVIDEND / exchangeRate_;
} else {
} catch {
return 0;
/// @notice returns all Redstone oracle related data as utility for easy off-chain use / block explorer in a single view method
function redstoneOracleData2()
returns (uint256 redstoneExchangeRate_, IRedstoneOracle redstoneOracle_, bool redstoneInvertRate_)
return (
address(_REDSTONE2_ORACLE) == _REDSTONE2_ORACLE_NOT_SET_ADDRESS ? 0 : _getRedstoneExchangeRate2(),